[NSFW] Do you think this business idea viable?
CAUTION: If you’re against consensual prostitution, or massages that include sexual activities then you’re advised to stop read further. Otherwise, feel free to continue reading.
I have been thinking about opening a massage parlor but the one that offer that kind of ‘extra’ service, in this case, only oral sex will be offered. The big problem here is that prostitution is illegal but free sex is not. With that in mind, I have designed some way to make this business viable and free from law’s intrusion but I’m not sure whether or not it can be applied/effective so I need to hear your opinions.
Here are my solutions:
- All masseuses are of legal age
- Employed masseuses are those who willing to perform oral sex
- All masseuses will be made to sign a contract that state “You commit working activities according to business SOP. If you commit illegal activities or activities that are outside the business SOP then the business establishment will not be responsible for any of your acts”. The SOP does not state performance of any kind of sexual activities.
- Outside the business the masseuses will be told that if they perform oral sex to customers at their own will then there will be bonus for them. Bonus here will be treated as gifts that will be sent to employees’ house, it won’t be treated as bonus in business operation so the business establishment won’t be seen as encouraging/compensating employees to commit prostitution.
- Normal massages will be provided, and if the customers imply that they wish to apply for massage with ‘extra’ service then there will be two steps taken in this case. First, the customer must agree to show his ID card to ensure that he’s not from law enforcement department (he’ll just be told that this is only an administrative procedure). Second, the said customer must agree to sign a contract that state “You will not blame the establishment for any activities that you commit at your own will in this establishment. The business establishment won’t be responsible for any acts happened to you for activities that aren’t part of the business SOP”. The customer can then pick the masseuse and will be delivered to special massage room. This way, the customer and masseuse will be seen as committing free sex instead of prostitution provided by the business establishment. Inside the establishment the business establishment will make itself seen as unconnected to prostitution activities, yet the customers will be made to acknowledge the ‘extra’ services through mouth-to-mouth advertisement.
Those are some of my precautions, if I miss any important step I’ll be glad to hear what you can offer. Opinions from business’ view point will be highly appreciated.
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18 Answers
Once enhanced services are requested how does the money get to the business establishment owner? Does the customer leave a present?.
Yeah..and they will sign contract for you to have extra service..you’re genius!!
It’s hardly original and usually the proprietors of these businesses do not make grand announcements about them on social media.
All the signatures and disclaimers mean nothing. You will still be arrested for operating a house of prostitution. And the disclaimers will not stand up in court because any contract that is signed, that calls for illegal activity, is automatically null and void. That’s basic contract law – an illegal activity automatically voids the contract.
It’s an interesting approach and I do support legalization of prostitution. But under current laws… your approach will not work.
It can (and would be) argued in court that your “employment” guideline, while not explicitly mentioning sex, is a condition of employment that is really a form of human trafficking.
And if the authorities were willing to take a blind eye to the sex working aspect of the operation, the IRS would still be all over you like cheap suit for compensation in the form of “gifts” sent to the home.
I will state that I have no problem with prostitution.
But you need a real lawyer before attempting this. I can think of about 10 ways you can end up in prison if you were to actually do this.
There is a reason the Uber of blow-jobs doesn’t have VC money yet. I am fairly certain it has been pitched.
@LuckyGuy The customer must pay first before purchasing the service, the money will be treated the same way as money that derived from normal massages, thus no differentiation is made when the money is delivered to the owner. It’s up to the customer whether or not he wants to leave a present, the establishment will treat it as optional tip.
@imrainmaker Are you being sarcastic? I don’t see what could be wrong with that. That needs to be done to protect the business existence so it can keep on delivering this kind of service. Customers information and contracts will be kept confidential.
@Cruiser Yes, but seeing that we can afford for anonymity in internet and that we live in a big world it should comes as no surprise.
@elbanditoroso Yes, that is what written in law. The point the business tries to convey is that it simply operates normal massage services, what happen behind the closed door between the customer and the masseuse is not part of the establishment responsibility so long as it’s not against the establishment’s SOP. Providing oral sex is not part of a restaurant’s SOP but when a waitress decided to perform it secretly on a customer on the business establishment then it will simply be treated as free sex instead of prostitution provided by the establishment. The contract signed between the establishment and customer/masseuse is try to project that each parties are responsible for their own actions during business operation, while cleverly masking what’s actually behind the business.
