[Fluff time] Why do some question selfies others take, when they take selfies because they can?
Disclaimer This question is non-religious or faith based
You got to love the Internet; it is like having 8,000 cable channels and surfing through you never know what you might find. There was this blip of selfies NOT to take of yourself and it included [NSFW?] this. Surely it can’t be because it was in the toilet, which is so passé it is not funny. Maybe because she had a baby strapped to her? If she can look like that after squeezing the little nipper out, more power to her, others need to take note. They have cell phones that make it easier to take selfies, so there might be a very valid reason she took a pic of her bum, she forgot to do the top button and the jeans fell right as she snapped. She is showing the ”baby daddy” what he is missing when he stepped out on her with that other hoochie Blonde. She is showing her sister the new pair of undies she just purchased. She is showing her other sister how well her workout routine is on getting her pre-baby body back. She is trying to get a better look because she thinks she was bit by a sand flea while at the beach earlier. If you have a phone geared to taking selfies why blast someone for actually taking them, so long as there is nothing floating in the toilet in the background?
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6 Answers
@Hypocrisy_Central – I think that the most important thing in the photo that you posted is that she is lazy. Why doesn’t she put the toilet paper roll on to the toilet paper spindle? Why is it sitting on the top of the toilet tank?
I think that the more serious question is – why are so many people so selfie-stupid?
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Who is questioning this selfie besides you @Hypocrisy_Central ? Or did you post this question just so you could post the picture?
@elbanditoroso – Nah, I don’t put the roll on the spindle either. I have two animals that like to play spinny-roll-toy.
@elbanditoroso I think that the most important thing in the photo that you posted is that she is lazy. Why doesn’t she put the toilet paper roll on to the toilet paper spindle? Why is it sitting on the top of the toilet tank?
Could be that the holder is broken, I have seen that happen more than I can count. I guess it could be seen as laziness to know it is broken and never get around to repairing it.
I think that the more serious question is – why are so many people so selfie-stupid?
Because it is new and novel; because phones can do it, people will try in many ways that is unwise. Did people truly seek to take so many pics of themselves when they have to take the film to the photomat, wait a few days, go back and pick it up, hope you have some good ones, and it cost you some coin. The fact you can review what you just took adds another level of distraction because you are looking to see if you have to do it again. They do so no thinking about what danger their distraction can cause.
Who is questioning this selfie besides you @Hypocrisy_Central
I was not questioning it, I was giving plausible explainations of why she look it the way she took it.
@zenvelo Or did you post this question just so you could post the picture?
I could have tried to describe the pic but was afraid some would get lost thinking we were talking about capitalism, the book of Isiah, the Catholic church or any other things other than selfies, so I had to use the exact example that none get lost.
I have never even thought about using my phone as a camera. It has one; I can see the little lens in a hole. But, I have no idea how to use it. I don’t and don’t need to document my daily life with photos.
A true photographer has an artistic eye. Everybody else just thinks they (and themselves) do.
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