Is there anyone who thinks that they could actually win a lawsuit against McDonalds for "making" them obese?
This is actually an old question, from 2009, that I stumbled on. I stolz the link.
Old question, new answers.
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19 Answers
I think it is unreasonable to expect McDonalds to be responsible for a person’s obesity anymore than Nestle would be responsible for a person’s obesity. We all need to make the right dietary choices for ourselves. I’ve been known to put on a few pounds every once and a while from eating too much chocolate, but I’m not going to sue Cadbury and Nestle over it. Because it’s entirely all my own fault. I chose to eat their food in amounts that are probably too large. But from time to time I will chose to eat alternatives to chocolate. And others can choose to eat alternatives to fast food.
Of course not. But in the US, anyone can sue anyone else for any stupid reason, and there’s always some idiot who will try.
I’m sure there are such people, just because the ideas are out there in the swill of thought, and the depths of humanity found at some fast food establishments are so, so low.
@Pachy stole my gag, i’m in an official huff
About as much chance at suing Penthouse magazine for giving my wrist carpletunnel syndrome.
I think it’s very doubtful.
LOL, @ucme. Beating you to the punch is a rare thing. I’m honored. I hope your snit doesn’t last long. THAT would put ME in a snit.
This thread has given me courage to speak out. Yes, shamefully, I was once a McCultist.
I was so young. So alone. So naive. And so grateful that my new family provided what my natural parents never did. No pressure to do chores, or homework. They never said “get out”! They all loved me like I’d never been loved before.
I saw Ronald (I called him Ronny) our leader as a virtual man god, destined to change the world. I would be at his side and have my own golden arches one day. But soon after running the old man out of town, things changed. Ronny was different. He became more aggressive with every passing day. The aggression soon turned to violence, and I had to escape.
Fearing for my life, I went underground. But now, after reading the courageous stories on this thread, and seeing confirmation of Ronny’s recent apprehension, I can be free. Thank you fluther… for freeing me.
I’m going to eat a big salad to celebrate!
Hilarious, @RealEyesRealizeRealLies! And it’s not often that I’m credited with Endowing Someone with Enlightenment. I am honored. ◪
McDonald’s meals are packed full of fat, salt, sugar and cholesterol and are clearly designed to promote obesity. The proliferation of ‘drive in ‘ restaurants makes McDonald’s intent palpable and customers who are not even required to heave themselves upright to order a Big Mac or two are undoubtedly going to suffer . You can see the sad results everywhere you look. McDonald’s has previously been found guilty of trying to scald their customers by providing hot beverages. It is only a matter of time before this malicious company is brought to book for this latest attack on the health of the customer. But only in America.
The food tastes good. People choose to eat their food. People choose to over eat their food. I eat at McDonalds several times a week for breakfast. Why am I not obese if the food is ‘designed to promote obesity?’
@Dutchess_III: You’ve stated several times on other threads that you often only eat one meal per day. If that’s the case, then eating a McDonalds breakfast a few times per week is not going to make you fat.
I don’t see how McDonald’s is any worse than over 80% of restaurants. They almost all serve bread. Veggies soaked in fat if there are any veggies on the plate. Meat, if you order meat. Cheese, if you order cheese. I really don’t get hating McDonald’s more than the restaurant industry in general.
@JLeslie Agreed. I went all out and had a decadent plate of eggs Benedict at a Mels Diner last week. Should I sue Mels if I have a coronary after my plate of eggs benny? haha
@jca exactly. That is still an example of the choices I make. McDonalds isn’t making me fat because of my eating habits overall. People don’t just overeat at McDonalds. They over buy at the grocery store and over eat at home. They stop at convenience stores and by snacks in between overeating at meal time. McDonalds has nothing to do with it.
It’s because mcdonalds is the most successful. It isn’t any worse than any place else @JLeslie
Get 6 fat people on the jury and at least one sympathizer, and they might punish McDonalds for the plaintive lack of self-control; this is the US, emotions often trumps logic.
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