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Is Hillary pandering to the immigrants?
I defended Hillary when they accused her of pandering when she switches accents depending on what part of the country she was in. I myself am more southern in the South, Midwest in the Midwest, and northeast when in the Northeast.
I’m watching the convention and Guiterrez was speaking Spanish, and they just had a girl speaking who had to mention her mother was from Ireland her father from Nicaragua.
Now, I wouldn’t mind “hello” and “welcome” in 5 languages at the beginning, and I do mean 5 languages, not just Spanish. Going on for several sentences in Spanish is too much in my opinion. And, the channel I was watching was not translating as it was said. Some of it the orator translated after the Spanish. Some not all.
I also think mentioning the immigrant thing too much is just too damned obvious. It feels so put on to me.
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