Social Question

Kardamom's avatar

What do you say to someone with smeared eye makeup?

Asked by Kardamom (33633points) July 25th, 2016

What do you say, if anything, to someone with smeared eye makeup? I have several friends, and several co-workers, who often (some on a daily basis) go around with very smeared eye makeup. It’s not meant to be some type of fashion statement.

Some of these women I know fairly well, others I only know in regards to working at the same place, but I see them almost every day.

I only think about it after the fact, whether I should have said something or not, because at the time, it seems like pointing it out would be rude, or even superfluous (I’m sure they know, don’t they?)

I’m guessing that they put their eye makeup on in the morning, and then, after several hours, it ends up sweating and smearing. I really don’t know if they notice it or not, because it seems like a regular situation with about 4 women who I know, some on a daily basis.

It looks very messy and unprofessional, even though these women are in professional jobs. If I were them, I would probably find some new, smear-proof makeup, or not wear all of the makeup. It seems to be mostly their eyeliner that ends up smeared. It most cases, it looks like they’ve been crying, but I’m pretty sure most of these folks are not crying every single day, but maybe I’m wrong.

I don’t wear makeup at work, partly for the reason that the type of work that I do involves a lot of movement, getting hot and not working with the public, so it’s not necessary. I rarely wear makeup outside of work either, but on the occasions that I do, I wear a minimal amount, and I try to be very conscious of how it’s applied, and how it’s wearing after awhile. I would be embarrassed to be at someone’s wedding, or at Thanksgiving, and certainly at work, looking like a raccoon.

Should these folks be told, or do you think they’re painfully aware of it already? If you were to say something, how would you put it?

If you see them with smeared makeup every time you see them, should you keep on mentioning it each time?

In the case of lipstick on the teeth, or toilet paper stuck to a shoe, I think I would very discreetly mention it, because it’s most likely a one time situation, but with this smeared eye makeup thing, it seems to be almost an every day occurrence.

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20 Answers

janbb's avatar

Personally, I wouldn’t say anything: that’s why mirrors exist.

zenvelo's avatar

I would tell them in private.

It’s the same as seeing lipstick or a piece of spinach on someone’s teeth. It is more embarrassing for them when they realize that everyone has seen them like that.

Pachy's avatar

I agree with both of the above. For me, the choice would depend on how well I knew the smearee.

canidmajor's avatar

If it was every time, I would assume it was deliberate. If it was rare, I might tell them in an aside to check.

jca's avatar

With my friends, I’d definitely tell them (Hey, I don’t know if you realize it but your eyeliner is all over the bottom of your eyes). I’d do it quietly, when it was just us. I’d do this with friends even if we were coworkers.

With just regular coworkers, I’d not say a thing.

YARNLADY's avatar

In my working days, I carried a small mirror and some make-up remover wipes in my purse. When I noticed something amiss, I would privately say “May I help you?”, show her the mirror and offer the wipes.

stanleybmanly's avatar

How can you tell whether it’s smeared or deliberate? The thing that I often WANT to say is “why do you bother with that crap?” but I’m a coward.

picante's avatar

As one who wears eye makeup and checks myself fairly regularly in the mirror, I’m often aghast when I do see the smudges and smears. I can tell you that the smearing of the eyeliner most often happens when I’m engaged in activities where I have a lot of eye movement—for example, if I’m in a meeting and moving my eyes around the room to make eye contact with many people. I don’t know exactly why this happens—I just know it does.

I would not be offended if you told me (politely and discreetly) that my eye makeup was smeared; but I’d also not expect you to unless you knew I was about to be in front of people. If I don’t have a mirror handy and am about to go into a meeting, I’ll often ask a coworker if I have raccoon eyes ;-)

And like the advisors above, I’m not sure I’d give out this advice routinely, but I’d certainly point it out to someone about to step on stage or in front of a conference table.

kritiper's avatar

If it’s a dude, I MMOB.

jonsblond's avatar

I wouldn’t say anything because I don’t wear makeup.

JLeslie's avatar

If the makeup is like that daily I probably would not say anything. If it was unusual then I would tell them.

ibstubro's avatar

No, not if it’s an every day occurrence.
They know it. It’s not like the eye liner heals itself before they get home.
If they’re crying on a daily basis, you could set them off on a jag.

Tell them if it’s unusual, like @JLeslie said.

msh's avatar

I would tell them once, quietly to the side. I used this for High School kids. Others can be really mean to someone who doesn’t have someone to help, inform or fix, (including adults!) Most of the time, she or he didn’t have anyone to ask. I’d say something akin to “You have lovely eyes- do you wear contacts or is that your natural color?” And go from there. Some have a heck of a time with contacts vs eye makeup. Some contact solutions wreck havoc. Some people just never learned the tricks of ‘setting your lines’. Just mention using loose facial powder ( purchased in that manner as loose powder not compact.) and a smaller highlight brush, or in desperation- some use loose, fine corn starch. Brush it lightly around eyes, lips, etc. before any other makeup. Liquid base m-u may cause trouble like lense solution- it causes runs around the eyes. Any color, liner, and mascara holds then once this base powder goes on. I didn’t understand why waterproof and smudgeproof mascara was popular as an item, until a girl told me her partner felt worse about things if he saw her eyes run black from mascara tears. (!!!) Oooooo-kay. If you say something to help, starting with a compliment, you would be amazed at the reactions you get. (all positive) Usually people- many people- react to being told about a correctable situation by how it is approached to begin with. Help once, then let it go. @Kardamom- I think it’s nice of you to do. You would be kind about it- and thus make the person feel ok about it all. Good luck!

SecondHandStoke's avatar

“That was fun.”

msh's avatar

@SecondHandStoke glad to be of service. And you?

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