When people try to kill you do you stare at them?
On the interstate in the Ozarks. Hubs had moved into the left lane to pass a semi. Some IDIOT passed us on the right and suddenly started to move into the passing lane to pass the same semi…but we already occupied that particular part of the earth. It was like he didnt even realize we were there even though he was right beside us. Hubs slammed on the brakes and the horn and IDIOT swerved back into his lane and slowed down. As we passed him I just stared at him, trying to see what a bona-fide IDIOT looks like. He refused to look at us.
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24 Answers
I call it “The Evil Eye” and yes, I give people the evil eye if I’m in the passenger seat.
Sometimes it happens where people start trying to change lanes, coming in to your lane not realizing you’re there. When I look at them, sometimes they will avoid my stare (the evil eye).
It kills me when I see people gripping the wheel, staring ahead with their mouths hanging open. I call them “Zombies,” as in “look at that f***ing zombie.” LOL
In some cars there is a lever just under the dash to the right of the steering column. Pull it and two tubes just under the headlights slide open. Push the Cruise Control Lock button and two mini Hellfire missiles will evaporate your target.
I wish.
Around here we take photos of license plates when stuff like that happens and send the photos to the police. The police follows up. The knowledge that it works has kept my colleague’s fiance from a couple of street fights. He used to be the kind of guy that would pull up in front of offending cars/drivers – stop and try to start a fight. Now she/we take the photo, email it to the police and wait for them to call.
I do at times yes, and, I know it isn’t the smartest move I could make, but….I also would have no problem with a direct confrontation. I can be very sharp, and have a natural ability to verbally filet someone without swearing or other emotional displays. Inspite of the fact that I am in my middle/later 50’s now I am quite fearless when it comes to putting fools in their place. God forbid I come across someone abusing a child or animal.
Sounds like he didn’t know (or forgot) you were there, unless you believe it an attempted suicide.
That seems like the beginnings of a road-rage incident.
OT, but I am supposed to be going to the Ozarks on Thursday. I’ve never been. What’s it like there?
I admit, I usually flip the bird and don’t bother with eye contact.
The only thing that I do is defense when an aggressive driver is near me. if he/she is tailgating me then I change lanes as soon as I can (let him/her tailgate someone else. If someone is speeding and making unsafe lane changes then I move to the right, slow and anticipate an accident up ahead.
Evil eye’s, laying on the horn and obscene gestures are only asking for trouble. Of course I’ve done all of those. It’s almost like a relax sometimes. But it’s best to just let it go.
Oh yeah. They get ‘the look’ from me. Usually where I live people want to pretty much fight over any traffic offense, real or imagined.
The guy you describe Dutchess, sounds like 85% of the drivers I get the pleasure of commuting with. I recently sold my last motorcycle(happiest day of my mother’s life.) If you think it sucks being around these idiots in a car, you wouldn’t like it on a bike. It was dangerous before texting was invented. Now it’s crazy.
I might stare at them if I don’t have my hands full avoiding them.
Now you know what I go through every fucking day at work, had a driver blow a stop sign right in front of me came half way out in the lane and just stopped the only thing that saved this persons life is I was empty and no one was coming.
When someone tries to kill me, I tend to avoid their company as quickly as possible.
@trolltoll it is beautiful here. We went to merimac cave.
@SQUEEKY2 ouch. We just saw a car that cut a semi off on the interstate. Whacked the livin shit out of the back passenger side fender.
I saw the stats that said when a small vehicle and a transport are involved in an accident 90% of the time it is the small vehicles fault.
I almost remember Merimac Caverns!
No doubt SQUEEKS. Although one tried really hard to kill us a few weeks ago. 100% his fault. I’ll tell y’all about it soon.
I do that. But I found out that long trips can make people careless and miscalculate distance between vehicles. So I try to remember that but that usually doesn’t happen until I cooled down a bit. If they were startled and pulled away quickly that means they probably didn’t see you. It is more often due to being tired, and impatient or careless about where they should’ve been looking or an inexperienced or talking on the phone. I stare at them to see if they were on the phone. I get especially peeved if they were on the phone.
