Does anybody besides me think it's interesting that we could end up with four blond women as world leaders?
Asked by
Jeruba (
July 7th, 2016
Not that it inherently means any more than having four dark-haired men as world leaders—but it would be a bit unusual.
The U.K. is looking like it’s going to elect one of two blondes as P.M.
If Hillary Clinton wins the U.S. election, and Marine Le Pen comes out on top in France, and Angela Merkel hangs in there at the helm in Germany—well, there we are.
Tags as I wrote them: politics, international affairs, blondes, world leaders, Clinton, May, Leadsom, Le Pen, Merkel.
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41 Answers
I don’t really care for that. As long as they do their job well I’m all in. The world have changed and it is becoming more apparent that men don’t hold all the power anymore. We need people who get things done, regardless of their status.
I think we may very well end up with four women in these positions. I don’t care about their hair colour and I concur with @Mimishu1995, I’m really only interested in whether they do their job well.
I’m more interested in their politics too. Although having female role models is good in that it makes other women think ‘I could do that’ in a way that having a man in that position doesn’t. The white prerogative is still there though.
Le Pen is not good though. I find her politics hateful. The rest are also a bit too right wing for me.
Us blonde women are rising up in power.
It sounds like the start of a blonde joke.
There were four blonde leaders of the world that walked into a bar….
Major so what.
In theory, we are supposed to judge world leaders by their leadership, intellect and their track record at solving problems.
making an observation that there will be “four blonds” is objectifying women based on physical attributes rather than on their innate skills.
This sort of observation sets back the cause of feminism and equality for women – it certainly doesn’t improve it.
I’m guessing they all have grey pubes though…<barf>
Hadn’t noticed. I’m not in the habit of noticing a person’s hair color as per their role in society, just like I don’t notice their skin color, or any other difference/trait. But now that you mention it, I’ll take a look.
Are you thinking along the lines of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?
Me too!
I do find it interesting that a person found to be “criminally careless” by the highest law enforcement agency in the land would be voted for President by anyone.
Oh well, maybe she will stop being careless the moment she is inaugurated.
^ A non-answer.
Enjoy your upvotes anyway.
^ to a non-question.
Thank you, I will if I get any
Were they blonde 30 years ago?
Now if they were all bald…
@SecondHandStoke No one currently running for president in the US has been found “criminally careless” by any law enforcement agency.
Tell me that if the four of them wind up sitting around a diplomatic table one day, not one of them will cast a critical eye on the hair of any other.
I don’t think the color of their hair really matters since most of them are probably naturally gray by now, and their hair dressers are the only ones who know what their real hair color is. But I do find it interesting that these powerful nations may all have woman at the helm at the same time. I’m crossing my fingers that having women leaders may prove beneficial to the world. But I can’t help but feel they are being set up for WWIII. I think we may be headed there and it will take more than hormone and a few nation leaders to avoid it. No matter how they play it out, if we get into a WWIII situations, women will be set back because the idea will be that they weren’t strong enough to fight back that tide. Unless by some miracle they succeed where men haven’t been able too.
Better than 4 Non-Blondes I suppose.
@rojo Agreed.
My comment was never intended as a question.
It’s clearly an answer instead.
“Earlier this week, Comey said that “no charges are appropriate in this case,” giving the reason that “no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.” The FBI director did note, however, that Clinton and her staff were “extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.””
Extremely careless, not “Criminally.” Apologies.
My profound concern still stands.
Clinton should perhaps fire her hairstylist and hire a voice coach instead.
The hair? I can look away.
That screech? Looking away will not help.
^If you can’t say something nice…
^ Very well.
Clinton has a much greater knack for getting away with the seemingly impossible than I do.
I’m sincerely impressed.
If they are having their hair color professionally done, obviously it matters to them. Are we just supposed to act as if we didn’t notice? I doubt that’s what they’re paying their stylists and colorists for.
In my opinion it’s a ridiculous perversion of political correctness to say (or make believe) that we can’t see differences among ourselves. I, for one, prefer the Star Wars-Star Trek model for handling appearance diversity, which is to recognize it in a matter-of-fact way but not let it govern our responses to or treatment of individuals.
And Trump’s hair is natural? Pfft.
@SecondHandStoke There’s a pretty big difference between “criminally careless” and “extremely careless.” A whole indictment’s worth of difference, to be precise. And I am not all that concerned about this particular issue because I disagree she was careless. Government security is abysmal (and I happen to know that you agree).
@Jeruba, I don’t spend any time considering whether Barack Obama or Malcolm Turnbull or Vladimir Putin use hair dye. I rarely see news content about how male leaders dress. Trump is attacked for his hair, but he is the exception.
I feel we diminish our female leaders when we focus on their looks rather than what they are doing or saying. Yes, you might notice but it’s irrelevant to their role. How women look is often used as a weapon against them. I’m just not going to play that game by either commenting on how they look from a positive or a negative perspective. I’m a bit surprised you asked this question actually. What I’d rather discuss is how these women might handle their roles differently to men. I’d prefer to see discussion about whether women have a different style of leadership and how that might lead to improvements in their countries and the world. Or maybe people think women in those roles will make no difference.
In the case of the UK, I think whoever is elected as the leader of the Conservative party has a huge job ahead of her. I think it’s fascinating that so few men put their hand up to take on the task. I saw the same in Queensland when the previous conservative leader was ousted. The Australian Labor Party were expected to have absolutely no hope of taking back power, and so after they were defeated a woman was put in as their leader. No man raised his hand. My sense is the men in these situations perceive the leadership role as a ‘no win’ situation and so they’re happy to let a woman lead. I suspect women have seen the opportunity as a very rare opportunity to prove they can lead (and fall on her face perhaps). I doubt the woman’s hair colour will make any difference to their performance.
> What I’d rather discuss is how these women might handle their roles differently to men. I’d prefer to see discussion about whether women have a different style of leadership and how that might lead to improvements in their countries and the world.
I don’t believe I’m doing anything to prevent you from doing that, am I?
I continue to be bemused by the number of people who choose to answer a question by saying they don’t want to answer it.
@Jeruba Getting an answer you don’t like is not the same as not getting an answer to your question.
I’ve made it very clear in another thread that I understand the government’s internal cybersecurity problem.
The correct thing to do would have been to follow current procedure even though it was less secure.
Perhaps interesting in terms of a potential movie:
Hillary- Amy Poehler
The other 3— Cate Blanchett. ;-)
@olivier5 We need to see his pubes to verify! All presidential candidates should be required to provide crotch shots along with their tax returns.
He probably dyed it as well. The guy is a professional con-man, after all.
@SecondHandStoke You have a very strange definition of “correct” if you think it always lines up with what the government prescribes.
Theresa May is not blonde, more tousled grey like that of a witch
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