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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Is buying lotto tickets considered a high risk investment?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25106points) July 19th, 2016

Humor welcome. If true than can lottery be used as an investment products?

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10 Answers

kritiper's avatar

No. Rather a high risk bet.

Coloma's avatar

Buying lotto tickets is not an investment strategy it is a gamble. If you win, then it becomes an investment opportunity.

stanleybmanly's avatar

It’s not even a gamble. It’s as close to throwing money away as you can get.

SmartAZ's avatar

A gamble is defined as a bet when you have a poor chance of getting a return. An investment is defined as a bet when you have a good chance of getting a return. Lotto is a tax on people who are lousy at arithmetic. A person is more likely to get hit by lightning than to win the lotto.

stanleybmanly's avatar

More likely to get struck by lightning while lying in bed.

Pachy's avatar

Let’s say you’re about to buy three Lotto tickets—that’s six dollars. Instead, stred those six dollars into a big tossed salad covered with your favorite salad dressing.

Less than a day later—and I’m explaining this in the most delicate way I can—you’re guartanteed to get a 100% larger “return” than Lotto would have paid.

CWOTUS's avatar

The difference between gambling and investing, though both involve elements of risk / chance and putting money out first for an uncertain reward, is that “investing” is the process of sharing risk that already exists. A farmer assumes risk that his crop may not come in due to weather problems or other vagaries of nature, for example, or even that it may come in, but it may be a bumper crop among all farmers in the region, which depresses the price he may receive for the crop. Either way, the risk he takes – or that others take on speculating on his success – is a participation in risk that exists “in real life”.

Gambling, on the other hand, is speculation in “created risk”. No one cares what numbers come up on a lotto ticket, for example, or the turn of a card or a throw of some dice, until money has been bet on what the outcome might be. There is zero risk on the lotto card, but the money bet on it creates the risk. Without the money bet, there is no meaningful risk.

Pachy's avatar

Typo alert: That’s shred, not stred. My elephant paws are too big for my keyboard!!

johnpowell's avatar

Your odds are way better robbing a bank.

Darth_Algar's avatar

About as sound an investment as setting your money on fire.

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