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Dutchess_III's avatar

Are there some parts of some movies, that you've seen before, that you just can't watch?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47237points) July 1st, 2016

I started Fried Green Tomatoes. Buddy is about to get hit by the train, so I’m in here, posting on Fluther.

Another is one of the opening scene in “A Time to Kill,” where those horrible, sick men attack the little girl. I have to leave the room until that part is over.


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42 Answers

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

The Netflix series Bloodline.
Don’t watch it because I’m wrought with guilt for days after each episode.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

The more brutal scenes in “Schindler’s List,” and there are plenty of them.

Seek's avatar

For me, Full Metal Jacket ends with the death of Private Pyle.

ucme's avatar

American History X
Those who have seen it will know
Also when the naked girl changes into an old dead woman in The Shining, nah, just nah :(

Pachy's avatar

@ucme, totally agree. Every time I know the “curb” scene is coming—you know the one I mean—I find something else to watch for a few minutes.

But the film that gets my vote for the grossest premise and highest number of disgusting scenes—and trust me, I watched it only partway through before turning it off forever—was “The Human Centipede.”

ucme's avatar

@Pachy You got it, I either look away or skip past if i’ve downloaded the movie
What I should say to anyone watching with me…Is it safe?”
Bonus respect if you get the film connection, i’d be disappointed if you didn’t get it ;-}

Pachy's avatar

@ucme, absolutely. I start closing my eyes when Oliver says it the first time. And I wince everytime Dustin touches that tooth with his tongue afterwards he gets the dental work.

ucme's avatar

Give that man a ceee-gar!!

Pachy's avatar

@ucme, I’d forgotten about that moment in the Shining. You’re absolutely right. There’s an identical moment in Ghost Story, a rather corny but very scary film.

Seek's avatar

I agree, anything that involves tooth damage. Add to that the scene in Oldboy with the claw-end of the hammer… shudder

ucme's avatar

@Pachy Never seen that film, Fred Astaire though!?!

Darth_Algar's avatar

The execution of Delacroix in the Green Mile. I’m not often bothered by graphic content, but that scene…

Pachy's avatar

@ucme, yes, Fred was pretty long in the tooth but he’s darn good it in. All the older actors are.

ibstubro's avatar

I will watch no part of Deliverance.

A Clockwork Orange was always painful, but I will no longer subject myself to it. Excellent movie….when I was college age.

Brian1946's avatar

The chest-bursting scene in Alien.

The inguinal-stabbing scene in The Exorcist.

YARNLADY's avatar

I can’t think of any movies lately, but I skipped the torture scenes in Outlander.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

“The Americans” had a scene of a South African man being necklaced (for the unfamiliar, I refuse to explain). When I could see what was about to happen, I left the room. Some months later, I saw a rerun of that episode and, again, wouldn’t watch or listen.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

The shower chainsaw scene in scarface. I watched as Tony Montana turned away.

little gurly gangster

Zaku's avatar

I have a hard time making it through any of the non-Original-Trilogy Star Wars films, and I haven’t made it past the second scene of the second reboot movie of Star Trek, because they’re so irritating to my sensibilities. The closest I got recently was watching the fan re-edit of Revenge of the Sith where they dubbed it into Japanese so they could change the dialog, but it was still just too annoying to me. I didn’t make it through.

And Birdemic would be hard to sit through again.

More seriously, I’m not thinking of any in the sense you mean. There are certainly some scenes I’d likely choose not to watch, or to skip, though those are usually in films I’d rather not watch again, or stopped watching before I got through them the first time. I have a bit of a rough time with the more awful torture scenes in some films. Torture is awful. But “just can’t watch”, I’m not thinking of any, even if there are many I would choose not to.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Ucme has my vote. The curb stomp was unforgettable. Other than genital mutilation, that’s just about the worst thing. Uugh….Cool movie though. Good message.

