Social Question

SQUEEKY2's avatar

What would be harder for your lifestyle? A week without the internet, or a week without your cell phone?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23573points) June 30th, 2016

And don’t get snarky thinking you can access the internet through your cell phone, it’s one or the other.
For myself it would depend if I was working that week, if I was I would have to say no internet, but if I wasn’t I would say good-bye cell phone.
How about you?

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32 Answers

longgone's avatar

I’d rather be without my phone. My phone tends to stress me out at times.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

ME TOO^^ a lot of times on the weekends I don’t even turn the darn thing on.

DoNotKnowMuch's avatar

The internet is the function of a cell phone.

longgone's avatar

^ We’re pretending it is not. Shush, now.

Jeruba's avatar

I could easily do without either one, but I’d miss my phone more just because it’s how I keep in touch with my family. I don’t have or want a smartphone, just an old flip phone that I mostly use for text messages.

I’d be terribly put out, though, if I had to face a week—or even a day—with nothing to read.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Missing the internet would be harder. People still talk on “phones”? Lol. That’s so 2005.

Cruiser's avatar

I have been without either for a week or more before but never both and I would rather not have the phone than not having internet because I do about 90% of my job on my laptop and internet.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

All I have is a flip phone as well @Jeruba people think it’s an antique and are quite shocked when they learn you can still get them new.

cookieman's avatar


My phone is only a convenience. I can do all the same stuff from a computer except make phone calls — which is my least favorite part of the phone anyway.

zenvelo's avatar

Last summer my phone got soaked in a downpour in Colorado. It was the second day of vacation. I was without a phone for a week. Didn’t miss it at all.

I had my iPad with me, so had all the internet access I wanted.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

What, either or? Surely some here do not like that and will do an end around on it. As has been said maybe (I have not bothered to read the above and won’t) the phone of today can get the Internet so one can say computer and still have the Internet. If they say computer, they can Skype or use some Internet phone like the Google Phone (if they still have it) and have their cake and eat it too. This question has so many holes it would be easier to baptize three cats at once than get an honest answer.

canidmajor's avatar

A week without the cell phone (actually ANY phone) would be easier, but I could do (and have done) a week without both just fine.

Oh, @Hypocrisy_Central, do look up the word “hypothetical” before you go on another one of your silly rants.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Thank you ^^ @canidmajor , I don’t think it was that hard of a question, some people do like to make everything complicated.
I was wondering what people could live without given the choice.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

^^ Oh, @Hypocrisy_Central, do look up the word “hypothetical” before you go on another one of your silly rants.
I think you best tell other people that because some seemed to have a lot of trouble with it, I surely don’t. If I have a silly rant (which I don’t), it is better than a stupid one (which happens here a lot), bygones……

Mariah's avatar

Internet is the main thing I use my cell phone for anyway. I’m a programmer, I need internet.

Coloma's avatar

Internet, I don’t carry a cell phone, yep, you heard right. haha

YARNLADY's avatar

I often go days on end with no phone contact of any kind. I only carry a cell phone in case of emergency, and rarely use it.

I spend hours on the internet, but I could easily go without it for days or weeks also.

Seek's avatar

I just did three months without phone service. Literally the only person I call is my husband. I don’t need it.

Internet is important. Phone is not.

Coloma's avatar

@Seek Pretty much the same here. The only person I call is my daughter and one friend, I really don’t need a phone short of needing to call 911. haha

dxs's avatar

Internet. As much as I need a phone, there are a lot of important people who I only contact through e-mail.

filmfann's avatar

My kindle is my constant companion. Internet, solitaire, newspapers, etc. Being without it would require a major lifestyle restructure.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

My laptops, coupled to the internet, are my main communication devices . My phone is used rarely. Mostly only when my computers are not able to access the net. But I could probably go more than a week with neither and not experience any real hardship. I have a lot of things going on that don’t require either a phone or the internet.

JLeslie's avatar

I’m fine without both for a week assuming emergencies can get in touch with me somehow and I don’t have to worry about work. I do almost all of my work online.

jca's avatar

I can do without the phone for the most part. I just went without it for about 3 days because I needed to get a new charger. Once I charged it up, I had a few texts and vm’s that I was late to seeing and hearing but no biggie. I could check the vm’s from another phone if I had to. I have a home phone and work phone so as far as talking on the phone, I’m accessible to those who know the numbers.

Internet I look at while at work and it’s a big part of what I do to kill time at home. I’d say internet would be hardest to do without. I like Fluther, I like FB and I check email. I also look at newspapers online and some crafts stuff.

jonsblond's avatar

I need wifi to use my cell phone, so…

Mimishu1995's avatar

Both. Both serve different purposes and without one I can’t function properly.

Unofficial_Member's avatar

Obviously, internet. I can still use/borrow phones that are available in public establishments (even though there are no more public phone stand) if I ever need one in public places, even though I don’t usually make a lot of call outside office and home. I can definitely survive without internet for a week, though.

LornaLove's avatar

I can really do without the phone. In fact at times I have put it off for at least a month at a time. I do like internet, but mostly because I do a lot of work on the internet to earn money.

If I didn’t have to earn money I probably wouldn’t want the internet. I do really miss it at times though, as I do a few fun things too. I once had no net or no phone recently for about a month. I bought some great paperbacks from the local book store.

The whole process was fantastic. I walked to the bookstore, I chose some books (so it was a great outing). I got some bargains too. Then I devoured about four books over the course of a few days.

Ah! just like the old days!

Coloma's avatar

@Espiritus_Corvus Yeah, for us it’s not like we need to call down to the pasture to see how the horses are doing.
“Hey Diamond, how’s your water, would you like your carrots soon?” lol

anniereborn's avatar

The only cell phone I have is one of those old flip phones and I rarely use it anyway. I even still have a landline. However, I am currently not working and have no kids, so that might make a big difference.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

@Coloma Yeah, I could put an earbud in Shy’s ear. She’d appreciate that. Or Sam. He’d kill me in my sleep.

OpryLeigh's avatar

As my boyfriend and I are long distance I would rather have a phone. It’s our main tool for communication.

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