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Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

[NSFW] This commercial was too racy for the Aussies, but if it were in the US where sex is a commodity how would it be received for TV, etc. [details inside]?

Asked by Hypocrisy_Central (26879points) July 28th, 2016

Seeing that sex is a billion dollar plus industry in the US, and it is on the minds of people at least one dozen times a day (very conservative number), plus used to sell everything from burgers, to gum, to eye glasses, if this commercial or similar was on US channels how would it be received and why? Would Uncle Sam be uptight about it? Would it be a nonevent from the start, or would it even be lauded as promoting safe sex?

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13 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

do not be ridiculous. you know as well as anyone that in the colonies, the creators would be sued, and probably even jailed.
you lot went insane over a bloody nip slip

Dutchess_III's avatar

Sex is a commodity everywhere HC. Men see to it.

ibstubro's avatar

I didn’t find the commercial particularly clever. Not enough left to the imagination. Perhaps if the couple had been shown to a “Fitting Room” where they exchanged condoms with the clerk over the door?
I can’t imagine this commercial ever airing on American TV. Well, perhaps late at night.
Guy I Almost Slept With
I don’t know if this Durex commercial aired, but I LOL.
If this Trojan commercial didn’t make it, you’s doesn’t stand a chance.

I vote Durex best of class!!

Zaku's avatar

My psychic x-ray vision into the minds of the Americans who tend to disapprove of sexual content in public and on public media meets a cloud of bewilderment that renders me only able to provide sarcastic condescending generalizations, so all I can venture is:

* The modern American sensibility allows sexiness and implied sex but not explicit sex.
* One model of disapproval seems to be that we are supposed to be protecting minors from exposure to portrayals or even knowledge of the details of sexual practice (even though this is nonsense in so very many ways).
* Others just prefer not to be subjected to sexual content they didn’t ask for, and television ads are basically random assaults of random loud attention-demanding content, so that makes a lot of sense.
* The FCC would not approve.
* The USA is not a monolithic culture block, even if sometimes it might seem that way, or seem convenient, or to require less thought/energy to reduce it to one, or offer some subtle subconscious relief to project pent-up frustration by generalizing and being insensitive. So while various people would disapprove, others would have other reactions, yes including some who would say it was good for promoting safe sex. Americans would then indulge in one of their favorite habits, of reducing it to a binary argument and trying to get agreement that the opposite of their own perspective is wrong.

(@ragingloli Very droll of you telling HC not to be ridiculous. When was the last time HC posted a question that wasn’t ridiculous? I’ve been speculating that was sort of the meaning of the username & persona.)

marinelife's avatar

Eh, not funny.

flutherother's avatar

Sex has rarely looked more dull and unappealing. The commercial hasn’t put me off sex but it does put me off using condoms.

SmartAZ's avatar

Be serious!

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@ragingloli do not be ridiculous. you know as well as anyone that in the colonies, the creators would be sued, and probably even jailed.
I will just chalk that up to an uneducated utterance. We may be sue happy in Yankee Town but a law suit on those lines would be tossed out on its rump (to be polite) if it ever got pass the laughable stage, especially when there are far nuttier stuff in the media than that these days.

I didn’t find the commercial particularly clever. Not enough left to the imagination.
Why would there need to be?

@ibstubro Guy I Almost Slept With
I do not know what to feel about that commercial, still cannot determine if it was a backdoor insult on my intelligence. One hand is trying to make sex look like such a great even that you should always be prepared to have a ”ticket” to rent the ”Magic Sheet Ride”, and the other hand say it is so common a $10–15 dollar pizza you can get the horizontal mambo with some gal you hardly know and certainly not your girlfriend. I was thinking of the guy, why are you agonizing, just go get another pizza and go to the computer lab and find another blonde. Then to say slept with, when there is no sleeping. If it is something so great why be ashamed to call it what it is? Why not say ”The guy I almost boinked, screwed, humped, banged” or say what most would at the pump or the diner; “f***ed”.

I don’t know if this Durex commercial aired, but I LOL.
I saw that one before somewhere, I just can’t remember. When I saw it the first time it was about controversy and I thought how silly. It was condom balloon animals simulating what many want to do with the condom anyhow, it is not like it was real, more like a cartoon than anything else.

@Zaku The modern American sensibility allows sexiness and implied sex but not explicit sex.
Rather stupid, like wanting to drive the car but hating the exhaust.

Others just prefer not to be subjected to sexual content they didn’t ask for, and television ads are basically random assaults of random loud attention-demanding content, so that makes a lot of sense
That happens a lot in today’s media in other areas no this one is no different.

When was the last time HC posted a question that wasn’t ridiculous?
If the question was dubbed pure fluff it is totally ridiculous, but those are loved here more than any real question.

@flutherother Sex has rarely looked more dull and unappealing.
It is no longer a trip to Disneyland, it today has the appeal of a trip to the self-serve car wash ~~~

ibstubro's avatar

Our imaginations are better than reality, @Hypocrisy_Central.
There is a local grocery that has a sign that says, “You can’t beat our meat!” and some people are scandalized. Someone said, “They never would have gotten by with that 20 years ago!”

Dutchess_III's avatar

Just saw the commercial. That was silly! They guy was pretty cute, though. Had a nice body.
But the condoms come in 4 sizes? Really? What male on earth would choose anything but the largest of the large, no matter what!

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@ibstubro Our imaginations are better than reality,..]
Good thing all those people flocking to the movies this year know they are just a charity for the rich studio moguls, when they could have done just as much for their own entertainment sitting on their deck with a cold iced tea without the 100s of million dollar price tag. ~~

Sexual innuendo has always been around even when they had to be craftier on how they did it. Even in Here To Eternity how they did and end around on the censors about the length a kiss could be.

@Dutchess_III What male on earth would choose anything but the largest of the large, no matter what!
A delusional one or one in denial, if his dumbstick is only 5⅓ inches he knows it will likely slide out of an extra-large condom unless he never actually seen his dumbstick; if he has, pure denial.

Coloma's avatar

I found it mildly amusing but this is the best condom commercial ever.
@ibstubro Hahaha good one!

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