MEN: Would you tell a girl if her fly was unzipped?
Asked by
flip86 (
July 25th, 2016
I was at Dunkin Donuts the other day and noticed the girl making coffee/taking orders left her fly down. When I got up to the counter I told her. She didn’t understand at first and I had to say it again. It was pretty awkward when she realized what I was telling her. I got my coffee and left as fast as I could.
Should I have told her? She didn’t seem happy about it. Maybe it was embarrassment?
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25 Answers
If I see a man with his fly unzipped, I very quietly mention this to another man and ask him to approach the guy. I think this approach minimizes embarrassment and awkward feelings.
If I were a man who’d seen a woman with unzipped trousers, I’d do exactly the opposite – get another woman to tell her after I tactfully slip away.
Well, two factors are at play, here. One, it’s pretty embarrassing to realize your fly is open, and Two, it’s awkward and creepy to realize that some strange guy has been looking at your fly. That’s from her perspective, not that you were creepily looking, @flip86, I imagine that you just happened to see it, most of us would.
@Love_my_doggie‘s suggestion was spot on.
@Pachy: Not cool. Just sayin’.
Same answer I had to the mascara question.
I would quietly tell her. It is embarrassing to be told, but not as embarrassing as finding out hours later.
I’d be very embarrassed if a strange man told me my fly was open, or my mascara was smeared. I liked @Love_my_doggie ‘s approach.
@canidmajor The counter where she pours the coffee was right below her zipper area. Spacing out waiting, watching her pour coffee, it isn’t hard to notice.
I just told a girl 2 nights ago. I was nervous though. I didn’t want her to think I was staring at her crotch…
When I told her she looked down and then offered a high five.
Alas , I only noticed because I was indeed staring at her crotch….Such is life.
Yes I’d tell her.
Certainly wouldn’t magnify the persons potential embarrassment by involving someone else. If a woman told me that a mans fly was open, I’d suggest that she’s speaking to the wrong person… and then tighten my own fly, as she proceeded to tell him, or another man.
@flip86: That’s exactly what I meant. My point was, that the embarrassment of knowing that your fly is down is compounded by the fact that a man says something. See @Pachy‘s post. Not an unusual creeper response.
I would say nothing and try not to notice.
Well, it would be hard for me to say this to a woman, but when I see a guy with his fly undone I ask him if he has a license to sell hot dogs. When he says “no” I ask him why his stand is open. So I suppose, to a woman, I could say something like, “Excuse me, ma’am, but if you were a guy, I’d ask you if…”
Sure as hell wouldn’t try to make a major production out of it or try to draw any more attention to her oversight, so as not to embarrass her. Gotta be cool!
Not on your life. I don’t like the feel of handcuffs.
Several years ago I had a man leeringly tell my my cow was escaping. I had no idea what he was talking about so he bluntly told me. I got the distinct impression that he thought I’d done it on purpose to turn him on. He was standing there grinning lewdly. I snapped ‘I don’t have a cow!’ And turned away. This was in the two year olds room at my church where I volunteered. He was a married man.
You know, @canidmajor, for years I’ve had a darned cood record on this site for offering good advice, bad puns, and reasonably intelligent and mature observations, and NEVER have I been called a creeper. Ask my followers.
So okay, I offended your delicate sensibilities with a slightly off-color remark (which by the way I almost DIDN’T post for fear of offending someone) ... so sue me.
Just sayin’. And none last sentence I’d have no reluctance up tell either a woman or a man to button or zip their fly.
Shoulda followed your first instinct.
Good advice from a perfect soul.
I’m outta here.
Well, I probably wouldn’t, because I wouldn’t see a lot of point in doing so in many cases. I don’t care and don’t think many people would be reasonable to care, unless she’s doing something athletic in a way that might have them fall off. However I might in some cases, beckon her closer in a relaxed friendly way, and if she came, smilingly whisper to her, “if your zipper was down, would you want someone to tell you?”
I wouldn’t say, “hey, your fly is unzipped” because it sort of implies it matters and she messed up and should do something about it.
Yes, you did the right thing, and yes, I would do the same. Male or female.
I’ll also tell you if you have something on your face.
A booger hanging out of your nose is a little trickier, but doable.
I just think, “If that were me, I’d definitely want to know asap.” I don’t care who tells me!
I’ll tell people about things hanging out of their noses, but when it comes to zippers, being a female and pointing out a guy having zipper problems always makes me think he’s going to think I’m looking at his zipper. Therefore, unless I know him, I’m not saying a word.
Pretend you’re a lesbian for a minute, @jca, and just tell him.
I only tell this sort of things to friends, not to strangers. Even to colleagues, i would only tell them if it matters professionally, eg if we’re going into a meeting, like i would say “your collar is up” or “you’ve got some mayo on your chin”.
What do i care if a total stranger has his / her fly open? (gender doesn’t play a role). Am I supposed to say something everytime some underwear is visible?
Perhaps she spoke another language?
I was working an overnight in construction on a restaurant and one of the cleaning crew was an attractive Spanish woman who had her fly open and pink panties showing through. She was the only woman there and all the guys were checking her out but not saying anything.
I walked over and told her but she couldn’t understand so I ended up using Google translate and showed her a translation from Spanish to English “Your zipper is open”. She read it and her eyes got big, she turned red and zipped up right there and thanked me.
People are too worried about religious moral sensibilities, if I had a list of red faced women that got caught staring at my crotch or rubbing on me or touching me inappropriately it would be quite large. That’s only the ones I caught.
If they want to think I am a creep fine, small minded people think simply.
@olivier5, actually, it’s not about your feelings. It’s about theirs. Most people would be embarrassed to know their fly is down, so you’d do them a favor by letting them know.
@kritiper, making up cute stories to let a person, male or female, know that their fly is open is drawing a whole lot more attention to it than you realize.
See my example here.. I would have been a whole lot less embarrassed if he’d simply told me my sipper was down.
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