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SQUEEKY2's avatar

Do you ever tire of all the political talk?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23597points) July 30th, 2016

No matter how loud you shout you are never going to change the mind of someone from the other side, so why even try?
The other side is always wrong, stupid, or just evil and just looking out for their own best interest.
Don’t get me wrong I think it is super important to get out and vote, we do want the lesser crook getting in but that is about it.

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17 Answers

stanleybmanly's avatar

Venting. It apparently helps ease the frustrations.

Jaxk's avatar

I agree that your unlikely to change anyone’s mind but that’s not why I’m here. I want to hear the arguments from the other side. Things that seem obvious to me are completely contrary to what others see. If I don’t know their perspective, I’ll never understand the conflict. I can’t say I’m making a lot of progress in understanding the other side but I’ve made some.

Kardamom's avatar

I had to un-follow a cousin on Facebook for this very reason. She posts very angry, foolish rants on a daily basis. She knows that I don’t agree with her, and she knows who I am supporting in the election, but that doesn’t seem to matter to her, even if she is insulting me on a day by day basis.

I don’t post stuff like that, for that very reason.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

That I do have to agree with you on @Jaxk , while we may not agree with much politically I do rather enjoy hearing your take on it.

funkdaddy's avatar

People don’t talk about issues much in person. It just doesn’t happen, so I’ve learned a lot here and other places online. I find the stalwarts of the “other side” amazing because they keep coming back.

I’ve learned a ton from grumpy above (@jaxk) and some of the other folks not afraid to take an unpopular stance. I especially appreciate when they can take that stance and discuss issues rather than the people involved.

I guess I get tired of “politics” but not discussing issues important to government. To me, the two are related, but not the same.

An example would be how the prominent issues are grouped together and related to the people from each party in the US. It’s like you can’t take a position on anything without buying the whole platform and endorsing the people running on it. That’s crazy to me.

I’ve changed my mind on issues discussed here and I’d hope I’ve influenced others to at least see things from another point of view on something. That’s why I still take the time to research and respond.

Seek's avatar

Some things are too important to keep quiet about just because the discussion is uncomfortable.

JLeslie's avatar

I cut way down on my political intake inbetween elections. I don’t only grow tired of it, it starts to stress me out and cause me to have a shorter fuse. Probably shortens my life a little.

SecondHandStoke's avatar

Oh yes indeed.

I’d rather see political action.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Yes… also too much breaking news that isn’t news.

jonsblond's avatar

I tire of the emotional blackmail I get from smug Clinton supporters saying it will be my fault if Trump ends up as president if I vote third party, or not at all.

Otherwise, no.

Mimishu1995's avatar

In my place I don’t hear political talk that often. But when I do it usually sounds like this: “Fuck the government! A bunch of stupid pigs that can do nothing but eat everything in sight! They are the reason why this country will fall in any minute now!” I have got to the point where I just want to roll my eyes and say “Got nothing new?” From what I gather many of the proud authors of those lines generally have no life and have nothing to do but bitch.

But what makes me sick is something that doesn’t look like “talk”, but more like “propaganda”. They are here, they are there, they are everywhere! They pop up shamelessly on TV. They become some of my compulsory subjects. They are the main topic of school conferences. They find their way in many unrelated speeches… Come on! The government may have done many good deeds in the past, but is it necessary to go apeshit like a kid waving his A test?

MrGrimm888's avatar

This is a debate forum. The presidential election is near. The candidates are lightning rods for criticism. Many fear the rule of the other. Trump especially has been stirring the shit and running off his idiot mouth.

The future of the world depends on this election.

If that’s not something to talk about, what is?

OpryLeigh's avatar

No. I enjoy politics even if I don’t always understand it and I think it is important that people talk about it. It pains me that I can’t vote in the presidential election but I am following it very closely and am grateful for the likes of Twitter, Fluther and Facebook where I can read the views of my friends over in the US.

johnpowell's avatar

@jonsblond :: I supported the ‘Conscience Clause’ at the RNC and I will support it for you too.

But that doesn’t shield you from ridicule if Cheeto Hitler gets elected.

I voted for Nader in 2000 and took the heat. Surely you can manage.

stanleybmanly's avatar

When you think about it, it would probably be a very dangerous thing for us to be collectively less concerned with politics once you consider the stakes. In fact it may well be argued that our very situation is the result of the tendency to ignore and eschew the subject.

jonsblond's avatar

@johnpowell. I mentioned I tire of it. I never said I can’t manage. :)

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Nope. I manage it like I manage my love for kielbasa. A lot is obviously not good for me and I could very easily succumb to a binge, but I won’t because I don’t like gout attacks nor the effects it has on my blood pressure over a few days time. So, I eat it infrequently in smaller amounts and I enjoy it much more. And I buy higher quality than I used to. Same with my involvement in political discussions.

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