Did you ever discover you have or had a nemesis, or distracter?
Over your life have you had or have a nemesis or distracter who seem to have an aircraft carrier sized chip on their shoulder and out of spite if you said it was black they would say it was white, you say sweet, they say sour, you say hot, they say cold, you say fast, they say slow, etc.? They seem to try and use bully tactics or try to rally enough others in with them to get you to quit the job, drop the class, swim from the lagoon, leave the team, etc.? Even when none of the attacks they don’t seem to get it and give it a rest, and you are left scratching your head figuring ”How in the world did I become a burr in their butt?” (To say it politely)
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11 Answers
No. I just ignore people like you.
Yes, I once had an employee that I came to believe was a sociopath. She lied with absolute impunity. She told my other employees all sorts of false things about me.
I don’t know about a nemesis, but I have had people that I have known for years suddenly stop wanting anything to do with me and have no idea as to why.
@Irukandji No. I just ignore people like you.
Good thing we have perfect people in the world like you ~~
Then go back you your default and we won’t see each other in the future. ;-o
@marinelife Yes, I once had an employee that I came to believe was a sociopath. She lied with absolute impunity. She told my other employees all sorts of false things about me.
Did her smear campaign gain any traction? Did she get you fired or force you to quite?
@SQUEEKY2 [….but I have had people that I have known for years suddenly stop wanting anything to do with me and have no idea as to why.
No emails, phone calls, do they say ‘hi’ if you see the on the street?
Barely if they see me on the street, and for the other stuff nothing.
I think you mean “detractor”.
^ According to three online dictionaries they said it meant the same thing only the ‘O’ spelling was a variation, so…...since facts are suppose to rule, I went with the version most dictionaries I viewed used.
I once had a person I never even met or knew make horrible claims against me because my husband was acquainted with a person she had a grievance against. Her grievance was determined to be false, and after spreading hate against me (and many other people) all over the internet, she claimed she was deceived by the extraterrestrials that abducted her.
^ Her grievance was determined to be false,....]
Thank heaven for that….the truth prevailed.
distractor: noun
a person or thing that distracts.
an incorrect option in a multiple-choice question.
detractor: noun
a person who disparages someone or something.
synonyms: critic, disparager, denigrator, deprecator, belittler, attacker, fault-finder, backbiter;
No, she went on vacation (she had two weeks) to Russia, and she called to say that she was taking extra time. I fired her.
I only found out about the false stories about me afterward.
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