Social Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Would a basic income for everyone work?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25069points) June 26th, 2016

Also what should It be?

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7 Answers

YARNLADY's avatar

The basic income theory wouldn’t work because people who wanted special treatment or favors would simply pay extra.

In order tor something like that to work, all prices would have to be standardized as well.

Zaku's avatar

Yes it would, but it would require many other changes to our economy and society as well.

The main purpose I see would be to provide for everyone’s essential needs. So those need to be available to everyone through some combination of making them free or very affordable (and making them not free to for-profit corporations, so for example Nestle` gives up on its evil plan to take all our water to sell it to us), and/or providing a basic income that allows people to live without needing to be employed or criminal or suffering.

The main obstacles are ideas that plague modern economic thinking about scarcity and how there isn’t enough for everyone, all the nasty shaming conversations, and glorifying unlimited greed for the sake of corporations and investors, bankers, the fear that no one will want to work, etc. All-for-infinite-profit corporations also need to be prevented from corrupting our governments and screwing things up, e.g. GMO food corporations trying to own all the food, or gas companies doing things that destroy our environment.

ibstubro's avatar

You need to define your terms or question.
It is unclear if you’re suggesting there be one income for everyone, or if you’re proposing that everyone be guaranteed a basic income?

Or you can just tell me I’m dense – it’s a social question, after all.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@ibstubro The second one. That everyone gets at least a starters income, and can earn more if they want to work extra. Like a minimum wage, but a minimum salary.

JLeslie's avatar

No. It has shown throughout history not to work. I do think our income differences should be less extreme than what we see in the US today. Any of the extremes are bad. Too much disparity and too similar.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Answering this question would probably depend on your socio-economic status. Would Donald Trump settle for having the same basic income as everyone else? Hell no!
Would someone who is fighting poverty appreciate having the same basic income as everyone else? Yes, they would.

That’s called Communism or Socialism, and it just doesn’t work, not with out the Democratic free market thrown in.

ibstubro's avatar

Switzerland didn’t think so.
For now, that’s good enough for me.

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