Social Question

imrainmaker's avatar

Have you played lngress?

Asked by imrainmaker (8380points) July 17th, 2016

Did you like the concept? Which side are you on? Do you pay additional money for advancement if required?

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3 Answers

SecondHandStoke's avatar


Like the concept? Yes, very much. While the Secret Ingress Agent giggle factor wore off quickly the idea of playing a somewhat narrative game while interacting with real world locations and individuals stays quietly thrilling.

What side? I chose Enlightened. But it seems that my reasoning associated for doing so is unusual to fellow Enlightened players. I saw the discovery of Exotic Matter to be like any real scientific discovery, something that can advance humankind’s knowledge and be an asset used for good. (Exotic Matter was accidentally discovered during an experiment at CERN).

Real money? I don’t. Very few Ingress assets come with a real money charge. Most are bought by trading other in game assets. I have not yet had a need to “spend” anything to keep the game going and interesting. This is part of the beauty of Ingress. There is always something to do no matter how low your player level or asset count.

For years I struggled with the idea of identifying as an Agent in my profile or asking an Ingress related question on Fluther. With the publicity explosion of Pokemon Go this Ingress related OP was inevitable. The cat is out of the bag.

For better or worse I have been too busy to Ingress during PoGo’s blasting onto the scene. When I return to it I’m sure things are going to be unhappily interesting.

Before PoGo, Agents went quietly about their business (with the exception of national and international events) We fear all that has changed now. PoGo players are very busy making a bad name for themselves in front of witnesses and all forms of media. Ingress Agents will get lumped into this group of loud, careless and insensitive users. Fuck, just fucking fuck.

I feel the same way I did when hoppy (bitter) beer became mainstream in America. Like AR games I was doing it long before it was cool. Now when I order a Rogue Brutal Bitter at a bar the attendant sometimes shoots me a look that seems to say “You trendster dullard.” Oh well, popularity, or the lack thereof isn’t why I choose what I choose.

The Ingress secret is out now. The best I can do is reveal Ingress to PoGoers that seem to have the right mentality. This includes people that appreciate economy of motion, safety, discretion, respect for public and private spaces, places of worship, memorials and for god’s sake, graveyards.

ragingloli's avatar

No. I am above such nonsense.

Seek's avatar

I have about a kabillion friends who play. It’s not a state secret like @SecondHandStoke seems to think it is (or was before PoGo). Plenty of Ingress players have caused car accidents (I believe the game term is “Cargressing”, is that correct, M. Stoke?) and plenty of people died on “missions”.

Of course they were Real Live Grownups and the game was completely cartoon-free, so that makes Ingress players Legit Gamers and not Damn Kids Playing On My Lawn and Making Bad Names For Themselves And Others.

I didn’t like Ingress so I don’t play.

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