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Dutchess_III's avatar

What are the chances of Bernie winning the election by write-in votes?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) July 5th, 2016

I confess to being politically challenged, so please educate me on write-ins.

I did a tiny bit of research and found no presidents who won the actual election by write-in, but several who won the primaries by write in, including Eisenhower and JFK.

Would it be even remotely possible to win the actual presidency through a write-in, or would it default to a vote for Trump?

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37 Answers

DoNotKnowMuch's avatar

I would assume somewhere between 0% and 0%.

Many of us Sanders supporters are voting for Stein – not writing Sanders in.

Seek's avatar

Either way, it’s not “by default a vote for Trump”. That presumes that everyone who would write-in Bernie or vote for Stein or whatever would otherwise vote for Hillary.

That’s simply not the case. A person’s vote belongs to them alone, not to any particular candidate, regardless of party affiliation.

Cruiser's avatar

Anything is possible….but Bernies very remote chances to be Commander in Chief have completely vaporized with Comey’s aanouncement today.

dappled_leaves's avatar

Zero. Terrific way to waste your vote. Trump would love it.

DoNotKnowMuch's avatar

I mentioned it the other day, but as it seems there is still some confusion, here is how voting works in the U.S.:

– a vote for Jill Stein == a vote for Jill Stein
– a vote for Gary Johnson == a vote for Gary Johnson
– a vote for Donald Trump == a vote for Donald Trump
– a vote for Hillary Clinton == a vote for Hillary Clinton
– not voting == not voting

Dutchess_III's avatar

I knew I’d get edjacated. Keep it coming!

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

A person’s vote belongs to them alone

Because whoever you vote for becomes YOUR president and you live under his or her wise and benevolent rule. And you get to laugh at and feel sorry for all the people who didn’t vote for good and pure candidates. Tra la la! The End.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

You can choose to believe this but because of the electoral college I really will be voting for Trump because I live in a red state. I’m planning to sit this election out but my state votes for Trump.

DoNotKnowMuch's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay: “Because whoever you vote for becomes YOUR president and you live under his or her wise and benevolent rule.”

This isn’t how elections work in the U.S. First, people vote for the candidate that they support. Second, presidents don’t rule in this way.

@Call_Me_Jay: “And you get to laugh at…”

Voting is not usually a laughing matter, so I think you may be confusing this with a silly movie.

@Call_Me_Jay: ”...and feel sorry for all the people who didn’t vote for good and pure candidates.”

You shouldn’t feel sorry. Whatever “good and pure” candidates means, these people are free to vote for them as well.

@Call_Me_Jay: “Tra la la! The End.”

This reference to Chomsky’s “Secrets, Lies, and Democracy” (1994, Berkley: Odonian Press) may be a bit obscure for most of us. Maybe you could elaborate on how this connects to the U.S. election process.

ibstubro's avatar

Zero, to none.

JLeslie's avatar

No chance.

Jaxk's avatar

Zip point shit.

Coloma's avatar

Bernie would be my choice but I haven’t voted in 38 years and am not shifting my apolitical stance now. IF I really thought Bernie had a chance I’d go for it, but…I’m waiting for the blue moon moment when my vote will be for the greater of two goods and not the lesser of two evils.
Anyone that still believes this government is for the people, by the people, is delusional.

kritiper's avatar

As good a chance as a snowball in hell.

gorillapaws's avatar

@Coloma What about Jill Stein? I wouldn’t consider her a “lesser evil” and if she gets enough support it could have a big impact.

SecondHandStoke's avatar

Gonna beat this old nag to the finish line aren’t we?

DrasticDreamer's avatar

Well, that’s honestly kind of hard to answer. There are some states, I believe, that ignore write-in votes. So, depending on where you live, your vote literally might not be counted if you choose to write a candidate in.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@gorillapaws “and if she gets enough support it could have a big impact.”


