Has Facebook finally "jumped the shark"?
Asked by
June 25th, 2016
Yarnlady has just joined FB
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11 Answers
No, no, don’t, don’t give away your brain power to FB land. A mind is a terrible thing to waste on social media. haha
While you are at it, how about joining our secret Fluther Facebook group? At least there are only our fellow jellies there and we are immune to Facebook ignorance. PM me if you are interested.
I want to be your seaworthy friend!
I will friend everyone who asks, please give me the facebook name you use. Use message is you wish.
I’m sorry, this should have been in Social.
I can be found on FB at yarnlady_needsyarn
With the impact you will have on FaceBook Zuckerberg should cut you a weekly check.
Friend me too! I’m still my Fluther guise but keep in touch
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