Who wants to play the "Would you believe me if I told you____" game?
Asked by
ibstubro (
July 30th, 2016
Simple rules.
I say something like, “Would you believe me if I said that ants can consume a human body in 5.4 days given a temperature above 75° and humidity over 75%?”
You affirm or scoff.
Then ask a new general knowledge question.
Something verifiable. A fact. Not a personal opinion or anecdote.
You can make crap up!
Just couch it like it’s a fact
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68 Answers
Would you believe me if I said that ants can consume a human body in 5.4 days given a temperature above 75° and humidity over 75%?
Would you believe me if I told you Republicans actually say they are for the working man/woman?
And @ibstubro sure if there enough ants why not.
One word: NO!
Would you believ me if I said 10% of the Earth’s population have brains the size of a pea nut?
No, I would not.
Would you believe me if I told you that I was once, sitting under a giant pine tree in my yard when a huge bone fell from the treetop and almost nailed me? A BONE, like a beef knuckle bone or a deer bone. wtf. lol
A bit of fluff but it maybe something to note from some
Would you believe me if I told you the party of Twiddle Dumb (GOP) actually were for minorities when they 1st started because they were opposed to slavery while the Party of Twiddle Dee (Dem) were for expanding slavery?
Yes I would.
Would you believe that the reason you can remember something you forgot when you went through a door can be recalled by going back into the room because your mind sees the door as an event boundary to store your memories?
WYBM if I told you President Trump would ban pre shredded cheese…Make America Grate Again
I am unfortunately prone to believe ANYTHING ridiculous associated with Trump. He makes it entirely too easy. WYBM if I told you the tides in the oceans are slowing the rotation of the earth?
Depends on how solid the evidence you present is.
Would you believe me if I told you that I am your mother?
It would be an improvement.
Would you believe me if i told you I wanted to see the sources for the true statements in this thread?
Yes, No doubt, I guess most of us would!
WYBMIITY that UCME’S most prized staff member is not being sent over to the Manion’s to pamper THORNINMUD who had moved up a floor?
Well that sounds true enough.
WYBMIITY that there will be a ban on game threads in a month?
@Mimishu1995 my response to you above must have overlapped with @SQUEEKY2 , I do think that at least 10% of the population has a pea brain. haha I was responding to @SQUEEKY2‘s post.
Really? Why?
Would you believe me if I told you that once I woke up to a frog on my pillow? haha
Yep, tons of little tree frogs here and they get in the house all the time. One morning I opened my eyes to see a frog about 3 inches from my face on my pillow. lol
I most certainly would believe you and I would jump out of my skin at the right of one of those so close no matter how cute!
WYBMIITY that Trump has ambition, vision and big plans for his country? :)
Yes, but so did Hitler.
Would you believe me if I told you that Trump is the biggest threat to freedom since Adolf Hitler?
Yes, but…he is just a threat, period, in multiple ways.
WYBMIITY…that after 6 days straight of 103 degree days that today, at 94 feels like a fucking spring day? lol
Actually, I think the number would be much higher, like 90% of the earth’s population has a pea sized brain. She didn’t specify human population!
Yep, I would! And coming off of winter 65 feels tropical.
WYBM if I said in a normal weight person your stomach is only the size of your fist, and you only need to eat a fist-sized amount of food to be satiated? Which is why it blows me away when people give tiny kids such huge portions and demand that they eat them.
WYBM if I said that the combination of our veins, capillaries and arteries is 60,000 miles in an averge size adult human being and for every pound of fat we create 7 more miles.
No..Checking Maybe…IDK!
WYBM if I said we’re getting ready to eat grilled duck?
I would, and bon appetit :)
WYBLIITY that kids are fully capable of evil deeds given the right oppotunity?
No. Not all kids. Most kid won’t. And we had burgers!
WYBM if I said The name of lettuce comes from Latin word for “milk,” because of its milky juice?
Yes, but milky6 lettuce juice sounds repulsive. haha
WYBM if I told you that a duck has the longest penis in proportion to body size. One duck had a 13 inch penis. That’s almost the length of it’s entire body.
Um…I think that there is another animal who has a longer one, but I can’t remember which one. (I’m doing this from memory rather than googling.)
Yes. The Blue Whale has an 8 ft penis….but your disclaimer reads “in proportion to body size..” HC is rolling over in his bed right now, screaming in envy.