OK, so a few weeks ago Rick and I went to Lowe’s in Ponca, and came back with a load of 2 X 4s. We had our little 2016 VW Passat, and the lumber started in the back and rode up to the front, in between the chairs.
We were on a 4 lane highway, 70 mph. Rick noticed a semi, an old flat bed carrying a huge tractor, off to the right slowly rolling, and he moved in the the left lane to give him room. Suddenly the semi turned left and slowly moved across the road and moved into one of those little turning lanes. No problem. He had time. We assumed he was going to turn left there, and Rick moved back into the right lane.
I was looking down when suddenly the car locked up, threw me hard against my harness, which locked.
You know how you notice SO MUCH in a split second? Well, I jerked my head up and out of the corner of my eye I saw the 2 X 4’s accelerating toward the windshield. I have no doubt they would have gone through the glass, and I slammed my hand down on them to stop them and at that second my head snapped all the way up.
The windshield was filled with the sight of the huge tractor moving slowly across the road on the flat bed right in front of us. I’m not a screamer. Everything went quiet. I felt Rick trying to throw the car into a slide which the damn anti lock brakes were making difficult. I just….watched, in a disembodied, surreal way. Later he said the brakes were chattering like muskrats in the throws of frantic sex.
Then we were stopped. He almost had it pointed toward the ditch, but not quite. I knew that if he hadn’t gotten it stopped his next move would have been to punch it and throw us into the ditch and on around. But we got stopped, and just watched that fucking semi slowly rumble across the road about 5 feet in front of us.
He pulled off into an parking lot of some old business along the highway.
I looked at Rick, my hand frozen on the 2X4’s, saw his face and realized then that I had another problem. He was enraged. When Rick becomes enraged all thoughts of other people go out of his head. His temper could easily put me, or anyone with him in danger, and I’ve tried to talk to him about it. My thought was, “Jesus! Rick’s going after him! What if the guy has a gun??”
Rick angrily pulled in behind the guy, who had gotten out of his truck and was examining a tire, and started snarling at the guy through the open window.
At first the guy was belligerent, and he said, “I a blow out! I had to get off the highway! I had my hazard lights on! Didn’t you see them?”
Rick said, “No you fucking didn’t!”
The guy bent down to look at me and I wordlessly shook my head. At that his face just fell. He was….just shattered. He looked like he was going to be sick, and I almost felt sorry for him, but Rick wasn’t done with him.
As Rick ranted I took a good look at the truck. It was really old and really dirty. He actually did have his hazards on, but they were so old the lights were barely a dull red glome through the dirt. I could hardly see them even up close. If I was a trucker I’d be ashamed to drive that rig…and somehow I thought that explained a lot. I just had a feeling he’d been black balled in the trucking world, and that was the only kind of rig-gig he could get. Maybe he had a drinking problem.
Well, we’re still here.
Is there a Cliff Notes version of that, @Dutchess_III??
Semi pulled a U in front of us. That’s it.
Since I’ve been on Fluther and talked with @SQUEEKY2, I’m much more respectful of semi trucks and truck drivers. I cut them a lot of slack – back up at intersections so they can turn, and the like. I can’t imagine the stress of driving a house in heavy traffic, on a deadline, for low to moderate pay. WTF?
I’d last about 3 minutes, or until the first stop/curve/lane change.
I’ve always been respectful of semis. My dad taught me to be. He also said they were the best drivers, so watch what they do and emulate them. AND DON’T PASS ON THE RIGHT! Geez. Not long after I got my driver’s license I took the family car in for an oil change. Dad was following me. The station was just out of town, off of the highway. As we left town, and moved onto the highway I passed a semi on the right. To my horror he started moving into the right lane!! My dad was watching. I got on the horn, flashed lights and at the last moment he saw me and moved back. It must have been a nightmare for my dad to watch! And it drove home to me DON’T PASS ON THE RIGHT!!
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