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JLeslie's avatar

Did Jeb Bush say he isn't going to vote?

Asked by JLeslie (65919points) July 13th, 2016 from iPhone

That is incredible.

What do you think about him saying that out loud on TV?

What do you think about him not voting?

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6 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

That would be great! One less vote for any Republicans down ballot. I hope his fellow party members follow his example.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Although I understand his reasoning, I don’t buy it.

Abstaining is not useful. It’s a “head in the sand” approach. My thinking is that he should take an active stand and vote for someone – even gary Johnson – as an affirmative step – taking a stand FOR something.

Not voting is just a cop-out.

JLeslie's avatar

I found the video. Does he mean he isn’t going to vote at all? Or, just not vote for Trump or Hillary?

cazzie's avatar

The GOP asked Trump to help with fund raising. It is standard and normal. He was asked to ring 10 of his rich friends and ask for donations for the party campaign fund. Again , they all have to do it. Demeaning and awkward as it may be. He rang three and gave up. He doesn’t care about the party and the party doesn’t care for him much either. Many Republicans are going to be conspicuous by their absence at the rallies. They will not be voting endorsing or supporting Trump in any way.

SmartAZ's avatar

He has not discussed his plans with me.

Jaxk's avatar

There’s a lot of ‘Sour Grapes’ out there. Not enough however to really hurt Trump. Establishment candidates decrying the anti-establishment candidate doesn’t seem to be getting much traction. Jeb unfortunately has been relegated to a footnote in history. Too bad, so sad.

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