What are your thoughts on the Star Trek (TOS) remastered DVD?
Asked by
filmfann (
July 12th, 2016
If you aren’t aware, they have taken the original series, and replaced the visual effects (done in the stone age 60’s) with much cleaner effects. They have also re-recorded the music, and improved the film quality.
Is this a violation of something?
Doesn’t the Prime Directive address this?
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7 Answers
It’d be best to include both versions. As I recall from watching some of the re-done ones on TV years ago, they seemed to have done a very innocuous job.
As long as they’re not changing the story (see Han Shot First), they can improve the visual effects all they like. I’ll still have my original versions to enjoy when I want the immersive “stone age” experience.
People still buy DVDs? I thought that they were on their way to oblivion.
Call me ancient, but I’d rather buy a DVD series than pay for a monthly streaming service that only lets me watch the one show on their pathetic service I want to for as long as I keep paying them.
I say that to say, “Fuck you, CBS All Access”.
I hate the idea, did that with old Laurel & Hardy movies putting them in colour for fuck’s sake
It’s like plastering cheap make up out of a whore’s handbag & dawbing it with a trowel on a really, really, really old woman
@filmfann I’m a hardcore TOS guy. I went to Star Trek conventions in the ‘70s, and the remasters don’t bother me. I agree with @Seek in that the story is the same and the acting is obviously the same. Also, they’ve put back in things they cut out in syndication to make room for more commercials. @Seek You can watch STTOS on Netflix, although I agree with you in that I’m not going to pay for CBS All Access.
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