General Question

gorillapaws's avatar

Democratic Party emails prove bias against Sanders; does that affect your choice of candidate?

Asked by gorillapaws (31028points) July 23rd, 2016

Wikileaks has released 20k emails from the leadership of the Democratic Party, many show a pretty clear bias against Bernie Sanders. If the party leadership is trying to ignore the will of the Democrats and influence the outcome of the primary instead of being neutral, should Democrat voters continue to support the party?

Is it time for progressives to vote for the Green Party?

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36 Answers

Judi's avatar

I’m not thrilled with Hillary but I’ll take the status quo over the destruction of civilization.
The stakes are just to high. Let’s spend the next four years doing everything we can to clean up the system. We really can’t afford a President Trump
I remember how Nader gave the presidency to Bush

ragingloli's avatar

I am all for the destruction of your “civilisation”.
Otherwise you will never learn you lesson.

gorillapaws's avatar

@Judi You do realize that if ENOUGH voters vote for Stein, then Clinton becomes the Nader right?

zenvelo's avatar

Just to let you know where I come from first: I really like Bernie Sanders and he really represents much of what I support.

However, he has been an independent of years. While he has caucused with the Democrats, he has not been part of he Party team working to get people elected. That is why the Party headquarters has not been supportive of him taking the nomination, which would make him the de facto leader of the Party.

It is the same reason Jill Stein and the Green Party has done nothing to earn your support. No helping get representatives elected to Congress; no help getting people into state legislatures, no help getting people elected to city councils. Dan Savage says it best on why you should vote No on Jill Stein.

janbb's avatar

@ragingloli I just love how you’re consistently the judge, jury and chief executioner of our country. Have you ever even been here? Have you ever even atoned for Germany’s sins? Have you ever even expressed any criticism of your own country’s current flaws?

Hate from afar is so, so easy. Give it a fucking rest.

Winter_Pariah's avatar

I always assumed that ragingloli is just trying to flamebait anything and everything. Don’t bite and ragingloli is just another sad fisherman who caught nothing at the end of the day.

As for the OP. It doesn’t affect my choice. I was rooting for Bernie during the primaries, I’ll be writing in Queen Elizabeth on the ballot come November. Unless someone puts a gun up to my head, then I’ll vote trump and take four years of deadlock.

Mariah's avatar

No, it doesn’t affect my vote. In the primaries, I voted for Sanders and was very sad he did not win. He was the candidate I most agreed with and also our best shot at defeating Donald Trump. However, I very strongly feel now that defeating Trump should be all decent people’s most vital goal, so I will vote for Hillary.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Not at all. Just like the GOP the Democratic party has its constituents over a barrel. Of course the entrenched powers slanted matters against Sanders! Did anyone REALLY expect things to go otherwise? I’m just glad Bernie picked up the fkn ball and gave the pigs a demonstration of some broken field running the sellout bastards haven’t seen since the days of their youth! It is my greatest hope that he’s back in 4 years to hover over Clinton like the angel of death!

canidmajor's avatar

I saw Sanders endorse Clinton. (But as I’ve said before, I don’t think she’s a monster. Or even a bad guy!). I also saw Warren endorse Clinton. I would have trusted Sanders to be the POTUS, I still trust his judgement. I have always admired Warren and trusted her, I trust her still. Unlike so many here, I don’t think that I know more about being inside the system than those who are inside the system.

@janbb; I still maintain that @ragingloli‘s extreme and dramatic reactions to anything American are those of a boy who slut shames a girl because she wouldn’t go to prom with him. ;-)

janbb's avatar

@stanleybmanly I agree, although in this election it seems that the constituents had the GOP over a barrel.

kritiper's avatar

I’m not that fickle. A vote for Bernie or anyone else who is not on the ticket is a vote for Trump and a vote to make that kind of political statement is a vote for anarchy. If I was to vote for Trump then I might just as well shoot myself and every other citizen in the head.

Jaxk's avatar

Lets see, the both parties tried to sabotage the anti-establishment candidate. The RNC did it overtly and the DNC did it covertly. Both winners amassed a majority of the popular votes. Now you can only complain that your guy didn’t win so there must be something wrong. The voters chose these candidates, such is life.

Buttonstc's avatar

There is no way that I’m willing to risk a Trump presidency.

I’m not in love with Hilary but she is certainly far preferable to a Trump in the White House

Dutchess_III's avatar

I can’t think of anything that would change my mind. Doing so, and if I acted on it, means I’d be voting for Trump. Not happening.

SavoirFaire's avatar

Wait. You’re telling me that the Democratic Party wanted their presidential candidate to be a Democrat and took action to prevent a non-Democrat from winning the Democratic primary? And that despite the fact that they are a private organization that has the legal right to choose their candidate by any means they choose, they still left it up to the rank and file whether or not to elect a non-Democrat their candidate? Well, golly gee.

