General Question

Ltryptophan's avatar

What permissions have I given when using certain applications?

Asked by Ltryptophan (12091points) July 16th, 2016 from iPhone

I just logged on to facebook, and they let me know they took some of the pictures I snapped recently and made a nice slideshow with them.

These are not pictures I uploaded to facebook. They seemingly went into my photo folder on my phone and selected the latest ones. This was done as a service to me.

Now, I am wondering who can see what of my private pictures.

I know there is safety in numbers and I am not special enough for anyone to be bothered, I guess. But, have I given a facebook employee the right to browse my pics? (i know the collage was put together by a program).

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5 Answers

imrainmaker's avatar

Pics that can be seen by whom depends on your privacy settings on facebook. You can choose only you / friends / friend of friends or public. Not remembering what’s the default one.. should be friends only i guess.

CWOTUS's avatar

I’m guessing that you made a setup choice somewhere, to send photos from the phone or camera direct to Facebook. (When I take photos they get backed up to Dropbox. I don’t have a lot of faith in Facebook’s privacy settings.)

To my knowledge, nothing on my phone goes to FB unless I post it manually.

What about Instagram? Do you have that app on your phone? That could also be a conduit, I think (though I wouldn’t know for certain, as I don’t use it, but I see a lot of my friends’ photos get to FB that way.)

Ltryptophan's avatar

I probably didn’t explain this well enough. Fb has only basic iOS permission to access my photo library. In my mind I intend that permission to mean when I go to upload a picture they will be allowed to open the folder through the app.

Think of it this way: Have you ever granted your email provider a special permission regarding your photo library in order to upload a picture attachment to an email? No!

So, what is this permission allowing precisely? The right to peruse my photo library?

dappled_leaves's avatar

From a quick Google search, it sounds like you have Photo Synching switched on in Facebook. I agree that such a feature should not be the default (if, in fact, it was for you). Here are the instructions from Facebook Help Centre for changing that setting:

Open the Facebook app and tap
Scroll down and select Account > App Settings > Sync Photos
Choose Don’t sync my photos

From your iPhone:

Open the Facebook app and go to your profile
Tap Photos > Synced
Tap the gear icon in the top right
Tap to turn Photo Syncing off

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