New members?
Asked by
June 27th, 2016
Do you like new members joining? Or do you hate it because you don’t know what they will be like, or how people will take to them?
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107 Answers
I think I have the most Wayne Greet-zki awards, for giving new users lurve.
I like seeing new members here. With the attrition rate, it would be pretty lonely without new jellies.
I’ve only been here a few weeks and have found the more established members welcoming and helpful.
Delighted to have new people join! The membership is shrinking and we old timers know each other too well. In need of new blood. :-)
Nope, I would say most here love to have new members participating. Watch out for that damn Grumpyfish however. Hesheit is a whiny bitch.
I like new members. I wish more of them would actually stay once they get their feet wet.
I love new members and fresh questions and ideas.
Welcome @LBM !
Thank you all for your welcoming comments. I do hope to stay around. you can’t always find nice friendly people, but you all seem lovely.
Welcome to Fluther. Love it! You may get into a tussle sometime at the beginning (I got in a big brou ha ha with two long-time members within two weeks of joining), but don’t be discouraged. Don’t leave! These things happen everywhere on the web.
Welcome! We definitely love new folks.
We need new people. Seriously.
Yes, new people are great, lends a fresh new perspective, new questions and livens up the pod here.
Welcome @LBM hope you hang around. :-)
Yes new members are very welcome. Fellow Brit here.
British? We rule, also…#keepfightingmichael
I’m pretty new. But I love debate. This site is a great forum for open discussion. Some members get bogged down in the details of some questions rather than the main reason for the thread. Try and be very deliberate and specific when asking a question. And try and provide a decent explanation of your question in the details section. That seems to help.
So far this site has been rather addictive. I find myself checking in frequently when bored. I like asking questions. I can read, watch the news, and listen to public radio, but some flutherites are in a position to give real, detailed information about certain subjects. The media in America can seem like a propaganda machine sometimes. And although many flutherites have their own biases, they mostly don’t seem to have an agenda. Just people offering opinions mixed with facts.
Knowledge is power. IMO this type of site is precisely what the net is good for.
Welcome to the site! :)
I’ve been coming here since 2008 and I welcome any and all new members, hoping that they’ll make good contributions to the site (for instance, the exact opposite of Yahoo Answers). The site isn’t what it used to be, so it is really nice when new people enter the mix. Looking forward to getting to know you better! :)
We were all new at one time. As long as you don’t talk shit about Arbys we will get along great.
Arby’s beef n cheddar yo! 3 for 5 with coupon.
Beef…and…cheddar?! OK, we need to have a talk….
“Like new members”?!
We LURVE them!!!!
Welcome to the lagoon mate.
You can’t keep a site alive without new people joining in everyday.
As long as you don’t spam or troll we are perfectly fine :D
Yep. We all love getting new users. Jump right in;!the water’s fine.
I love new members. They’re a breath of fresh air. Welcome to Fluther!
@dxs So us old times are stale air now ey?
Yep, we need some Febreeze. lol
Welcome, hope ya like what ya see.
We like new members! Welcome @LBM. I have to admit, it can sometimes feel like we’re a bit cliquey, but stick it out and you’ll be one of the family before you know it. We’ve all been here a long time. It’s a bit like Hotel California, “you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave!” Fluther can be quite addictive.
So @LBM, where do you hail from?
@Dutchess_III Pretty sure she mentioned Great Briton somewhere. :-)
@Dutchess_III I am from England, live in Lincolnshire now.
Thank you all for your welcome.
I like to see new users, especially ones that are interested in getting to know us, are happy and willing to read and follow the guidelines of the site, and ones that have some unique/interesting questions to ask, and ones that are willing to have intelligent discussions, who won’t blow a gasket if they receive honest answers that don’t necessarily give the answer that they were expecting.
Welcome @LBM, great question! : )
Oh, I forgot! We (meaning me, specifically) love Brits : )
I’m going to be in your part of the world in a couple of weeks. Let us know if you have any questions. Would you like a pancake?
@Earthbound_Misfit Oh that’s wonderful, where are you going to be? Hope you get to go to Disneyland : )
Or maybe @LBM would like a sandwich.
I didn’t even know Disneyland is there! No. I’m attending conferences, and then visiting Lincolnshire to see my relatives, then up to Manchester. Then, I’m off to Italy for a while. I’m going on a mega trip. Mostly it’s work – but it’s work in lovely places!
Ha Ha Ha @Earthbound_Misfit I thought you were talking to me, because you responded right after me. No, there is no Disneyland in Linconshire, England. At least not that I know of.
If you ever make it to Southern California, then you can go to Disneyland : )
@LBM As my fellow oldsters have said, we lurve fresh meat newbies!
I haven’t seen so many old timers on a single thread in months!
Wow, this place has such a positive collective attitude! Real cool of you guys and galls. Not all internet fora are so welcoming of new members. A narrow minded territorial spirit often develops in such places, in my experience. Never really understood why.
@olivier5 We’ve grown up as a site over the years. In the past, when there were occasional mass migrations into the site at times (like when another Q&A site would close) there was sometimes contention as an influx of new members occurred. Now we are smaller and more wise and we know the atrophy that can come from only hearing old voices.
@olivier5 Welcome, but dang, you have the gall to call us gals “galls.” Well, gall darn it all! ;-)
@janbb Yes, the echo chamber needs new voices to carry.
The honeymoon won’t last forever, @LBM.
Enjoy it while you can.
