If you woke up tomorrow morning as a member of the opposite sex, what is the first thing you would do?
Asked by
rojo (
June 24th, 2016
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30 Answers
Use my gigantic man muscles, after I play with my fire hose.
Earn 33% more for the same work. * rimshot *
Play with my tits, like all fucking day long
Tell my girlfriend I hope we can still be friends, or maybe buy a bra.
I’d find something to complain about it, again, and again, and again.
I would suddenly have only two emotions: Angry and Not Angry.
Oh, have sex with a woman, of course (I do that now, but it would be different with a penis).
The first thing I would do is roll over and check to see if my wife woke up with guy stuff and if so find out what all the excitement has been all these years.
LOL! That would be a trip, you know @Cruiser? Wow. Seriously.
Now I’m tempted to ask a semi serious question along the lines of, “If you woke up in the morning and you and your SO had changed sexes during the night, and decided to make love to check it out, what do you think might surprise you?” But I won’t. But someone here will! Won’t you?
Because I don’t want to be a woman!
But it’s nothing to cry about! You just have to go to bed again that night, and you wake up as a man again. See.
Oh, well, I didn’t know it was a 24 hour bug.
You should have told me that the night before!
So are you still crying, or are you curious, at least for the next 24 hours??
I just found out about the 24 hr thing. I’ll take two aspirins. Call me in the morning.
So, you think being a woman means, “I have a headache. Get your hands off me!” :D! (I still go for the “I’m on my period,” myself. Even if I just had my period a week ago, it still works.)
I would jump with joy that from now I shouldn’t wear a bra, shaven hair wherever possible, worry because I am fat and have the moustache.
I guess I would write my name in the snow.
Hey! I can write my name in the snow! It’s kinda messy, but I can do it.
Thanks for this question. It put me in smartass mode; I’d check out my boobs. LMAO.
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