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Dutchess_III's avatar

Is this photo shopped?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) June 15th, 2016

The “One City Under God” on the police car.

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23 Answers

Dutchess_III's avatar

Hey! First post using my phone!

Zaku's avatar

It seems to be fairly low-resolution and low-quality compression and I didn’t see any clear sign of editing that I (a non-expert) can see.

I did search up a ton of Atlanta police car images and didn’t find any with that slogan.

But when I searched for
atlanta police “one city under god”
although I found no images, I did find a Facebook comment from someone:

“Guy Driskell I like that Kendall County patrol cars. Here in my town of Atlanta Texas our cars have “One City Under God” on them.”

stanleybmanly's avatar

So there’s an Atlanta Texas?

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

It’s real. Most of them around here actually have “in God we trust”

Zaku's avatar

Apparently so, with about 5,000–6000 people in it.

ragingloli's avatar

Looks real to me. No visible artifacting, the curve looks accurate, font matches the “12”
Times like this, it is a shame that vandalism is illegal.

ibstubro's avatar

It appears photo-shopped to me. The resolution seems, higher, crisper.

God doesn’t make an appearance on their 2008 Dodge Charger—Rear.

ibstubro's avatar


Did you get that from the Atlanta Police Facebook page? Because it’s there, along with this, this, and this.

Appears to be an actual photo of one of their two vehicles, and a controversial statement. As it should be.

Dutchess_III's avatar

That’s just wrong.

ibstubro's avatar

My guess is that the cops had the picture taken and posted when the decals were complete, and the lack of age made them appear crisper than the rest of the photo, @Dutchess_III.

And I agree with you, 100%, that it’s totally misguided for law enforcement to carry an explicit religious or political a message expressing the superiority faction of a diverse group that could alienate any law abiding member of the community.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Do you want it to be shopped? If it isn’t are you going down there outraged and demand they stop doing it? Why not see it as “In God we trust” on the money and pay it no mind?

Or just assume they meant Molec, Baal, Zeus, Ra or one of those others, and let your mind be at ease.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Atlanta police cars don’t have Texas license plates.

This is clearly a fake.

ibstubro's avatar

^^ GA does not have copyright on the name Atlanta(disambiguation).

stanleybmanly's avatar

@elbanditoroso There is an Atlanta Texas. I checked

ibstubro's avatar

And, @stanleybmanly, they have a Facebook page.

Although not a Facebook user myself, I can play one on Fluther.

stanleybmanly's avatar

So you believe the picture IS photo shopped?

ibstubro's avatar

No, @stanleybmanly.

Follow the links I posted above, or go to the Facebook page of the Atlanta, Texas police department.
I believe the picture in the OP was taken from there.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Thanks. My bad for not really reading all of the answers nor accessing the links. The issue raises an interesting thought worthy of a question.

ibstubro's avatar

It would be tempting to vandalize the cop car in order to see the case taken to court if this was in America, @stanleybmanly.

Unfortunately, this Cruzer is in Texas.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I like the power of the example below it of “In Allah We Trust”

Zaku's avatar

“In goddesses we trust”...
“In Minerva we trust”...
“In Isis we trust”...

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m sure it will all change soon, @Hypocrisy_Central. They’ll get back to the original pledge of alligence before they added “under God,” in 1954.
This isn’t a “Christian” nation. People came here originally to escape religious persecution. This country is founded on that kind of freedom and it’s not just freedom for Christians.

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