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SQUEEKY2's avatar

What are your thoughts about Trumps remarks to the Kahns who lost their son in Iraq?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23572points) August 3rd, 2016

That alone should tell anyone that has a higher education than grade 2 , he is not the man for your top job.
The Kahns son was a captain in the us army and his actions saved his entire unit.
And King Trump could only say, why didn’t the wife say anything, he speculated maybe she wasn’t allowed to.
WOW! That alone should tell you, he is not a unifier.
What are your thoughts about this?

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22 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

He even shocked and disgusted other top republicans with this one, think maybe this will be the one that could actually hurt him come November??

Mariah's avatar

Following these remarks was the first time I saw any of my conservative Facebook friends express doubts in Trump.

He’s an awful human. I appreciate every time he opens his mouth and causes more people to realize this.

stanleybmanly's avatar

It just never stops. 3 more months of nonstop daily demonstrations of hopeless ineptitude.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

This one is right up there with Trump mocking a disabled reporter.

Pachy's avatar

Disgusting and wrong.

But at last, I think we’re watching him self destruct, thank goodness. In my opinion, he’s done Irreparable damage with his words and actions.

MrGrimm888's avatar

More of the same. A note to the OP : please don’t put the word ‘unifier’ in a sentence with Trump. He is perhaps the most divisive candidate to make it this far ever.

I find it interesting though, his ‘strategy. ’
It’s almost like he’s been trying to commit political suicide, but no matter what he says , his supporters love him. He’s a real Teflon Don.

It wouldn’t suprise me if he ate a puppy alive on live TV.

ucme's avatar

My thoughts are these…“oops there goes another rubber tree plant”

filmfann's avatar

It didn’t change my opinion of him, just solidified it.

Mariah's avatar

@MrGrimm888 “It’s almost like he’s been trying to commit political suicide, but no matter what he says , his supporters love him.”

Agreed. He said it himself a few months ago… “I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters.”

Pandora's avatar

Absolutely unnecessary. He could’ve ignored it or defused it by saying he had every right to voice his opinion.and that he supports gold star families. He could’ve also said he has read the constitution but has no idea what the big words mean.
He had an opportunity to defuse what was said and instead he decided to bring the wood, lighter fluid and matches and then stand in the center of it.
It was clearly his choice to burn.
I’ll gladly bring marshmallows to the campfire and extra wood.

BellaB's avatar

It confirmed my opinion of him. It lined up with his comments re Mr. McCain.

I’ve been a bit disturbed to see some friends, online and IRL, try to defend his comments.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I hate ,HATE, hate Trump. But he is an interesting person in history now. Truth is stranger than fiction.

If I Trump didn’t exist, and I wrote a book with him as a character, he would be dismissed by critics as being unrealistic. His character would be deemed, not rounded, and crazy. It would seem like a stupid book, because no readers would believe that the character could succeed at his endeavors, because he’s a idiot that says whatever comes to his idiot mind.

I’m not sure what his defining characteristic is: illusions of grandeur, or shit stirring. I wish he’d just slither back to his non political life.It’s a fucking joke to him. He may have his head so far up his own ass that he can’t see he’s on the brink of pulling the last string that was holding this world together. This is a fragile, an explosive time in human history. He is THE LAST PERSON who should be president of the USA in these times….SO FRUSTRATING…...

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@MrGrimm888 let us hope then there are enough registered us voters that are smart enough to realize this and get out and vote come election day.

Buttonstc's avatar

Another mother whose son also sacrificed his life serving our country summed it up perfectly when asked for her opinion by a reporter.

“There are really only two things you can say to a Goldstar parent. I’m sorry for your loss. And, I’m very sorry for your loss.”

Dutchess_III's avatar

I know that many, many, many people I know, who have never voted in the past, got themselves registered (for the first time in their lives) just to vote for Bernie….and they’re all disillusioned. I hope they use their new-found registrations to vote against Trump.

He is a sick, psychopathic asshole, “utterly incapable of empathy.” (Heard someone on the radio say that.)

MrGrimm888's avatar

Voting is a scam. Better to spend your time growing tomatoes, or fishing. Otherwise you will not yield the gains of your work. A tomato in the hand,is worth 2 Bush presidencies. Teach a man to fish, and he’ll never be hungry. Teach a man to vote in America, and he might go hungry.


Even hardcore voting enthusiasts must recognize this election for what it is. THESE 2 ARE THE BEST THIS COUNTRY HAS?!?!?

The mere fact that some of you will HAVE to vote to try and keep a dangerous, dangerously unqualified candidate from office speaks volumes of what a pathetic mess ‘democracy ’ is in America.

In my lifetime, it seems each election people are going with the lesser of two evils. That’s not democracy. That’s BULLSHIT.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I have said that about all politicians for quite some time, you vote the lesser crook in at least you hope to vote the lesser crook in.

flutherother's avatar

The remarks were inexcusable from anyone, for a presidential candidate to make them beggars belief.

Lightlyseared's avatar

He’s a fucking idiot.

I realize I’ve expressed that opinion before but I thiught it was worth repeating

YARNLADY's avatar

He’s a raving lunatic.

Dutchess_III's avatar

He’s a moron of the lowest caliber. Next?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I know this is humour but it is worth a look…

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