General Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

If the Trump VP is to be Mike Pence, does this make Trump more or less attractive as candidate? Is this ticket more electable?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33686points) July 15th, 2016

Side question: Why would Pence agree?

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27 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

It will reinforce people’s current positions. But it won’t change anyone’s mind.

The VP pick is not what people use to decide who they will vote for. It is an indicator of a candidate’s judgment, but it rarely sways anyone. The last time it made any difference at all was in ‘72 with McGovern’s Eagleton choice, but McGovern was way behind Nixon already.

Pence will agree to set himself up as a front runner in 2020. Plus, when Trump gets bored and pulls a Palin, he would be the next President. Pence was being touted 18 months ago until he went hardcore anti-LGBT.

LostInParadise's avatar

Trump has had difficulty in getting the support of traditional conservatives. My guess is that Pence’s extreme views will get a few conservative fence sitters to back him, but I don’t think it will make that much of a difference.

JLeslie's avatar

I think it could have some affect. The way I see it, Trump supporters will stick with him if he chooses Pence. I know very little about Pence, but I think he will come off as fairly competent to the republicans.

I feel the VP pick can ruin a candidates chance, but not likely to improve a candidates chance. For instance, McCain picking Palin caused two republicans I know to not vote at all that election cycle, and I bet there are many more people who sat it out.

stanleybmanly's avatar

There’s no question that the GOP is distinguished for its share of over the top absurdist candidates in recent Presidential races, but Trump is a spectacle so breathtaking that being saddled with him renders the party more or less ineligible for consideration as a functioning political prospect. The truth is that no one living is capable of either enhancing or diminishing Trump’s shot at the Presidency through running alongside the Donald. But for whomever is to be blessed with the gig, the potential consequences regarding future political ambitions are so catastrophic, that even the dimmest candidates recoil in horror at the prospect. The embarrassing long line of folks declaring themselves “unsuitable” for the job is without precedent, and Trump’s own persona is warped to an extent so extreme that the very act of attaching oneself to his ticket relegates the volunteer to the bin of cognitive impairment.

imrainmaker's avatar

Will women support him after his views on abortion?

BellaB's avatar

@imrainmaker , Trump’s already flipped to an odd place on abortion. Pence won’t change that perception of the ticket, maybe solidify it.

Pence works for the electorate that already supports Trump. Where he may pay off is in getting out the vote. If the 30+ percent that are pro-Trump all show up, that would make a difference in the final result.

ibstubro's avatar

I’m really, really holding out for Newt.

Voting against both Trump and Gingrich is almost enough make me feel good about a vote for Clinton.
(Yeah, that buzz might last an hour.)

JLeslie's avatar

@imrainmaker Why do you ask that? Do you believe a lot of current Trump supporters are big pro choice people?

Plenty of women are pro-life, and vote that way. Look at Reagan, Bush, and Bush, just to name a few recent presidents who were pro-life.

Seek's avatar

@JLeslie – I think this election will largely be determined by pissed-off independents, not the Vote-How-My-Pastor-Tells-Me-To crowd.

Jaxk's avatar

It will likely shore up some conservative support and help with the vote in Indiana. I don’t think it will sway the election one way or the other simply because Pence is not dynamic enough to do so. He’s a competent Governor and popular in Indiana. He doesn’t carry the baggage that Newt would carry but I’m sorry he isn’t picking Newt. Basically Pence is a rather boring pick but doesn’t do Trump any damage. Safe.

Pachy's avatar

I suspect it won’t have much effect one way or the other. Read this about Pence.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Pachy I agree and I don’t think either one can walk, think and carry on a conversation at the same time.

JLeslie's avatar

I think Trump should stick close to his schtick and go with Christie. I think that makes the most sense for him.

@Seek The people who like Trump because they like his economic stuff will probably be fine with Pence, even though he in Trump are not right in line. The people who want to build walls, probably won’t leave Trump because he picks Pence. The people who are hardcore women’s rights issues, probably are with Hillary or some candidate in a fringe party.

The people who perceive Trump as moderate on women’s issues, which I actually think he is fairly moderate, very well might abandon him with Pence on the ticket. Makes sense.

Seek's avatar

I’m wondering about the number of people who will actually vote for Trump to “burn down the system”.

Those people could not give fewer fucks about anyone’s policy.

JLeslie's avatar

I just saw on TB he chose Pence. Is that right? I think it’s a mistake.

ibstubro's avatar

Yes, @JLeslie. Pense is the VP pick.
Did you think you had a better candidate? That would accept?

That reminds me. Where was that Palin chick when The Donald was giving out VP cigars?

BellaB's avatar

@ibstubro , didn’t you hear that Mr. Trump said that Alaska was too far away for Mrs. Palin to travel to the convention?

(I thought it was an Onion article when I first read it)

zenvelo's avatar

@BellaB Palin isn’t around because her son Track has been remanded to jail on domestic violence charges.

BellaB's avatar

Tell that to Mr. Trump.

JLeslie's avatar

Wow. I’m so interested to see what does happen with this VP pick. It makes me feel like all of a sudden he is listening to the people who usually pull the strings in the Republican Party. Could that be?

zenvelo's avatar

@JLeslie No, he is not “listening to the people who usually pull the strings in the Republican Party”. Word got out yesterday that as late as midnight Thursday he was trying to back out of the Pence decision.

He is only “listening” to his closest advisors, such as his son in law.

ibstubro's avatar

Surely, he was making a funny, @BellaB.

WAS it an Onion article?

BellaB's avatar


Sarah Palin was asked to speak at next week’s Republican National Convention, but apparently the roughly 3,000-mile flight is too long for the former governor of Alaska to make the trip to Cleveland.

“She was asked,” Donald Trump told the Washington Examiner in an interview Thursday. “It’s a little bit difficult because of where she is. We love Sarah. Little bit difficult because of, you know, it’s a long ways away.”

ibstubro's avatar

LOL, @BellaB.
Just LOL, @BellaB when I opened the link.
It’s worth repeating.

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