Social Question

Is this the medical call you would make, even if you didn't have insurance?
About a year ago a small black spot, slightly raised, and slightly red around the edges, appeared on the side of my nose. Because I’m so vain, I probly think this Q is about me, I asked the doctor to make it gone.
He did, and as a matter of course, sent it off for biopsy.
To everyone’s surprise, it turned out to be cancerous. They even went in and took a little more out.
Well, about six months ago I developed a similar freckle on the top of my right thigh. I’m prone to freckles anyway, and have a lot of pigment things scattered about, but this one started bothering me.
It started out flat, but is now raised, slightly. It too is really black and a little red around the irregular edges.
I went to the Dr. today. My regular doc left the clinic last December, after 30 years, so the new doc had to dig up my records on it.
He came back and said, “Well, the spot on your nose was some blah blah particular kind of cancer blah blah and this on your leg is not that blah blah. But….we can take it off and send it out if you want. ”
I said, “Yes, please.”
Well, I have insurance so I have that luxury. I sincerely wonder what call I would have made without insurance. Hell, I probably wouldn’t have opted to remove the spot from my nose, and done God nose ha ha what in my vain attempts to make it gone, which would have really pissed Rarebear off because it would have been a bad thing to do.