What is your opinion on the idea of a Heterosexual Pride Day?
As it happens this was a trending hashtag on Twitter today. Personally my feelings on this are that I think its pretty childish. The entire point of Gay Pride is to aknowledge the struggles of oppression the LGBT have overcome and celebrate our progression in terms of equality. Or to put it another way
Now I’m not discrediting any struggles heterosexuals have gone through regarding poverty, racism, sexism etc. But there are no issues that are the root cause of them being heterosexual.
Honestly this idea of a straight pride is downright ignorant and ill informed to what any sort of pride day is supposed to be about.
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52 Answers
I just can’t think of what the celebration would look like. A float decorated with positive pregnancy tests?
I’m with you. I think it’s childish and completely disrespectful. It’s a slap in the face to the LGBTQ community, who have faced very real hardships in paving the way to equality. It’s just as disrespectful as a “white pride” day would be.
Just as ridiculous as Gay Pride day (which I see as Gay Confrontational Attitude day). Or Black History month. Or the Equal Rights Amendment. Everybody is supposed to be equal so why not?
I’m a hetero female and I think it is stupid as hell. As you say @NerdyKeith the whole point of Gay Pride is to feel free to come out of the closet and stand proud against centuries of oppression and worse. Now, I think a Left handed pride parade would be great for all us lefties that have and continue to struggle in the world. Forced to write with the wrong hand, pens on chains that don;t reach from left to right, fucked up appliances like can openers, right handed scissors.
Lefties need recognition. lol
Trigger Warning: For movements that are supposed to be about equality most sure love to highlight differences. This is simply pointing that out. Somehow nerdy white heterosexual male day will be offensive. I find that offensive, after all nobody is special. I don’t care who you are being human in general is no picnic. All of these movements are self serving and don’t really raise awareness, it’s usually just a spectacle. Most mature adults with sense and empathy are way beyond this anyway. You can come out of your safe space now. Privileged white male is done talking.
@Coloma :: That isn’t funny. Matthew Sheapard wasn’t killed for being a lefty. To equate the two is fucking stupid.
I dunno…I think back to 1969 when those relatively few braves soles took to the streets in NYC to champion their cause with the very first Gay Pride parade and very few minorities took it as hard as they did that day. I was scratching my head going why would anyone want to expose themselves to that kind of hatred and violence they did that day?? Those proud people cracked the thick ice of intolerance and not to say it was easy that day forward but the GLBT group has a significantly easier path today to go on the street because of those early pioneers.
@ARE_you_kidding_me Precisely. It’s about equality. Heterosexual people were never banned from marrying, or banned from having kids, or banned from seeing their love in the hospital, or killed for being hetero. Please.
Who cares? The way I see it, all of these days and months (Black History Month, National Twins Day, National DOnut Day, and so on and so forth) are just silly. Nothing ‘special’ happens. It’s an agenda pushed by someone or another.
The people behind Heterosexual Day are doing it just to get a rise out of everyone. Don’t play their game. Don’t fall for it. They are jerking your chain because they know it will provoke a reaction.
Every day is already hetero pride day, and “gay means lame”-comments-are-ok day, and so on.
It’s an ill-conceived backlash by people who feel threatened by suggestions that the traditional culture they identify with is bad or wrong, and/or threatened by what seems to them like the culture they identify with becoming less mainstream and less dominant and not correct and so on.
It’s ok to shit on white males because we are privileged, please. Everyone faces discrimination and hardship, nobody is immune. Everyday is not hetero pride day, gimme a break. I have no problem with raising awareness but we have gotten to a point where activism has gone off the deep end. It’s really time to take down the last vestiges of discrimination and inequality and enjoy the spoils. Instead we increasingly highlight and blog about differences to the point where we value those differences more than our similarities. Past time to fucking grow up.
@johnpowell I wasn’t equating anything, that’s your spin on my sharing.
I was kidding around, lighten up ey?
@ARE_you_kidding_me Really? Gone off the deep end because marriage equality was only just recently achieved? Gone off the deep end because it’s still perfectly okay for employers to discriminate against people in certain places? No, it hasn’t gone off the deep end.
