Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

How does this work as far as the candidates for the presidential election?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) July 12th, 2016

I’m looking at this link. Are all the people listed actual, viable candidates (with the except of those who have withdrawn, of course.)

And how would that work at the ballot? There are 30+ independent candidates. Will they each be listed on the ballot?

Same with all the democratic & republican candidates. Will they all be listed on the ballot? I guess I’ve never really paid that close attention in the past. I always voted for one of the top 2.

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4 Answers

johnpowell's avatar

They will not be listed. Last time (at least on my ballot) there were maybe five options.

Each state has varying rules. Here are the rules for Oregon:

“In Oregon, the secretary of state determines which candidates appear on the presidential primary ballot. A presidential candidate can also petition for placement on the primary ballot. An independent candidate can petition for placement on the primary ballot. This petition must contain signatures totaling 1 percent of the votes cast for president in the previous general election. An independent candidate can also be nominated by an assembly of 1,000 voters gathered in one place during a 12-hour period.”

MrGrimm888's avatar

You can always write in a candidate. You can vote for yourself . Voting for any less than the top two is a waste of time though, or has been. Even popular independent candidates haven’t had a real chance in the past…

elbanditoroso's avatar

In Georgia, we have electronic voting using a chip card (sort of like a credit card), and the names show up on a screen. What they did in 2012 is show all the candidates (maybe a dozen), and their party affiliation. They all fit on the screen. No problem.

Sometimes we have bond issues or other types of things; same deal – you just hit ‘next page’ when necessary.

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