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Is pediatric nursing a good job?
So I’m currently in nursing school. My original plan was to get my doctorates and become a nurse practitioner, but I’ve been kind of on the fence about that. I’ve been thinking about pediatric nursing but I’m not super sure. I’ve baby sat a lot, and one girl I babysat had so many medical problems. It came to the point where shots did not bother her anymore. I’ve also noticed that children cling to me, boys and girls. But then again, nurses aren’t babysitters! I have a few questions about pediatric nursing, and I haven’t done peds clinicals yet, so please help.
What are the pros? What are the cons? How do you mentally deal with a patient passing, abused patients, or the parents?
I was rather spoiled as a child, so if I have two children someday, would I make enough to spoil them? I don’t need a fancy house or car, but I would like to travel the world myself and also be able to afford a Disney world trip for my future children every couple of years.
Overall, would you recommend pediatrics to new nurses?
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