I have a FB friend who, apparently, went to the same high school, but I don’t recall him. I think he’s a few years older, or younger. We tend to debate and sometimes I think he’s an ass but then he’ll do something funny, or smart…there is just something there that has me keep him on my friend’s list.
I posted this “Non political test” on my FB page, and this is the response I got from him:
“And I came back as a Democrat. That’s the only disgusting part of this exercise. I’d have to call B.S. on the survey. The brief description of the methodology said it was 98% accurate. That’s an incredible claim, especially when it’s based on self reports. In the very small population represented here it was right only 33%. In order to get to 98% it would have to be right for the next 97 participants.”
I said, *“You came back as a Dem! Well, that explains why you are still my friend!
I wondered about it, too. In fact, on another website I suggested that the test was created by a Democrat as a way to discredit Republicans.
Someone Else [here on Fluther…no names] (A Dem) said, “No. That isn’t a valid statement.
People who report disgust skew conservative and Republican. It isn’t an opinion. It is an observation.
I said, “are you saying the test is a valid reflection of political leaning? (I’m not agreeing or disagreeing, just needing clarification.)”
Someone Else said, “It works for most people who take the test. Not everybody, but most people. That’s it. That is all. It’s an observation.”
That kind of put it in a different light. I mean, think about it, Randy. Which party, overall, shows the least amount of empathy, and the most amount of judgemental disgust?
Deport 11 million people (ripping families apart in the process.)
Make it so that poor people have to take drug tests (because everyone knows poor people are just lazy losers or they wouldn’t be poor.)
Make it so poor people can’t buy certain foods
Overturn Roe Vs Wade.
Don’t allow war refugees into the US, even if they’re just children.
Deport Muslims.
How they howled when gay marriage became legal.
It goes on and on. I’m willing to listen if you have any such claims against humanity that Democrats have made that is comparable to these.