I’m also confused about how you think parades, or days, that have absolutely nothing to do with hetero white males means than you’re being shit on. I mean, sure, if the day was called “Shit On White Hetero Males” day, then yeah… there’d be a problem. But you’re imagining a problem where there isn’t one. You’re turning the month of celebration, or the day of a parade, into something about you – something that you perceive to be a witch hunt for you and “your kind”. When in reality, it’s about spreading acceptance, and equality, and within the community itself that it’s okay to be who they are.
Hetero pride day? For me, just an excuse to be drunk on a week day. Not alcohol dependence….
Tomorrow is Hazel eyes day. Another reason to celebrate with a bottle of whiskey.
4th of July. Let’s get wasted and blow stuff up. Explosives mixed with alcohol and drugs is illegal on most other days.
Next Tuesday is Ten toes Tuesday. Celebrate good times!
People celebrate. It is good distraction. But yeah, hetero day? That’s pretty stupid.
My brother didn’t come out until his 30s.
He sat through years of family gatherings and social events and work conversations where people loudly shared their hetero pride.
He didn’t talk about his social life, because it wasn’t acceptable conversation.
“Hetero Pride” equivalency is deliberately dismissive and belittling. It’s the people with the advantage punching down to keep others in their place.
Or, as seen above, it’s the usual conservative attitude that life is a zero-sum game – “Other people succeeding means I a losing!”
@DrasticDreamer We are beyond that and it’s time to accept it. Nobody is special. Nothing is about me until people start to say that I’m fundamentally different, which I’m not. That feeling is not unique and people feel strongly enough about it to put on a mockery day just to say “you’re not special” That’s why this happened. People who care and believe in equality deeply but hate political correctness get tired of hearing about this “Day” or that” day.” Sure recent improvements have happened and they should continue well into the future. Increasingly segregating people into groups is dangerous ground we are about to tread all over, good intentions or not. Sure we have things to do but society is mature enough to do this together. Getting fussy because of a white hetero day is silly. Almost as silly as white hetero day.
It’s the same as “All Lives Matter” – completely missing the point. Nobody’s saying that white or straight people don’t matter, but since white or straight people never get persecuted for being white or straight, they don’t need a parade or a movement, and they should be thankful they don’t.
Spinning “Black lives matter” or gay pride into “All lives matter” or straight pride just shows how these majority groups are so accustomed to everything being about them that they’re intensely uncomfortable with not being the center of attention for even two seconds. Pathetic.
People who care and believe in equality deeply but hate political correctness get tired of hearing about this “Day” or that” day.”
People born with all the chips want to declare, “We all have equal opportunity, game over!”
@ARE_you_kidding_me You’re missing the point. Gay pride, black history month (etc.) are not about “being special”. It’s only ever been about becoming equal and throwing away all of the ways that mainstream society said they were worthless and less than human. And things still aren’t equal.
And things will get worse if we continue to highlight them in an unhealthy way. Ever notice that when folks meet, have a lot in common and generally get along well until they mention trivial things like political affiliation? Suddenly they’re not talking and have applied generalizations about each other as if a certain type of person is a brand? It threatens to undo a lot of progress and it concerns me, especially about race. I have never seen seemingly average folks so divided and compartmentalized as I have now. Just ten years ago there was not so much division among my peers. If I sound bitter about it that’s because I am. Labels and generalizations have wrecked what once was a diverse happy social group I was a part of. I’m the largest supporter of equal rights that you’ll ever meet but fuck all of this political correctness, race baiting and feel good activism.
Occasionally, I come across questions or ideas so juvenile that my mind literally screeches to a halt. It’s like, I insult my own intelligence exerting energy to acknowledge the existence of the premise. Makes me want to smack myself for being so unworthy the Universe deems it necessary to fart in my face. The only way I can recover from such a juvenile premise is to remember a saying that immediately aligns my perspective and cleanses my consciousness:
You can’t make sense out of non-sense.
You know… it ain’t the question as much as the negative energy that encompasses the question. There will always be people who don’t like something. That’s expected. But you also have very special people who aren’t content to simply dislike something. They want everyone else to dislike that thing too. So they go about spreading seeds of hate and discontent to all they encounter. I just wish they would crawl back under the rock that spawned them.