Wise words @janbb. :D I am one of afore said mass migrants who was not quite so welcomed!
When the honeymoon is over then you know she is really one of Us. As you are now, @ibstubro. Poke and kick!
Oh dear, I feel I should be getting worried, and that I don’t know what is round the corner.
NO!!! Don’t even think of doing that!
Kick’s @rojo!
Well, what is around the corner is…a big old family. You know…the kind you argue with and laugh with, the one who will defend you to the death, because no one else is allowed to beat you up except us. :D
Speaking of rum, I have just been handed a glass of rum and ginger beer.
I wouldn’t mind a drink but, not only is it only 1:30 pm in CA. but, I am tired, so would probably fall asleep in my beer today. haha
Rum makes your clothes fall off.
Ginger beer makes you a castaway.
Rum? No one told me we were having drinkies. A gin and tonic for me please.
Well, hell.
If you’re taking orders, I’ll have a scotch and soda.
Can I have chocolate too?
Champagne or a nice Cerveza for me please. Hold the lime.
Have another rum and ginger beer by my side!
We’re gonna have to play catch-up.
Bring me a Rusty Nail!
Having a couple of Pacificos here on the west coast at 7:37 pm. Stellar evening, it’s COOL, no more heat wave!
Rusty Nail
If anyone wants to name a new drink, think “tetanus shot”
I had a Singapore Sling the other day. It was quite nice. Fruity, but nice. For now, I think I’d rather have an Old Fashioned.
I love these spontaneous Fluther parties! I’m still on the G&T
Has anyone ever eaten snail? Care to tell me how it tastes?
@Mimishu1995 Like snail. haha
Chewy and a little rubbery like Squid and the flavor is mostly heavy on the garlic and butter.
I can bring some frogs legs along to this party. They are also garlicky but have a chicken texture with undertones of river. I know how to get a party started…
Go on @Stinley! I just have a taste for weird food.
Frog legs! @Stinley, throw some of those on the bbq for me. So delicious.
I’ll get the garlic wrapped and ready to throw on next to the frog legs.
I ate snails the other day. I’ve had them a few times. I like them. They were in garlic butter with a blue cheese, and yes, they’re a little chewy but tasty.
I had reindeer yesterday.
In my experience, @Mimishu1995, a snail tastes like someone dropped an eraser in the sea, a fish ate it, the fish pooped, and someone put it in a can labeled “Snails”.
Frog legs! Swoon. Garlic, too? Don’t mention butter or I shall start making indecent sexual comments.
On the barbie, @BellaB?? Oh, please tell me how! Frog gams and garlic.
Too hot for crab cakes, @Coloma. They need fried. And you’ll have to make them. Commercially they are all “Krab Kakes”.
“Garlic butter with a blue cheese sounds” obscene, @Earthbound_Misfit.
Do you know how it was made?
Throw a nice marinade on those frog legs (garlic/lemon juice/Frank’s/a tiny bit of melted butter is good) and let them sit. Everyone seems to have a different idea on how long they need to marinate. I think they’ve been fine after a couple of hours. They only need a couple of minutes for each side on the barbecue. It’s not that different than prepping calamari or octopus.
Eat them right away !
this page explains the benefits of the short/hot grill
I have a pond overflowing with frogs, BIg and small.
@ibstubro, it was actually delicious. It was an entree, so it was a small portion. The blue cheese formed a crust with breadcrumbs over the snails and garlic butter. There was only a little blue cheese, but it’s saltiness went well with the garlic and snails.
I’ll have to try grilling some frog legs, @BellaB. They have them on the local Asian buffet and they are so good. Lightly breaded then deep fried and shaken in a pan with fresh, raw, sliced jalapeno peppers. Just the right amount of kick.
Get to giggin, @Coloma!
I would certainly have to sample that, @Earthbound_Misfit.
Let’s bring frog and snail on the table!
@ibstubro Noooo! I like just looking at and listening to the frogs. The frogs are my friends. :-)
@ibstubro Just the right amount of kick.
You know that when you cook them, they do sometimes twitch as if they are kicking!
you people are disgusting!
@Dutchess_III , Does that mean your share of frog legs is up for sharing?
YES!!!! Take them all. I’ll just have some corn on the cob and grilled onions.
Calling dibs on the Dutchess’s frog legs!
Not if I get there first!
Aren’t you guys supposed to be nice to newbies?
We are planning a party for her :)
Eat the damned chicken, @BellaB!
I promise, “It tastes just like frog legs!”
I love looking at and listening to the corn across the road from my house, too, @Coloma.
Yup, I’ve heard about the tendency for frog legs to jump, @Yetanotheruser, although I’ve never seen it myself.
I called dibs on those frog legs and I WANT them. I already got out my Frank’s for a final dip.
Here’s my daughter when she was 4 eating frogs legs!
Oh gawd. Did you cook them before she ate them?
@Stinley you made me want to jump into the screen and snatch all the legs!
Really now, what mother in her right mind would give a five year old RAW frogs legs to eat? Really?
Do you know of anyone in the civilized world who actually eats raw frogs legs? Good grief !
@LBM we still love people joining!
Ok. So it was vapid. You were silly to actually take it so seriously.
And, @Buttonstc, are you also willing to bend?
I want to be the “Great Communicator” of Fluther. Barack Reagan.
You people really want to eat Kermit?
Wasn’t there an old junior high joke about ‘What’s green and smells like Ms. Piggy”? Sounds to me like it is possible to have the best of both worlds.
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