Meta Question

Strauss's avatar

Why am I getting an "Internal Server Error" when I'm accessing Fluther on my laptop?

Asked by Strauss (23886points) June 15th, 2016 from iPhone

Over the past couple days, I have encountered this. The first time I thought it was a normal random anomaly, the kind you see normally around the interwebs. But it’s happening consistently. I pull up Fluther, click on a link, and it may or may not go to the link. It may just give me the “Internal Server” message. I thought that error came from Fluther’s servers. Am I correct?

It’s an older laptop running Vista, using Google for the browser. Any ideas?

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42 Answers

Mariah's avatar

It’s not just you. See every other recent meta question from lately. We are having server problems.

Strauss's avatar

I don’t get the errors on my phone. Is that typical?

Coloma's avatar

@Yetanotheruser It’s been mess for the last 2 days now and some say that their phone connections work work fine but I too am using an older laptop running Vista and Firefox and it is unbearably slow with a lot of the server error blank outs. It is hit and miss, mostly miss. haha

Stinley's avatar

The mobile version seems to be working OK to view but I’m not sure about asking questions. So if you can tolerate the giant font, try clicking here

Mimishu1995's avatar

Seems like the site has slowly gone back to normal. Not as fast as usual but at least no 505 error.

jca's avatar

I still got error messages as of last night (12 hours ago, Wednesday night). So far this morning, Thursday morning, it seems ok.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Strange on my android tablet it seems OK, but stupid slow on my Mac lap top.

ibstubro's avatar

There are, like, five hundred thousand meta questions about this already!

Okay, then, 4. But it’s HUUUUUUGE!

Jaxk's avatar

This server is, once again, virtually unusable. Too bad, I rather enjoyed participating.

ibstubro's avatar

Does everyone know that we can use the mobile app from desktop?

Less convenient, but, ultimately, what’s your goal? Participation or bitching?

I know, I know. We all want to participate by bitching.

Jaxk's avatar

I have no idea how to do that and I’m reluctant to turn my desktop into a mobile phone. So that leaves bitching.

ibstubro's avatar

Although I always say “Do what you do best!”, @Jaxk, I researched your dilemma and found that @Stinley showed me the Light above.

Coloma's avatar

Thurs. 6–16, still getting the server error and unable to give any GA’s. It took me 5 tries and about 10 minutes to actually post a response this morning. All the roads remain washed out to Fluther town.

johnpowell's avatar

@Mariah :: Have you run HTOP on the servers? How are the CPU’s holding up? If pegged I would start disabling things like Questions and Activity for you. Also Chat in the sidebar and the Community Feed. That shit is computationally expensive and not all that necessary in a time of crisis.

longgone's avatar

So…we’ve found (part of) the problem: It looks like we’re suddenly getting tons of traffic from different search engines, more than we can handle. We don’t know why. Our techies have blocked the search engine requests, but it will take another twenty hours or so for that to work – if it works at all. So…check in on June 18th, around noon (PDT). We are not dead yet.

Jaxk's avatar

Things seem to be working much better now. Good work and thanks for your diligence.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, things are better this morning but I still am unable to give any GA’s, the click has no flick. lol

Strauss's avatar

No click flick for that @Coloma chick?

Coloma's avatar

Hey..I clicked and it flicked! lol

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Not totally back to full speed here, but a LOT better.

Mariah's avatar

Awesome. Blocking the search engines must have helped. Thanks for your patience everybody.

Strauss's avatar

A LOT better. Thanks for your attention to this.

Coloma's avatar

Has anyone else noticed that now, instead of just showing the number of GA’s per reply it says “points”?

ibstubro's avatar

Even if the GA appears to not be working? It might be registered and not updated on your screen.
I clicked a bunch of no-show GAs, then refreshed, and they all popped up.
I think a lot of the stuff was working, just not registering immediately on screen.

Coloma's avatar

Okay…just got an instant result on my GA. haha

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I am enjoying the thin & slim mobile Fluther on my 26” monitor.

It’s like a pretzel stick.

flo's avatar

Yesterday June 16, Chrome ad asking to be downloaded was covering someone’s answer. There was no x at the corner to remove it. I wasn’t able to post an answer or an OP, There was lots Internl error etc. since 14, Today at least I can post an answer, and I haven’t seen Interanl error yet.
I still can’t post an OP though.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

@flo Are you logged in? The site is very different if you log in.

flo's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay Since the 14th (is that when the problem started or the 13th?) I was logged in most of the time.

flo's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay I guess you’re referring to the ads when you’re we’re not logged in? . But I never saw an ad blocking an answer even when logged out.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

@flo Yes, I was referring to the ads. And I see you already tested for that, it’s not the problem.

Coloma's avatar

It’s still pretty slow but much improved from the last few days.
it is 4 pm sharp here in not so sunny CA.

flo's avatar

What’s the update about posting questions and posting on chat? Although I never see anyone chatting there, just so and so “entered the room” and so and so “left the room.” I must be missing something about that.
@Coloma I am not finding it slow today I mean nothing to speak of.

flo's avatar

Today June 18, it’s slower than yesterday.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Here in western Canada it’s still not up to full speed but getting better.

longgone's avatar

Yes, things are still far from perfect. We may actually be completely down again soon, the techies are tweaking some things. However, some good news for a change: Ben is looking into some real updates, so when things get better, they should get much better.

Coloma's avatar

Yay…the healing crisis commences. Things have to get worse before they get better but now we know it’s not a terminal condition so hope floats. lol

ibstubro's avatar

Let us know so we can start bitching about all the changes, @longgone! ~ ~

Stinley's avatar

Also please do check out the Facebook page and bookmark it so that if the site is down then at least you can look there and read what’s going on. No login or participation required. Here is the full address:

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