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ucme's avatar

What was the location where you had your first "proper" kiss?

Asked by ucme (50052points) June 26th, 2016

Not the lips, ya funny bugger!
Mine was on the steps leading to the tower of Durham Cathedral, we were both 15 & on our first date, tongues happened :D

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30 Answers

thorninmud's avatar

Here, Brasserie Lipp (appropriately enough), Blvd St. Germain, Paris, after a bottle of Sancerre.

Seek's avatar

On the couch in my living room. Jason and I had been seeing each other for about three months. I was 20.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Oh man, it was “spin the bottle” in the 3rd grade in the 1950’s. Young lady was later in several TV shows and still does voice overs for commercials and cartoons.

The kiss was a little juicy but noses did get in the way.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

It was at a friend’s party. I remember it, so it can’t have been too bad.

johnpowell's avatar

12 years old and had somehow stumbled into having a person that called me her boyfriend. I really had no interest in her at this point. I just wanted to skateboard.

We lived in a big a apartment complex and my sisters best friend lived across and over from us. I had a massive crush on her. I used to watch her dance to Marky Mark videos on MTV and was smitten.

She was all, “You have a GF now. Have you kissed her yet?” I said I hadn’t. My sister did something to get her to teach me the tongue kiss. Sort of a Forest Gump moment there if you get my drift.

ucme's avatar

Mine was on a group date, there were six of us, making three couples & those narrow, winding stone steps were very steep. We found ourselves alone for a minute & well…y’know

Coloma's avatar

13. I had a major crush on the ice cream man. ( Well..he was probably 18. )
One day he asked me if I wanted to go riding around with him in his ice cream truck. I did.
He kissed me and it scared me to death, then he asked me how old I was. Oops…bye bye baby. lol

zenvelo's avatar

At my Senior Prom, at the after party, out in the hall of the hotel where a bunch of us rented a suite.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

In the chiller of the dairy queen I worked at in High School.

cookieman's avatar

In my parents’ living room, on the couch. I dated a girl I met through a friend for two weeks while her and her regular boyfriend were temporarily broken up. It was quite the kiss. Tongue and all. I had no clue what I was doing. I was fifteen.

A year later, I started dating the girl who would become my wife and she was pregnant with the regular boyfriend’s baby.

anniereborn's avatar

At age 14, I spent the night at my best friend’s house. Her brother had a friend that I had a crush on (and he had one on me). The same night he spent the night as well. We “played” hide and seek, but it was a set up to get my crush and I alone. It was in the bedroom of my best friend’s brother. I remember it very well :)

anniereborn's avatar

@Seek wow! it took you 3 months? and at 20 no less?

Seek's avatar

We were involved in ministry at a very conservative church. The pastor specifically asked us, after we informed him of our mutual interest, to wait three months before engaging in any physical intimacy. We gave our word.

anniereborn's avatar

@Seek How did that work out? I am not being an ass, I am genuinely curious.

Seek's avatar

Our ninth wedding anniversary is July 7th, and we gave up church a loooong time ago.

LBM's avatar

A friend’s boyfriend’s front room. It was very wet and sloppy, not enjoyable at all.

Aster's avatar

I was in my dad’s recliner. (he had asked me to sit there). He stayed on the arm of the chair.
We were both fourteen and it lasted quite a few minutes. Met him at church.

elbanditoroso's avatar

The improper ones were much more fun.

Coloma's avatar

@LBM I remember a disgusting “kiss” from a boy once, he tongued my ear. Gah…so gross. Keep your tongue out of my ear or I will geld you. Don’t mess with horse women. lol

LBM's avatar

@Coloma That is disgusting, he probably thought he was being sensual!!

elbanditoroso's avatar

@Coloma .. that was me, and I thought you liked it :-)

zenvelo's avatar

@Coloma Chacun a son gout. I had a woman nibble my ear then tongue it, it was quite delightful.

anniereborn's avatar

Some people do indeed like their ears tongued. I have known a few.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Eww. @elbanditoroso, I hope you’ve grown out of that. Ear licking. Gross. Not into having my toes sucked or licked either.

Coloma's avatar

@Earthbound_Misfit Amen to that! No ears, no toes, gag!

zenvelo's avatar

@Earthbound_Misfit @Coloma Some might argue you just haven’t had your toes properly sucked….

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Ack! I think I’ll take that risk @zenvelo. Apart from having very ticklish feet, I just don’t like it! I do love a foot massage. Someone can rub my feet all night. Sucking my toes… nah.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

In the bedroom of a twenty year-old girl when I was thirteen.

anniereborn's avatar

@Espiritus_Corvus Yeh, but how old was the girl you kissed?

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