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Have you ever found yourself (as an adult )getting excited over a child's toy?
I mean really excited so that your heart skips a beat as it would have when you were a child. I know it sounds stupid but a few hours ago I saw some huge, shiny beach balls for sale and the look of them struck a chord with me. I wanted to stop and buy one. I did not do so of course because not only would it not of any use, but I also felt silly for having had those almost uncontrollable childlike reactions over a silly kiddies’ ball. It has happened before with a doll, bubble liquid for blowing bubbles( I got myself that ) and balloons!
Strange thing is that I did not experience a deprived childhood at all! Why such immature reactions? Am I the weirdo yet again?
Any of you ever had your heart skip a beat upon seeing a toy?
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