@zenvelo Surely we can agree that prostitutes can frequent any particular area they want and it won’t make that particular area be condemned by law as providing prostitution services. I imagine that if a regular group of prostitutes frequent a bar to offer their services then of course the establishment wouldn’t be held responsible as a business that provides a ground for prostitution. Prostitution is quite common in a bar but the law does not condemn the establishment. I’m quite sure that we are allowed to give gifts to anyone we wants witout any particular reason.
@johnpowell I am aware that there are some massage parlors providing this kind of service (or even more) yet they are still standing until these days. My business establishment aims to compete in a safer way after judging this opportunity and trying to make use of the law’s weaknesses.
@Unofficial_Member Somyou take in a bit of an extra service surcharge, which gets recorded as income for your business. But then your business gives out “gifts” to employees? Gifts which you cannot deduct from your income?
You will have a tax mess. And the IRS doesn’t like people who are coy about giving “gifts” that are not taxable.
And, a bar that provides premises for prostitution (like an upstairs room) gets shut down.
Wow, people are actually sticking close to the disclaimer….guess they can follow them when they want to.
I think the first move I would make of I were you and attempting this, would to have the workers as independent contractors. That way they are not employees of yours, they handle their own money tax wise. Second is the rate they charge (and they are essentially their own boss) would include their ”bonus services”. However, the bonus can be an “add on” and handled how the masseuse wants to do it. If they have access to the Net from their private room via their phone or laptop, etc., the customer can simply pay the masseuse by way of Paypal, or some bank transfer, they can even pay for their extras by way of product of equal value (no different than dating). There need be no actual money passed while under your roof, so if anyone tries to say the cash was for said act(s), it would be hard to say of those acts were paid for or if the masseuse and the client just had a moment of ”chemistry” and decided to trip the light fantastic totally for their own enjoyment; they are their own boss, they are just paying you for use of the facility.
I could see something like a “girlfriend club” where patrons gifted their “significant others” with no sexual favors only being implied but not required. I think that might be difficult to prosecute, but I’m not a Lawyer, and if you take my fake legal advice, you’re an idiot and deserve the consequences.
Be careful about “escorts” without sex; a Texas jury acquitted a man for killing an escort who wouldn’t have sex with him, she was supposedly “just to accompany” him.
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@zenvelo The income derived from extra services need to be recorded as in accordance to book keeping requirement for the business, I’ll risk getting audited if I omit this source of taxable income since it’s part of business operation that’s hard to conceal. I believe that based on the law any fund imparted to individuals not intended as capital investment or employees’ benefits as part of the business operation will need not be included in tax (I believe I can make it be recorded as owner’s personal drawings from the business after paying taxes. There’s no need to specify to whom the gifts will be given, the same like gifts to family member). In this case, I think I can be charged only for income tax and avoid bonus/gifts tax in a way.
@Hypocrisy_Central That’s a good idea, except that if ‘my employees’ could have managed such things and have reached a self-profitable status then surely they will not want to share any of their earnings with me, preferring to cater their own services in their own place.
@gorillapaws Actually that kind of establishment is very popular in Japan but I doubt it’ll attract customers outside of Japan. Beside, the business establishment won’t have additional/unique value if the extra service is carried out outside the business premises.
^ That’s a good idea, except that if ‘my employees’ could have managed such things and have reached a self-profitable status then surely they will not want to share any of their earnings with me, preferring to cater their own services in their own place.
The devil is always in the details. If you have built into the rental price they have to use your facility, say X amount of clients at X amount for the ’bonus service”, that is what the masseuse pays you. When she and the client get together she might have X price for a regular rub down, and X price for the special. With the price built in, there is no money passed like at the end she says ”OK a BJ is this much, a BJ to finish is this much, a BJ to finish and swallowing is this much”, etc. She can flirt hard but never say she will do anything, and of the client picks up on it (with all the more than obvious hints she will give him) the act takes place but by all appearances is free, no different than if I buy dinner and a show for a woman I know I will boink later if that is what gets her in the mood, there was never anything said that for the meal and she show it is a trade for a romp in the sheets, but it happens every day, even as we speak
You live in Malaysia or somewhere like that, though, dont you?
Prostitution is legal here. Paying a prostitute is illegal. The world is totally messed up, too many politicians. Time to thin the herd.
@Hypocrisy_Central Sleeping with a guy after a date is so exactly like hiring a prostitute. NOT.
If you ever get this off the ground let me know where I would apply for a position.
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