Social Question

Have you seen the movie "Concussion," and has it made you rethink your attitudes about football?
What were your thoughts on it?
For me, it was powerful, in so many ways. I think football is / will be on the way out, to be replaced with soccer. And I am very glad. In fact, no one I know has their school age kids in football anymore. They ALL play soccer.
For my husband, who once had pro football dreams, and whose life revolves around football season, it was saddening to him. Just watching how he responded I saw so many emotions. Sadness, but also relief that he didn’t play more than he did (HS,) and regret because he knows he’s saying farewell to a sport he loves. I also saw a quiet acceptance. There was just no way to deny the science.
He was angry over all of the cover ups by the NFL.
He didn’t like it when I said, “Well, it’s common sense to me, anyway.” I would have never allowed my son to play football, if I had a say in it.
My dad was a big football fan, too. Raised in Texas, he was the quarterback for his HS team. He was a big fish in a little pond, as he used to say. He was the star.
The whole town would turn out for the games. They didn’t have stadium lights. When it was nighttime, cars would ring the field, with their lights on so the guys could play.
I have fond memories of watching Dallas, the Jets, the Steelers, all those old, great players from the 60’s and 70’s. MEAN JOE GREEN!! BROADWAY JOE!! GAYLE SAYERS!! “OLD MAN” GEORGE BLANDA!! Yeah, I saw that 50 yard field goal.