Call_Me_Jay's avatar

@DoNotKnowMuch I don’t know anything about “Secrets, Lies, and Democracy”. I’ve never read any Chomsky.

jca's avatar

I’m guessing Bernie will drop out before that so it won’t matter how many people write him in.

gorillapaws's avatar

@dappled_leaves For one thing, with enough support the media will have to let her participate in the debates which is a big deal. Secondly, we could find ourselves in the situation where Stein has enough support and hits critical mass. At that point a we could be hearing “vote for Hilary is a vote for Trump” instead of what people are saying now: “a vote for Stein is a vote for Trump.” Stein is already polling at around 7% last I heard.

Stein is smart, articulate, has good values, and has policies that are more inline with what Democrats want than Hillary’s platform. Oh and she’s not shady as fuck/bought by corporate America.

Coloma's avatar

@gorillapaws I don’t know enough about Stein to make a call, but, maybe, still not voting. haha

Strauss's avatar

Bernie is in it now to influence the direction of the Democratic Party. There is much more at stake at the convention in addition to the Presidential ticket.

Dutchess_III's avatar

You’re not voting @Coloma? No-vote = vote for Trump. Hilary and Trump are our only options.

Coloma's avatar

@Dutchess_III Yep, and I don;t vote for the lesser of two evils, and in the case of these two, the evil is pretty damn neck and neck. We’re doomed regardless. haha

DoNotKnowMuch's avatar

@Dutchess_III: “No-vote = vote for Trump.”

That’s not how it works.

no vote == no vote

And Hillary/Trump are not the only two options.

gorillapaws's avatar

@Dutchess_III “Hilary and Trump are our only options.”
That is factually inaccurate, and just plain stupid reasoning (false choice fallacy). I refuse to choose between a lunatic and someone who is more conservative than Nixon was.

I really don’t see what Clinton supporters hope to achieve. Best case scenario for a Clinton presidency: there will be a low voter turnout but Clinton barely squeaks by Trump and Congress will remain overwhelmingly red. We will remain deadlocked for the next 4 years. Not a damn thing will get done. The 1% will continue to increase their percent of the nation’s wealth, companies will continue to merge, the middle class will continue to slip into poverty, the environment will continue to deteriorate, We could see another major banking crash/tax payer bailout because Clinton refuses to break up the banks who are even bigger than they were when they were too big to fail.

…And then 4 years later the best we can hope for is a reelection of Clinton despite huge public backlash against her. The current enthusiastic tide of progressives completely deflated by crony politics and corruption.That’s the BEST case future a Clinton supporter can hope for.

I say fuck that. Let’s get someone with ideas that people LIKE, so people are going to vote for someone they are excited about instead of the lesser of two evils. You put someone that’s actually fighting for progressive values in the general and theres a shot at a good turnout which means the Congress could shift blue. That would radically change the game.

Strauss's avatar

News Flash! Sanders concedes Democratic nomination, endorses Clinton!

The chances of Bernie winning a write-in vote? Absolutely 0%. I’m watching his concession and endorsement of Hillary Clinton at this very moment, Tuesday, July 12, 2016 at 9:29 AM MDT.

Strauss's avatar

Since it’s happening live as I post, this link is to CNN live streaming.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Thank you. I’ll get this info to my young grandson who will be voting for the first time. He’s idealistic and ertain that there are enough Bernie supporters so that he can be elected via write in. He’s sure that if Bernie doesn’t win with all the emotional support he has that that will be proof that the system is a lie.
I’m just glad, really glad, he’s participating. I just hope that he doesn’t just give up and not vote at all.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Eh…this live streaming is so glitchy on my computer.

Strauss's avatar

You should be able to find a “print” report by Googling it.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh, I just went to ABC news and got the story. It’s #1 on all the news sites, of course. I sent the link to my grandson.

jca's avatar

Of course he was going to concede.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I wish we had some sort of system in place where we can vote, “Bernie 1st, Hilary 2nd.” Like that. Wishful thinking, I know.

DoNotKnowMuch's avatar

^ This would be great, but it would never be allowed. It instantly breaks the hold the corporate parties have on the system. It’s sometimes referred to as “ranked voting” or “preferential voting”, and Jill Stein is a vocal proponent of such a system.

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