Also, I don’t think anyone mentioned the fire hydrant scene in Blood in blood out. Watched that movie a thousand times and still usually turn my head.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I know it isn’t a movie, but 2 girls n 1 cup is THE most repulsive thing I’ve ever seen. And I only got about 45 seconds into it. I hope they paid those girls well. They probably got like 2 dollars though….

jca's avatar

Anything where someone gets tortured or has prolonged pain inflicted on them, no thank you. There’s a George Clooney movie where he gets his hands taped to a table and they pull his fingernails out. Really tough to watch.

imrainmaker's avatar

Any part of SAW movies…I don’t know who enjoys watching such movies.

imrainmaker's avatar

or Hannibal when Anthony Hopkins eats part of brain of victim.. that’s too gross..

ibstubro's avatar

I saw the eat living brain bit and laughed. Who knew brains were cheesy?

anniereborn's avatar

There are many for me, but the one that comes to mind is in Jurassic Park. I have to close my eyes and ears when they lower the cow into the raptor’s enclosure.

Dutchess_III's avatar

When my son was little, and a scary part of some kids’ movie came on, he’d put his hands over his ears, but he’d keep watching intently…..

Aster's avatar

I can’t watch Deliverance or the execution of Delacroix in the Green Mile. Then there’s some movie and , at the end, this actor I can’t stand is sitting at the dinner table with the top of his skull missing with all his brains showing. Now I don’t like him in his Vodka commercials or whatever the liquor is called.
He appears to me, possibly mistakenly, to be the most obnoxious, conceited man ever.

Dutchess_III's avatar

The parakeet scene in “What Ever Happened to Baby Jane.” I was only 7 or 8 when I saw it first, and the horror still hits me like I was 7 or 8.

ucme's avatar

Two shots I jumped at & didn’t like as a kid were the guy who got his eyes pecked out in The Birds & the head floating out of the boat in Jaws.
Lame by today’s standard of jump scares & they don’t bother me as much now but still

Dutchess_III's avatar

I know what you mean @ucme. Things that are so obviously fake to an adult are not so obvious to a kid and the horror factor for a kid is 10X that of an adult. Too many parents don’t take this into consideration when they let the kids watch anything they want.

ucme's avatar

Oh I wasn’t scared out of my wits, we all laughed right after it happened so no blame attached to my mam at all for letting us watch those two films, not exactly horror movies anyway

Darth_Algar's avatar

@jca ” There’s a George Clooney movie where he gets his hands taped to a table and they pull his fingernails out. Really tough to watch.”

That’d be Syriana. Great movie. I love how it alternates between several different characters who don’t necessarily directly interact with each other (indeed, some are never even on the same continent), but who’s actions all impact each other in some way.

janbb's avatar

There’s a torture scene in The English Patient that I couldn’t bear to watch. Torture and close up violence are definitely things I try to avoid watching.

Setanta's avatar

Yes, there are.

ibstubro's avatar

Can you verify the “guy who got his eyes pecked out in” “The Birds”?

ucme's avatar

I could, but see no reason to

Dutchess_III's avatar

@ibstubro what do you mean can he “verify the guy who got his eyes pecked out….”?

ibstubro's avatar

Never mind.
I found it. I haven’t seen the film in decades, and my memory was hazy.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh, OK. I haven’t seen it in decades either, but I haven’t forgotten that scene! They used to do such a masterful job using skilled acting and innuendo to make the scenes so realistic. Nowadays they just use computers to make it as detailed and gory as possible.

ibstubro's avatar

It’s a guy, @Dutchess_III, laying in the corner, with bloody circles where his eyes should be?

abcbill's avatar

The execution of William Wallace in BRAVEHEART.

I’ve read a biography of Wallace; historical records were consulted and a complete description was related…which included not just what was shown/implied; it also included being drawn and quartered. The parts were staked and posted in parts of Scotland as a warning. Robert the Bruce used Wallace’s memory as a rallying point somewhat later.

The execution…though…nope.

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