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Dutchess_III's avatar

It's 10:00. Do you know where your keys are?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) July 2nd, 2016

I used to carry a purse, so my keys were always in my purse. I don’t carry a purse anymore, so I have to have some place to put my keys.
Rick always threw his myriad of keys on top of a tall lawyer’s bookcase that’s in the kitchen.
Me, being the deco type, changed that. Here is where we keep our keys now. It’s right at the entrance to the kitchen.

Where are your keys?

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19 Answers

BellaB's avatar

mine are in the top front pocket of my knapsack

Set’s are in a pocket in his jeans

Dutchess_III's avatar

Where are they when you go to bed or take a shower @Mariah?

Where does he put them when he changes clothes @BellaB?

BellaB's avatar

he moves them to the next pair of jeans – it seems to have worked for him for a few decades

Mariah's avatar

I hang them on the jewelry rack on my bedroom wall.

Seek's avatar

In my purse, which is hanging on a hook next to the front door.

imrainmaker's avatar

They’re in my pocket when outside. Once inside it’ll be in the top drawer of table in the bedroom.

LBM's avatar

I have absolutely no idea. My SO has retired, and I only work in the afternoons, so I don’t need my keys. He will have moved them somewherem but where, I don’t know.

flutherother's avatar

In my left hand trouser pocket where they always are.

ucme's avatar

In the front door til later when I lock up then hang them on a key rack high on the wall immediately to the left of said entrance

Zaku's avatar

My keys are always in my designated key pocket, or in my designated key/wallet/coin dish, which is always in the same place. Any other location is bad & wrong, so rarely if ever happens. Works really well.

Coloma's avatar

Yep, where they always are, in my ignition or the console of my car. I never lock my car or houses out here in the hills. I do keep my windows cracked but not all the way rolled down as I don’t want to get into my car with a raccoon in the backseat. haha

Pachy's avatar

I’m pretty good at finding my keys. It’s the whereabouts of my car and house I sometimes forget :(

NerdyKeith's avatar

My backpack. I usually have them in my jacket during the colder seasons. But even though its been very changeable in Ireland these past few weeks, its still a bit humid.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Hanging on a hook, on the wall next to the frig.

Oh it 6:30 PM here. Sorry I’m late.

Soubresaut's avatar

My house keys are in an abalone shell on the dresser in my room. My car keys are in my purse on the floor just below them.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Sure, kitchen table, right next to wallet and cell phone.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Front left pocket of my jeans, ALWAYS!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, my keys are on the key hook, ALWAYS! Except when they’re not and I can’t find them.
This no-purse thing is taking some getting used to.

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