WYBM if I said there is only one coffee that is grown and produced in the United States?
I would. And not Juan Valdez.
WYBM if I said the best coffee is grown in Africa?
No, I wouldn’t (again without googling.) I think it’s in Mexico. Or maybe South America. And I hate coffee. I had my first espresso the other day. Yuckydoyoh.
WYBM if I said some plants require being ingested by certain animals, going through the digestive tract, and coming out in the poop before they can germinate?
I would.
WYBM if I told you many baby animals eat their mothers poop to get the right digestive flora, rabbit babies have to eat their mothers poop or will die.
Sounds plausible.
WYBM if I said there’s no such thing as a Styrofoam™ cup?
True. I learned on here that “Styrofoam” is actually a trademarked name specifically for some blue foam stuff. I have quit calling it “Styrofoam” as a result.
WYBM if I said all condoms are the same size and they only have size markings for marketing purposes?
We need a man to answer this one. haha
They’re all going to say “Yes, and I ‘need a XXXXXXXXXXXLarge.” I’m telling you, we’re going to have to run some controlled, scientific testing on this one!
I would not.
I wanted a definitive answer before moving on, so here it is.
FYI/TMI I fall within the 5–7” average.
WYBM if I said on average, each of us picks enough boogers in our life time to fill 2 standard sized footlockers?
That is dissssssgussssting! Is it true? ewwww
I believe that I don’t want to give any more thought to the topic of nasal excavations.
WYBM if I told you that the oldest thing you’ve ever seen, consumes 600 million tons of hydrogen per second?
Maybe, but first I need to know what this “thing” is.
WYBM if I told you that my mood has been elevated 10,000% with a couple days of 80 something degree weather after 8 days of an inferno with temps 101–106? Fuck, it feels like a spring day and it was actually chilly this morning, fucking Hallelujah!
It’s a star somewhere, possibly our sun. But I have looked through telescopes. Come to think of it, the rate of hydrogen consumption is proportional to the mass of the star. I thought at first that the candidate might be a red dwarf somewhere, but my strong guess is now the sun. WYBM if I told you there are geese that can fly at altitudes exceeding 30,000 feet?
Maybe. If even chickens can fly then why can’t geese?
WYBMIITY that human can only live up to 120 years, no matter how hard we try to extend our life span?
Yes but 120 years is about 40 years too long for me.
WYBMIITY that geese can live over 20 years and often 30 m, 40 or more?
I would! You being the goose Goddess.
Trunks full of boogers was bogus!
WYBM if I reported that Philadelphia, Pa residents are having “adult only” pool parties in dumpsters on city streets?
It seems to me the water in one of those things would be particularly putrid and decidedly unhealthy to splash around in. WYBM if I told you I’m currently obsessed with V Kasarova
I’d believe you, wait, what’s V Kasarova? gotta look it up
WYBM if I told you I am watching a 10 yr. old boy trying to saddle his own horse here for a lesson? Tall horse, little boy, heavy saddle, but, he managed to get it up on her back after some serious struggling. Gotta be able to saddle your own horse if ya wanna ride kiddo. haha
@stanleybmanly Cool, never heard of her, I will listen to some of her opera later.
Sure, because it’s @Coloma‘s farm!
WYBMIITY that canned food isn’t that bad, it’s just that people consume it way too much?
WYBM if I said that farting helps reduce high blood pressure and is good for your health.
Is that so? haha Funny, but not sure I believe it, I will research.
WYBM if I told them that I am in the middle of a baby lizard explosion. 100’s of tiny, 1 inch baby lizards zinging around everywhere.
@Coloma here
Yes, yes I would.
WYBM if I told you that I am in the middle of a possum explosion? “Dead” possums showing up in my house almost daily.
Haha..okay, you win for wildlife moments.
WYBM if I told you that farriers ( horse shoers ) have jacks to put the horses foot up on to make trimming and filing easier? watching a horsey pedicure right now.
Well, yah. They had to hog tie my gentle horse to trim her hooves. She’s had a bad experience, and boy, did she fight them.
WYBM if I said that putting up the scores in front of the male swimmers makes ‘em all look like porn stars?
Look like?
Steele Johnson????? He’s got 8.5. I hope David’s Boudia is built for stout!
Too funny, @Dutchess_III!
WYBM if I said a bar in Charles City Iowa named “Derailed” was hit by a derailed train?
