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longgone's avatar

Can you help me find a book to read?

Asked by longgone (19946points) July 12th, 2016

I just finished “A Brief History of the Dead”, and I liked that a lot! Thanks for the recommendation. Now, I’m looking for something new. Fantasy would be fine. Something a little warmer, though. A book you’d read curled up by the fire. Not a dark book, and nothing silly.

If you’ve read “The Rosie Project”: Something like that.


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25 Answers

janbb's avatar

The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry might work for you.
The Unliekly Pilgrimage of Harold Fry

Something by Rumer Godden such as Greengage Summer.


Have you read Pride and Prejudice?

rojo's avatar

Have you read Pillars of the Earth? I just re-read it.

marinelife's avatar

Major Pettigrew’s Last Stand is a novel that you might enjoy.

Seek's avatar

I’ll second Pillars of the Earth. SO emotional – you’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll cheer and boo. It’s a great read.

Glad you enjoyed The Brief History of the Dead!

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Anything by Terry Pratchett.

canidmajor's avatar

The Martian by Andy Weir

The Japanese Lover by Isabel Allende

Anything of Amy Tans

Dutchess_III's avatar

Dragon Riders of Pern series.

Stinley's avatar

The Girl who saved the King of Sweden. It’s a hilarious rollicking good yarn

Rarebear's avatar

Ready, Player One.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Dragons of Autumn Twilight
Dragons of Winter Night
Dragons of Spring Dawning

CWOTUS's avatar

I’ve tremendously enjoyed the Christopher Moore books that I’ve read:

Lamb: The Story of Biff, Christ’s Childhood Buddy
Coyote Blue
You Suck!
The Serpent of Venice

They’re humorous without being silly. Great beach / fireside reads.

Mimishu1995's avatar

You want some fantasy? How about trying the Chrestomanci series? It’s sort of like Harry Porter but a bit complicated. At least it’s a good read if you want something to spend the night with.

SmartAZ's avatar

Go to the public library and wander the stacks. Pull a random book off the shelf and see what it’s about. Look at the book next to it. Turn around and pull a book off the shelf behind you. Walk around the corner and do it again. I have found some remarkably good stuff that way, books that nobody would ever have suggested to me.

longgone's avatar

Thanks, all. You people are very dependable. I looked around and picked a bunch, choosing the ones which would arrive on time for my holiday (I order on abebooks). I’m looking forward to ten days of reading in France!

@Seek So much! I loved some of the ideas. I feel like I’ll have to read it again, I bet I missed a ton of the stuff I could have discovered!

@janbb Yep, I have, but thanks for the other suggestions. I ordered both A.J. Fikry and Harold Fry.

@rojo I haven’t. Thanks!

janbb's avatar

@longgone Kin i come too? I’ll bring more books!

longgone's avatar

^ “Kin i come”....Are you sure you can read, penguin? ;)

[Mod says] Moved to Social.

janbb's avatar

Aww – just trying to be cute and lovable so you’d take me with…

longgone's avatar

I’d take you in a heartbeat. Come on over! You can join me for quiet reading time, French food, and hikes with dogs. Just be careful Wilson doesn’t eat you.

janbb's avatar

It’s a plan!

Stinley's avatar

Come and see me too, you two! Lots of holiday reading books in my French house

janbb's avatar

@Stinley We could have a blast together, the three of us!

Stinley's avatar

A fabulous French Fluther friend fest and feast

longgone's avatar

Oh, that sounds amazing. Two bookies at my service! :)

Kardamom's avatar

Here is but a wee smattering of some of the best books I’ve read in the last couple of years.

The Last Anniversary by Lianne Moriarty

Anything from the Elm Creek Quilts Series by Jennifer Chiaverini. I’ve read “The Quilters Apprentice” and “The Cross Country Quilters” and “The Quilter’s Legacy” and loved all of them. They are inter-related, but it doesn’t really matter what order you read them in.

Death by Cashmere by Sally Goldenbaum. This is part of a series too, but I just discovered this book and haven’t yet read any of the others. Looking forward to it though.

And one of my favorite books of all time, Winter Solstice by Rosamunde Pilcher, or pretty much anything else by her, but this one is one of my favorite books by any author.

longgone's avatar

^ Thank you. I’ll come back to this when I’ve finished all the other ones.

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