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jonsblond's avatar

What the heck happened to my cheek?

Asked by jonsblond (44447points) July 6th, 2016

If you aren’t interested in a medical question you can just move along.

Last night I experienced a sudden sharp pain in my right cheek. It radiated to my temple and above my eye. After the initial jolt the pain became dull and achy and the area felt numb. The vision in that eye became weaker compared to my other eye. Opening my mouth made the pain worse, so I couldn’t eat dinner and talking was difficult. I went to bed and slept for ten hours.

The dull achy pain has been constant, but has gradually weakened. It’s almost gone now, 24 hours later, but my cheek still feels odd. Slightly achy and tingly. I probably should have gone to the ER, but I waited it out because it wasn’t unbearable.

Any ideas? Should I still see a doc?

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