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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Did the west pee in the middle east's cereal?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25106points) July 15th, 2016

What did we do to them? What would piss them off so much to blow themselves up on mass , just to kill as many Americans as possible ? How do we fix it?

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6 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

The west has been messing with them for a hundred years. And it isn’t just one thing, it is over and over.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@zenvelo Oh. Ok. Thanks.

Jaxk's avatar

The answer is more complex than I could possibly address here. There are a few things that come to mind however that pertain. Some are still fighting the Crusades. That was when the Moors invaded Europe and Europe repelled them. Anti-colonialism runs rampant throughout the Middle East and Africa. Britain and France colonized and brought the natural resources home fuel their empires. That has been the source of much animosity and somehow we have become the face of western civilization. Israel likewise has been a thorn in their side. The US was the first country to recognise Israel as a state and we have supported them ever since. I’m running out of time here and only touched the surface. I’m sure others can paint a more complete picture but I need to eat dinner.

SquirrelEStuff's avatar

Yes, but we seem to lack the empathy and reason to look at what the US is doing around the world, especially Muslim countries. Although most Americans do not trust their government or media, they have no problem believing everything they say, without ever listening to what the “terrorists” say. I use quotations around the word, because it really is all a matter of perspective.
Here are some quotes from terrorists who were not killed, and I hope the full audio of the 911 call from Orlando is released, because I bet there was more said than him pledging allegiance to ISIS and the Boston bomber:
FRENCH SHOOTER “In a recording of what followed, a man the station identifies as Coulibaly holds a dialogue with others—apparently hostages—in which he says he attacked because the French military has attacked Muslims in the Middle East and Mali, including ISIS militants. “I was born in France. If they didn’t attack other countries, I wouldn’t be here,” a voice says in RTL’s recording.”
BOSTON BOMBER “He equated the three people who were killed in the marathon bombings and the more than 250 others who were injured to ‘collateral damage’ like the thousands of innocent Muslim victims of American wars across the globe. ‘When you attack one Muslim, you attack all Muslims,’ he reportedly wrote.”
UNDERWEAR BOMBER “In quick response to some of the things that have been said, I say my life and the lives of Muslims have also changed due to the attacks on innocent civilians,” he added.”
SHOE BOMBER “I further admit my allegiance to Osama bin Laden, to Islam, and to the religion of Allah. With regards to what you said about killing innocent people, I will say one thing. Your government has killed 2 million children in Iraq. If you want to think about something, against 2 million, I don’t see no comparison. Your government has sponsored the rape and torture of Muslims in the prisons of Egypt and Turkey and Syria and Jordan with their money and with their weapons. I don’t know, see what I done as being equal to rape and to torture, or to the deaths of the two million children in Iraq. So, for this reason, I think I ought not apologize for my actions. I am at war with your country. I’m at war with them not for personal reasons but because they have murdered more than, so many children and they have oppressed my religion and they have oppressed people for no reason except that they say we believe in Allah. This is the only reason that America sponsors Egypt. It’s the only reason they sponsor Turkey. It’s the only reason they back Israel. As far as the sentence is concerned, it’s in your hand. Only really it is not even in your hand. It’s in Allah’s hand. I put my trust in Allah totally and I know that he will give victory to his religion. And he will give victory to those who believe and he will destroy those who wish to oppress the people because they believe in Allah. So you can judge and I leave you to judge. And I don’t mind. This is all I have to say. And I bear witness to Muhammad this is Allah’s message.”

SquirrelEStuff's avatar

Has anyone on here ever read any of the writings confiscated from Bin Laden’s compound?
They can be found on Bin Laden’s Bookshelf, from the Department of National Intelligence?
We tend to listen to the government that most of us seem to not trust, rather than listening to what the terrorists are actually saying. Kind of ironic that the terrorists tell us a completely different story.
Also interesting, is the quote I posted above from the “shoe bomber” about the US supporting Turkey, considering what is going on there now.
I guarantee that terror attacks rise drastically in Turkey in the upcoming months.

Setanta's avatar

The crusades began in 1095 with an invasion of the middle east by Franks (we would call them Frenchmen), which, all excuses aside, became a land grab. It didn’t have anything to do with the Moors and an invasion of Europe, which had already happened centuries before. While many Muslims allege that the crusades never ended, just saying so doesn’t make it true.

Hero of Alexandria, a Greek living in Roman Egypt came up with a steam turbine in the first century of the common era. There were various “re-inventions” of the steam turbine in China, the Ottoman Empire (Egypt again, i think), in Italy and in England after the Renaissance. In the 1880s, an Englishman invented a practical steam turbine which could be used to generate electricity. It had other applications, too, and one of them revolutionized marine propulsion systems. Previously, coal was burned to heat water and run huge piston engines with steam—these were called reciprocating steam engines. Such engines, however, could not develop high steam pressures because coal did not burn hot enough and fast enough. The steam turbine invented in England in the 1880s was seen to be most efficient with high, continuous heat for the boilers, and as petroleum was now being widely used in many places in the world, there was soon experimentation to produce boilers which were oil-fired rather than coal-fired.

One of the results of that was the development of warships with steam turbine engines, which allowed those warships not only to steam at high speeds, but to carry more weight—additionally, they could generate electricity with the “waste” steam from the turbines to run smaller turbines.. So naval engineers began dreaming of bigger and more powerful warships. The first such warship was HMS Dreadnought, launched in 1906. (The United States launched USS Texas in 1912, and it’s still afloat as a museum.) Warships now had greater speed, and could carry heavier armor and bigger guns (Dreadnougth was an “all big gun” battleship), The first such battleships were built in Japan, but they tried to do it on the cheap, and they carried too little armor. Dreadnought had the heavy guns and it had the heavy armor.

Now you’re thinking “this guy is nuts, what does that have to do with the middle east?” In 1908, the Anglo-Persian Oil Company (modern British Petroleum—BP) was founded. Persia (now called Iran) is in the middle east. At that time, petroleum suddenly looked very scarce now that national governments had a crying need for it. A naval arms race began between Great Britain and Germany, and access to petroleum became critical. After the discovery of a huge oil field in Iran, surveyors went running all over the Ottoman Empire, which controlled the lands next-door to Iran, looking for petroleum. And they found it, lots and lots of it. Winston Churchill was First Lord of the Admiralty in 1912, considered to be the end of the arms race between Great Britain and Germany. He certainly understood the need for petroleum. Of the “Great Powers,” only the United States had large reserves of petroleum within its borders (North Sea oil had not yet been discovered, and anyway, no one in 1912 would have known how to get at it.) After the First World War, the Allies wanted to carve up the middle east, which they had helped to take away from the Ottoman Empire, now defunct. France had other fish to fry, so they left it up to the Brits. Lloyd George appointed Arthur Balfour to work out the details. He was an old man, however and in poor health. So they gave him an assistant . . . Winston Churchill. Unsurprisingly, the areas with the largest known petroleum reserves ended up in British hands.

I could write pages more, but suffice it to say that for six or seven centuries, the West had not given a rat’s patoot about the middle east. But the development of the steam turbine for marine engines, the building of HMS Dreadnought and the naval arms races (there was more than one down the years) suddenly made that real estate interesting again. Whatever else people may say, the petroleum found in the middle east has made it far more significant than its people and borders otherwise would have done.

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