Haha, sure, the truth is, often, stranger than fiction.
WYBM if I told you I that white, gray and appaloosa horses are prone to penis sheath cancer?
I wonder what 70 kinds of hell would have broken out if that had been women…and I wonder why the men haven’t spoken out. Didn’t that make them uncomfortable?
Yes I would @Coloma.
WYBM if I told you my old white German Shepherd is a possum huntin’ fool, and brings possums into the house every other day?
Haha…I believe it. has she been bitten, they have lots of nasty sharp teeth.
WYBM if I told once that a Possum had, somehow, managed to climb up a shelf unit in my garage and when I opened the door it leapt in the air about 7 feet off the ground and sailed past my face. haha
No. They aren’t aggressive, unless they’re, like, seriously threatened. Back when we were pussies we used to call animal control on them. One time, one that was in our living room, was trying to run away and the AC officer stomped on his tail really hard with his heavy boot, and the possum turned around and bit his boot. WELL!! You would too, dip shit! Anyway, they’d rather play dead. I haven’t seen her do it, but I imagine she just walks up to them and they fall over ‘and she picks them up and brings them in.
Not sure if I’d believe you or not about your flying possum. Not from what I know about possums.
WYBM if I told you you can catch salmon in Kansas?
@Dutchess_III It’s true. I couldn’t believe how fast that Possum moved, just launched into the air and hit the ground running. I obviously really startled it.
Hmmm…don’t know, are their fresh water salmon that don’t come from the ocean?
WYBM if I told you a large bone of some kind once fell from a tall pine tree and almost nailed me on the head?
No. :D No salmon in Kansas. Except at the grocery store. Another reason I don’t bother to fish in Kansas. But salmon do spend part of their lives in fresh water rivers, and make their way ,to the ocean at maturity to breed, then back to the rivers to lay eggs.
I’d believe it if the fish were hauled in or farmed. I would not believe any Salmon swimming to or returning from any contemporary ocean to the state of Kansas. Not while Brownback is in office. I WOULD expect the wilflife to eventually emulate the people in fleeing the place and its embarrassing government. WYBMIITY I don’t care for Brownback?
@Coloma I would believe it. A good sized eagle could lift a big bone to a high perch in order to pick it clean at leisure.
Perhaps, if I knew what Brownback was. Is it a fish? haha
@stanleybmanly It’s true, one morning I was having my coffee under a pine tree in my yard and I heard something come crashing down through the branches. I thought it was a big pinecone, but…a giant dry bone landed at my feet narrowly missing hitting me.
WYBMIITY that I once saw a man disemboweled in a motorcycle wreck but he was still alert and talking?
A Brownback is a sleazy, slimy, careless, stupid, ignorant, Republican excuse for a Governor.
I could believe that. Shock can do crazy things. Did he live @Coloma?
WYBM if I told you I have over 10,000 pictures, mostly of my family, in various places?
I’d believe it! Yer a pikture takin’ granny! lol
Yes, he lived, that wasn’t exactly true but…it was a guy that had hit a deer on his motorcycle and when I drove past he was on the side of the road with a blanket pulled up over his chest but…their was a huge pile of guts in the middle of the road. I was freaking out, couldn’t compute what I was seeing, until..the return trip when I saw the gutted, dead deer in a ditch on the other side of the road. The guy just broke his leg. Crazy!
WYBM if I told you I have been trying to get out of here for an hour but keep getting distracted and doing other things like fluthering.
I would believe it in an instant as a sign that you didn’t want to leave.
WYBMIITY that my family’s history is kind of boring?
No I would not! Not if they came through the Vietnam war I wouldn’t!
WYBM me if I said the things my grandparents, especially my gramma, went through blows my mind?
Since I think your g’parents experienced WW2, I certainly do.
WYBM if I told that I even though I served on a guided missile ship during the Vietnam war, the most danger I encountered was “friendly” fire from another US ship?
Yes I would. No question :D
WYBM if I told you I forgot this thread ever existed?
I sho’ nuff would! ;p
I saw this one when I was searching Goog, for Josie’s question about the supermassive black hole at the center of the M87 galaxy; I completely forgot that I posted in this thread.
Let the above be a segue to: WYBMIITYT the oldest thing you’ve ever seen, consumes 600 million tons of oxygen per second?
WYBMIITY I commune with a Woodpecker every morning.
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