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(My story) How should I deal with my husband's ex?
All three of us went to high school together. I was acquaintances with her and we hung out occasionally with mutual friends, and some small talk on social media. He had a very rocky, on again/off again (mostly on her part) with her in college for about a year. My now husband apparently had a very obvious crush on me during high school, and I was just oblivious, but we were friends then and we would hang out. He hardly knew she existed I think because she would always skip class.
When he dated her in college she would break up with him, “date” some other guy and he would always be there for her. He told me when they dated that she would mention me often and she was very aware of his crush on my in high school, often bring up things she thought were my flaws, and even accused him of cheating on her with me! I was living in another state at the time! ...Until he broke up her, and a few months later we dated and we are now married. It’s been six years and we are now approaching our 30’s. I thought after a year or so things would settle down with her. I kept hearing gossip through mutual friends like “That guy is abusive, you shouldn’t date him!” (more like she was to him in reality), calling me every name in the book (behind my back). She sent some tough guys to go pick a fight with my (now) husband. She would follow me in a way when I was downtown. Walk into a shop that I was in and sort of stare, run ahead of me then stop. Since we have a lot of mutual friends I couldn’t help but notice that she would be blocking/unblocking me all the time on FB.
Now, I know this sounds ridiculous and you would think that most people would just disregard it, but she is somehow very convincing and unassuming. Also she is very beautiful, and always single so guys seem disillusioned and willing to help with whatever she asks.
Through all of this I’ve never understood why she has put so much energy into doing whatever it is that she’s doing when I’m just the kind of person who wants to be everyone’s friend.
We have a lot of mutual friends and I sometimes hear gossip about me and sometimes him (from her) through these friends.
Once again you would think that these people would know better as these ideas she’s feeding them are way out there, but she seemed to have a very covert way of of manipulating people. I have always believed in the idea that the truth will catch up with her… and everyone.
However, it’s been six years… I few years ago we moved to a city a few hours away, I thought she had settled down, but I noticed again that she’s blocking and unblocking me. Lol… I’m just baffled. I saw an old friend recently that mentioned she said something as well, who also seemed to take her seriously. I’ve only had one friend say eventually, and apologizing about going along with her schemes. He said he felt like she was using him as a “spy” to learn more about my life with my now husband.
Anyways after all of this I haven’t bothered to ask for anyone’s advice, but frankly it’s creepy even more so she has a violent past. All I’ve ever done about this is just ignore it, but I’m still baffled, and genuinely feel sorry for her because she seems so be suffering in a way.
I’d really like her to get over whatever it is she has issues with and move on with her life and stop creeping on me (us). I understand I probably can’t do that.
I’ve thought about sending her a message saying that if there was something she would like to say she could talk to me, but I don’t know that she’s capable of talking civilly and I’m afraid it might just make things worse. Or I could block her one of these times she unblocked me, but again not sure that would do any good?
Again we have a lot of mutual friends, how do I deal with her if I would see her at an event that would require conversation? AKA our High School reunion (very small school) So far I’ve just ignored her like I said.
Sometimes I want to give up and disconnect myself from these friends/acquaintances, but it just seems wrong as it’s not their fault of course. Or I want to quit social media, or take down stuff that’s public (it’s not personal, but I know she’s creeping on it).
Feel free to ask me more, but I’ve probably already told you more than you wanted to know. Thank you for reading my story, much love for making it all the way to the end! <3

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