Questions like this are even funnier when viewed alongside the outrage that the Republican Party didn’t do more to stop Trump from winning the nomination.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@Jaxk the voters chose these candidates the way you choose fine dining at McDonalds. The voters have no REAL say on what’s allowed on the menu. The same applies to the Burger King across the street which is the only other eatery allowed in the town.

Coloma's avatar

@janbb Standing ovation, you tell ‘em! Pfft!

stanleybmanly's avatar

@janbb yes and the lesson should be instructive for democratic movers and shakers. The constituency on the left may not be as obtuse as its wingnut counterparts, but accommodation with the faithful had better be achieved while they still have any chance of influencing it. The Republicans lost all control to the assured destruction of their party.

Strauss's avatar

What we are witnessing is a political correction. At one time there were such things as conservative Democrats and liberal (gasp!) Republicans. Over the past couple decades or so, the so called “neo-conservatives” have been at the helm of the Republican party, and steered it so far to the right that what was once considered moderate liberal looks downright radical leftist.

Jaxk's avatar

Oh, somewhere in this favoured land the sun is shining bright,
The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light;
And somewhere men are laughing, and somewhere children
But there is no joy in Mudville—mighty Bernie has struck out.

stanleybmanly's avatar

The inning maybe. And plagiarism aside, the plight of we liberals is a joke next to the manifest difficulties confronting your club. In fact my greatest concern is that we ALL might get what YOU deserve.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@ragingloli has there been or will there ever be a civilzation whose destruction you would not sanction?

trolltoll's avatar

I am with @Mariah. My vote is still against Trump.

Zaku's avatar

It affects my position by adding confirmation to what I already was confident I knew about how corrupt the DNC is. So I am even more wanting Sanders, and even less convinced that Clinton is actually going to be materially better than Trump, even though Trump is like voting for “clown racist trolling goofball” – at least Trump underlines the horribleness of our process, our two establishment parties, and the ridiculous clown act that is our politics and the farce that is our establishment journalism.

trolltoll's avatar

@janbb why the hell should @ragingloli atone for Germany’s sins?

tinyfaery's avatar

I’m never voting Democrat again. The actions of the DNC are criminal and anti-democratic. Fuck the establishment. I’m tired of appeasing the corporate overlords.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Much ado about nothing.

The only reason anyone cares about this is because there are rabid Sanderites who will pick on almost anything to justify their intransigence and short-sightedness.

Political parties tend to support people who have been paty-affiliated. The Clintons have been in the part for decades. Sanders only joined the democrats a few years ago because he couldn’t get anywhere as an independent, which is what he was for 25 years.

This is a bunch of crybaby sour grapes. There is nothing here.

filmfann's avatar

Did this really surprise anyone?

It had no effect on me. Trump is still a wack job who can’t be allowed to ascend to the presidency.

Zaku's avatar

I knew about this before today. This is just further evidence. But knowing about it does rule out me supporting Clinton, and has switched me from someone who has almost always voted for Democrats, to someone who will not vote for establishment Democrats. I think the Democratic Party as it has been during this primary, is the new worst element in American politics. Not because Trump and the “Republicans” aren’t far worse – they are, but the Democratic Party is now the largest obstacle in the way of change away from corporate corruption controlling the country. As long as the Democrats are corporate pawns, the whole contest between Republicans and Democrats is just a circus act.

kritiper's avatar

Tis better to select the lesser of two evils and spend a undetermined time in purgatory than to let the greater of two evils win and spend all eternity in hell.

ibstubro's avatar

I don’t know of anyone that believed the Democratic Party encouraged Bernie Sanders in any way, When I first heard about the Wikileak, I thought we were in for another huge scandal. Turns out the story/emails were boringly mild compared to the open vitriol expressed in the public campaign.

I bet you $1 that the internal Republican emails weren’t so tame.

Pachy's avatar

No. Bernie never had a chance to be nominated or, if do, to Ein the section. (And forgive me Bernie supporters, I don’t think I could stand to hear that voice of his one more time!).

I’m not Dem, not crazy about Hillary. But choosing between a smart, experienced, tested pol and an egomaniacal racist who has never held public office, gets his info from TV, has the thinnest of skins and behaves like a playground bully, NO CONTEST.

ibstubro's avatar

@Pachy may you and your ilk persevere.

If Bernie thinks he had it bad, look at the underdog Trump was.
Most of Trump’s rivals have endorsed Trump.

How many winners will Bernie have the chance to endorse from here on out?

Pachy's avatar

Yikes, I just HAVE to correct my awful typos. It’s a matter of elephant pride.

No. Bernie never had a chance to be nominated, let alone elected (and forgive me Bernie supporters, I don’t think I could stand to hear that voice one more time!).

hornet's avatar

I thought this Snopes article was also interesting.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Wow @hornet. Thank you.

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