Only so called minorities may revel in the party that is grouphood.
But even that doesn’t seem to fly anymore.
Orlando backlash makes it clear that some feel that not all minorities are created equal.
Black Lives Matter more than queer lives.
(Sigh) Nobody is going to get anywhere unless there is a wholesale change in social mentally.
I’m not holding my breath.
There is an upside, believe it or not. There’s the hate question so incredibly stupid that everyone becomes embarrassed by the sheer ignorance of the questioner.
(Excepting those stupid enough to repeat the ignorant question…)
This infamous question spread like wildfire following the recent all black live television production of “The Wiz”...
“Why isn’t there an all white production of The Wiz?”
(I feel much better now…!)
Heterosexual Pride Day?
Sounds great to me.
Unfortunately too many of the feeble minded believe everyday is Hetero Arrogance Day.
Not the same thing.
“Do people who change #BlackLivesMatter to #AllLivesMatter run thru a cancer fundraiser going ‘THERE ARE OTHER DISEASES TOO’” -Arthur Chu
When my sister and I were really little, like under 5 or something, every time one of us got a birthday present the other would throw a temper tantrum. Soon our family members started bringing presents for both of us no matter whose birthday it was, so the other one wouldn’t get jealous. We couldn’t let the other sister have even ONE special day without making it about ourselves.
When people talk about hetero pride or white history month or whatever, this is basically what they’re doing. It’s a bunch of adults who should know better throwing a temper tantrum because not everything is about them 100% of the time.
I have never like divisive “Days” I once wrote about “Native American Day” on this forum as well.
I agree that it’s pointless for heterosexuals to celebrate their pride day but is it fair for us to prevent people from celebrating whatever they want? If we prevent them, they’ll have excuse to prevent LGBT pride day as well. There’s nothing worth mentioning about being heterosexuals so I doubt it will interest many people if they decided to transform it in to pride day.
@Unofficial_Member Yes, but the problem is THE IDIOCY IS TOO DAMN HIGH. Someone would actually do it. Newspapers would actually report on it from overly-polite points of view. The media is so dumbed down and retarded that it has no integrity any more. That’s how Donald Trump manages to say so many offensive things yet still be treated as a real candidate by the media and so much of the public. It’s not that Hetero Pride Day should be prohibited by law, it’s that it’s tasteless and ignorant and the level of dysfunction of our public discourse is so poor that it wouldn’t be obvious to far too many people that it is tasteless and ignorant.
I just want to point out the (hopefully) obvious fact that Gay Pride is equal—everyone of any sexual orientation can come out to the parade and celebrate the progress made towards equality. The Gay Rights movement has always been about equality, same as any other civil rights movement. Wins in civil rights are wins for everybody, and if someone doesn’t see that, or if someone feels threatened by that, it’s because of their ignorance, not the celebrations of progress.
Why would I need to celebrate the fact that I’ve been on the historically favored side of a social prejudice? And why would I need to do so as a reaction to a celebration that is about gains towards equality? If I want to celebrate the societal progress made so far, really, why don’t I go to the Gay Pride parade?
Just to clarify something. Gay Pride is not about it being a “special day”. It is a day to akkolweldge the struggles the LGBT community have gone through and celebrate our progression in terms of civil liberty. It is also a peaceful protest against discrimination.
It is baffling to me that even when I spell things out so simply, some people still just don’t get it.
People do get it though and pointing out unintended consequences should not be seen as blowback or an assault on Civil rights. Someday we may live to regret all of this political correctness and branding.
I’m mildly conflicted, I fancy women, any species that has such fantastic, firm, pert tits wins for me.
However, i’m very much in touch with my feminine side & can be unashamedly camp in a humorous, fun, non malicious way.
So I guess you could say i’m straight but kinky…ish
Is pride really the correct word to describe our attitude toward our sexuality? I am neither proud nor ashamed of being heterosexual. I accept it along with its pleasures and frustrations. Perhaps heterosexual pride day is a satirization of the idea of any kind of sexuality pride.
The Black Lives Matter title makes a lot more sense. All lives should matter, and the movement calls attention to how blacks are often treated as second class.
