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elbanditoroso's avatar

Should we stop eating Brown Betty because of its racist origins?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33655points) July 7th, 2016

Various flavors exist -most common is Apple Brown Betty.


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24 Answers

chyna's avatar

Do you know anyone personally that has ate Apple Brown Betty?
I think there is enough to be outraged and indignant about right now in society without digging out a cookbook from the 1800’s IMHO.

zenvelo's avatar

We eat it all the time -as Apple Crisp.

kritiper's avatar

No. Just call it something else.

CWOTUS's avatar

What’s next on the banned list? Spotted dick?

LuckyGuy's avatar

It would be rude to not eat Betty just because she was brown! I am an equal opportunity eater!

Wait! Are we talking about the same kind of pie?

BellaB's avatar

This thread title really confused me since I know Brown Betty as a type of teapot.

I wondered who was suffering a manganese and / or clay deficiency and chewing on their teapot.

Seek's avatar

That’s clearly an apple cobbler.

LuckyGuy's avatar

It’s been a few minutes so I’m ready. I’d like a second helping of the non-calorie version, please.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

@LuckyGuy I prefer the negative calorie version

stanleybmanly's avatar

What percentage of people do you suppose have a single thought on the racist possibilities in the name. Brown Betty is about as bland an example of racism as One could possibly concoct. How about loading up the blondes again? Apple Blonde Betty.

Seek's avatar

I take exception to Gingerbread! and my son is thoroughly insulted by Blondies!

Mostly when he doesn’t get seconds.

BellaB's avatar

@stanleybmanly – Women I know locally think this is Brown Betty

(a friend of mine is an importer)

Blonde Betty is part of the full line

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

If you feel this strongly about it, be consistent. You must also throw out the Maxwell House Coffee, Ivory soap, Lux soap products, Aunt Jemima products, AC Spark Plugs all the General Electric products, Cream of Wheat, Heinz Ketchup and a plethora of others. Where do you want to start? Hell, just simplify things by emptying your whole house.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@BellaB is there a big market for these products? I’m trying to understand the point. All of it, piercings, tattoos, custom paint jobs on digits, now muff dyeing. Is it about matching curtains to drapes? If so, why wouldn’t you want to use exactly the same product you put on your head to assure a perfect match?

stanleybmanly's avatar

Let’s not skip Uncle Ben.

chyna's avatar

@stanleybmanly matching curtains to drapes…snicker.

BellaB's avatar

@stanleybmanly , from my understanding of it the point (sometimes) is not to match. That’s why they have fun colours on offer. The Betty dyes are also supposed to be a gentler product than regular hair dyes – which is why you would use a specialty product.

Can’t speak to why people get piercings or custom paint on digits, but my tattoos are for me, not for anyone else to appreciate.

Seek's avatar

Every time I think I’ve found all of the sexual innuendos possible in my innocent childhood’s favourite 80s music, another one pops up

stanleybmanly's avatar

@chyna the way I understand it that “did the carpet match the drapes?” is a common question among men in locker room level discussions of alleged “conquests”.

elbanditoroso's avatar

To get totally off topic here, there was just an article in the NY Times over the weekend that reported that more than half of women completely or partially shave their pubic hair. (see link – link )

typo fixed

That would suggest that Blonde Betty and her colorful sisters are some of the last survivors in a dying market.

BellaB's avatar

@elbanditoroso – great answer for best typo (if that was a typo)

elbanditoroso's avatar

@BellaB – not intentional. Fixed. But funny.

BellaB's avatar

Drats. I so liked that.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Public is still there. I’ve heard tales of “bald women” and men taking up “manscaping”. The world’s just goin all to hell.

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