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Dutchess_III's avatar

Do you see any particular meaning in this?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) August 2nd, 2016

“Perceptions of religious imagery in natural phenomena” Simulacrum.

You know, like the picture of Jesus in toast or other things some attribute to “miracles?”

The following is a picture of the the lovely arm of one of our own. Due to Fluther rules I can’t tell you, so you have to guess! The bruise is from her IV which she had because she had baby #3 on July 31st, a beautiful baby girl. (All info and this question used with permission.)

Here is what she posted,. I immediately made the magical connection and understood what the universe was trying to tell me, and it was this: Here. Pretty sure it means we need to get back to Roman Catholicism where we belong.

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29 Answers

BellaB's avatar

Interesting. I don’t see at all what you seem to. I see a cat peering through an old t.v. case.

ragingloli's avatar

It is clearly some sort of injection moulding apparatus.

ragingloli's avatar

No, wait!
It is a big soup cauldron surrounded by hot coals inside the ground.

BellaB's avatar

This is like an old-school Rorschach test.

ucme's avatar

I believe it means you’re batshit crazy :D

chyna's avatar

Looked like a penis to me.

Winter_Pariah's avatar

I see a piston. Clearly means I need to forgo my education and put forth every effort I can muster into finishing restoring my 1966 Mustang. XD

Zaku's avatar

I see a cross-section of a couple of stone arches, with two floors/walls between them, one inverted, and a something penetrating the walls. It looks like an architectural drawing of something medieval. I also see that it seems a bit like a mechanical diagram for a piston, though still it looks like the chambers are made of stone.

Which is really cool, but I assume actually is an imprint from something else that was on her arm?

But I think that our associations ARE significant, because they can show us things that are important to us but that our habitual thought patterns don’t usually touch on, but that are important we look at. Often our thoughts keep us from getting to feelings that need attention, until something gets you to see another perspective that opens that up.

BellaB's avatar

@Zaku, the associations comment is likely true. I think I’ve been looking at too many photos of tv’s being reworked into pet beds.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh, this is hilarious! Well, at least it has some meaning to each and every one of you! And yours is the true meaning. I never saw the penis before now @chyna, thanks ALOT! Or the piston @Winter_Pariah. But I do now. ;)
Love the cat @BellaB. I see it too. :D

Ok, let me play again…One two. As you can see, it is neither a penis nor a piston. It is a well, for the common people. Sheesh!

BellaB's avatar

Yikes. Now I really really see the penis. Or is that a sandworm from Dune?

Winter_Pariah's avatar

Now I see a brick oven with a first person point of view of stick a pizza in it.

stanleybmanly's avatar

No. It amounts to finding a profile of Nixon in a bag of potato chips.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m so laughing you guys! Let’s goi with sandworm, @BellaB. (That is one fuggly, scary penis.)

Pandora's avatar

I thought it looked like this breed of dog.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Ha ha!

Hey….doesn’t anyone want to know whose arm that is??

Coloma's avatar

I once had a large, fat, pink candle melt into the shape of a penis on my patio table and I’m pretty sure I saw the image of the virgin mother in it’s bulbous head. lol

chyna's avatar

Yes. Who’s arm is it?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Italian Princess!!

DrasticDreamer's avatar

I see a black and white puppy with pointy ears (one flopped over) sitting in a basket.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh dear. I’ve turned Italian Princess into a Rorschach Blot Test.

cazzie's avatar

All I see is a nurse that needs more practice putting in lines.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No kidding! But…what would we have to talk about on Fluther if it wasn’t for incompetent nurses?!

cazzie's avatar

how about Congrats to Italian Princess on the new bairn?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yeah! I sent her a link to this question. Should we start a new party thread for her?

cazzie's avatar

sounds appropriate.

cazzie's avatar

Um… you outed her on this thread. I think the ball is most certainly in your court.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, I outed her with her permission. Let me see if she’d be OK with a party thread.

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