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Dutchess_III's avatar

Do you let numbers sway you?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) August 3rd, 2016

I play WWF with several people. One of them, who I am about equal in skill to, told me he never, ever looks at the scores. So I’ve tried not to…BUT I CAN’T HELP IT! I’m not sure if it defeats me or inspires me.

There was a bag of Quick Crete that was left out on the side deck, open to the elements, as part of a post-setting project that didn’t happen. It’s been out there for 3 months. Got sick of looking at it, and knowing that it’s worthless now, I decided to haul it to our trailer, upon which is a bunch of other shit I’ve been cleaning out of the yard.
I shoved the block of hardened concrete from the low deck to the dolly I had standing by in the yard, and wheeled it out to the trailer. From there I had to pick it up, from the ground, 3 or 4 feet, to get it over the trailer rails and down on the bed.
I looked at the bag to see the weight….it was 50 pounds. I said, “Oh, hell! I can do that easily!” and so I did. (I probably could have actually carried it instead of the dolly but..I’m safer with myself than I used to be.)
Now I’m wondering if it had said, 80 pounds (but was still only 50) would I have been so confident? I’m sure I would have still done it…but would it have seemed as easy?

Just a thought. Do with it what you will.

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