They can do what they want, but they should acknowledge the difference in motivation behind gay pride and straight pride (the latter seems to often only be about spite).
Reminds me of the right wing mantra “diversity is code for white genocide”.
I always thought that any sort of ”[pick your group] Pride Day” was to create a contrast to the notion that [pick your group]s should be ashamed of something.
I suppose once upon a time heterosexuals might be ashamed of pregnancy out of wedlock, divorce or marital scandal, but even that doesn’t seem to be a source of shame anymore, so there are not that many things that would evoke shame that would spark a Heterosexual Pride day.
Having said it, if the [pick your group] Pride movement forgets their personal pride, and begins to try to make the case that the current generation of heterosexuals is somehow directly responsible for transgressions of past generations and should therefore be ashamed by association, you just might see the emergence of Heterosexual Pride day.
@DominicY That’s exactly what I think. You are way on the mark on that one.
It’s never even crossed my mind to feel any kind of pride at my natural sexual orientation unlike the LGBT community that has had to fight for acceptance forever and a day.
It’s dumb. The entire reason there is a gay pride day is because we have it fight for acceptance in a world of homophobia. Heterosexual people are already accepted for their sexuality.
^ So the opposite of acceptance is fear.
@SecondHandStoke Ugh you are a tiresome person. “Homophobia” does not just mean “fear”. The suffix ”-phobia” has expanded its definition to include hatred, dislike, aversion, and rejection. Consider how chemists use the term “hydrophobic” to refer to a substance that repels water. Clearly they are not implying that the substance is actually afraid of water.
Hydrophobia was the clinical term for rabies for over a hundred years. The rabid animals weren’t afraid of water, just averse to it.
There was an extremely agitated squirrel circling me while I watered my plants this morning. OMG, he was hydrophobic!
Way off topic, but, did you know that Opossums don’t get the rabies virus? Their body temp is too low to incubate the disease.
@DominicY Excellent points about the term homophobia.
I would also add that all prejudice is based on fear. Human beings fear what they don’t understand and then act out. This idea of attempting to dissect homophobia and oversimplify it, is an outdated and jaded argument. Its completely invalid in my opinion.
This may be seen as somewhat of an off topic and a piece of fiction. But even so, to me it is sound logic.
I’m hoping that @DominicY ‘s 5 upvotes were earned because he is technically correct regarding the full meaning of the suffix “phobia.” He misses my point.
Everyone knows that the word “homophobia” is used as a label, a pejorative, a bully tactic, a slur. It, like so many terms is so readily thrown about, with no understanding of an individual’s personal opinion, beliefs, background or experiences.
Is this how we want to advance the mindset of the people? “Fall lockstep into the same thinking as mine or else be called a name.”
Sorry @NerdyKeith . I will never stop analyzing, questioning, considering the deeper implications of anything. It’s unnerving that you would, in so many words, have me do so.
I’m openly bisexual. Are you suggesting I don’t understand myself? Trust me, I do.
@SecondHandStoke No just saying you don’t display an understanding of what homophobia means.
Homophobia is NOT a label to be used as a bully tactic. It is a label to be used to identify a form of prejudice. Just as racist is used to identify discrimination against race, sexism identifies discrimination against gender and xenophobia identifies discrimination against cultures. I know it s a common belief that homophobia is a bully label, I don’t accept that as factual.
@SecondHandStoke You entirely miss the point. The point is to identify a form of prejudice. And we do that with specific terms that identify them. If a person is discriminatory towards a a person for being gay or bisexual to me they are homophobic. When I call them homophobic I am identifying a problem. As a humanist I will continue to identify this problem and I will not apologise for that.
Analysing in of itself isn’t a bad thing obviously. But when analysing a concept to the point of entirely missing its meaning and context; your analysis is flawed.
Daniel said it would happen, and Jesus said it would be worse than anything ever before. We have this prophecy we call Armageddon. The USA is prominently absent from the story. The country must collapse and become helpless before then. You are seeing prophecy being fulfilled as you watch. One would not want to be found resisting the prophecy.
@SmartAZ No offense but I personally don’t share any beliefs regarding revelations nor armageddons. I’m a deist. And Jesus never mentioned homosexuality.
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