If Bernie Sanders dropped out of the presidential race, do you think it would be a good move if Hillary chose him to be her VP?
Asked by
jca (
July 1st, 2016
I’ve heard several people (in real life and in media) say if Hillary chose Sanders as her VP, she’d be hard to beat.
What do you think?
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20 Answers
That’s a truly depressing scenario, and about as likely as me finding diamonds in my toilet. Bernie does have a wonderful sense of humor, but Clinton’s agenda is decidedly “unBernie” like. Stomping Trump out is one thing, but second fiddle to Clinton is beyond the pale. The very thought is almost too painful to even contemplate. There’s already a surplus of disillusionment loose in the world.
What Stan said.
Warren selling her soul to the machine was hard enough.
@Seek Don’t be so hard on Warren. She still holds title to her soul. Politics is a “hold your nose” endeavor, and Warren is compelled to subject her soul to a short term lease. Derailing the potential Trump
trainwreck takes priority. And when Clinton is elected, I can’t think of 2 more capable people to keep an eye on her. It’s gonna be tough for her to “give away the store” with those 2 sitting on her.
Politics aside, I truly could not bear hearing that gravelly, Larry David-ish voice for four years.
@stanleybmanly – I would have been perfectly OK if she had “held her nose” and said “Look, people, you know how I feel about her but she’s really our best chance to not destroy the country in the next four years”
Instead we’re getting a whole “OMG LOOK HILLARY IS MY BFF” song and dance routine that is about as sincere as a Ringling Brothers performance. It’s revolting.
Oh Donald…Boris is available :D
He’s too old, too white, and too ugly.
Hillary already has the market on old, white and ugly.
Ooops. I forgot wonky!
Hillary could use a little honky-tonk, rather than more wonky wonk.
@Seek I don’t fault Warren for the show business aspects deemed necessary in what we all recognize as an ethically
challenging profession. She isn’t responsible for the nature of the business, and neither you or I believe for a second that they are in fact BFFs. The thing about both her and Sanders is that they have my trust that they know where to draw the line. They’ve both earned our trust, and shmoozing with the lesser demon is a crime I’m prepared to forgive in view of the of the stakes involved.
I’m tired of being lied to, even and especially for the sake of theatricality.
@Seek I prefer to believe that it isn’t you or I who are being lied to. Like Santa Claus, the lie is so transparent, that it can’t possibly be aimed at either of us. The illusion is for the benefit of let’s say those on the fence and those who actually look at Trump and see salvation. Those folks will apparently believe anyhhing.
If only Hillary could, just once, smile a smile that looks sincere, I know I’d feel differently about this race.
A Hillary-Bernie ticket would probably fare well in the general balloting, but I hope Sanders won’t compromise as far as that. I’d rather see him retire with his dignity intact. The gray area is gray enough as it is. At times I don’t blame the folks who just want to see a little black and white in the landscape.
That Hillary-Bernie tkt would be exactly the illustration of that line I trust Bernie not to cross. The endorsement of Clinton may be a required necessity, but muzzling himself through an attachment that prohibits condemnation of future missteps is the sort of betrayal that would invalidate 40 years of struggle. And an authentic smile on the face of Hillary? I tell you frankly there’s probably something to be said for someone unable to successfully fake a smile. No one’s ever going to accuse her husband of such a flaw. I personally wish she would smile a little less, but hey it’s politics!
too old/too white/too East Coast
bring on a non-ancient, not East Coast male
No, she should pick a Democrat.
@filmfann Out of curiosity, would you consider Franklin D. Roosevelt a Democrat? Or has the party moved so far in the direction of pro-corporate interests that he wouldn’t qualify anymore?
Wall Street won’t allow Hillary to pick Bernie or Warren as her VP even if she wanted to (which she doesn’t). You’re fooling yourselves if you think Hilary has any say in the matter. She’ll do what she’s told; the money has already changed hands.
@gorillapaws She’ll do what she’s told; the money has already changed hands.
You’re so cute making that kind of comment! No, we don’t have a divergent test, a hunger games lottery, or any of those corrupt or distopian elements.
Of course Hillary gets to make the final decision on a running mate. You gotta figure that if she is running for the most powerful position in the world, she can pick the person who will have the least influence in the government.
FDR, Teddy Roosevelt, and other politicians have had social beliefs or positions, but were registered with other political parties. Sanders has spent his career as a registered socialist. Yes, he has aligned himself with the democrats in the Senate, but his party affiliation has been Socialist.
I am not Bernie-Bashing. I like Bernie. And I know my position will be unpopular on this site, but I won’t tell you different than how I feel.
@filmfann “No, we don’t have a divergent test, a hunger games lottery, or any of those corrupt or distopian elements.”
So you think Rajiv Fernando got onto the International Security Advisory Board because of his qualifications? He didn’t buy his seat (and access to Top Secret security clearance) with millions of dollars in donations?
Or these examples of how donations result in favors. While it may be true that Clinton can choose who she wants, I absolutely believe that there is a Quid Pro Quo understanding that Sanders and Warren are unacceptable choices to her friends on Wall Street, which would result in a shift in their loyalties.
Watch this video about the shadiness in the California Primary and tell me that we don’t have those corrupt or dystopian elements at work.
I think it’s sad how clueless people are to see how bad the money in politics has gotten.. The sad conclusion of the paper:
“The central point that emerges from our research is that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while mass-based interest groups and average citizens have little or no independent influence.”
The reality is that Bernie Sanders’ policies are nearly identical to FDR, and the fact that you can joke about him not really being a Democrat is really sad and speaks more to how far the party has shifted away from it’s ideals of being a party for middle-class America than any policies Sanders has.
@filmfann: “Sanders has spent his career as a registered socialist. Yes, he has aligned himself with the democrats in the Senate, but his party affiliation has been Socialist.”
This is not true, although I would have no problem if it were. Bernie Sanders has been a registered Independent since 1979. Independent != Socialist
. He registered as Democrat in 2015 to run.
And while I generally identify as socialist in part to take that word back, Bernie Sanders is no socialist. He inaccurately describes himself occasionally as a “Democratic Socialist”, but he is more accurately a “social democrat” in the style of FDR.
Also, Obama is not a Muslim, although I would have no problem if he were.
I stand corrected that Bernie has been a registered Independent. That said, he has run against (and beaten) Democrats and Republicans in general elections. I am saying I want Hillary to chose someone who hasn’t recently changed party affiliation in order to run for the head of the party, as well as a he nation.
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