Why is it illegal to have sex with a goat? [legal question, not NSFW]?
Today’s news brought this story about a man who was arrested for having sex with a goat (no kidding…)
Where do anti-bestiality laws come from? Are they religious in background?
Or is this just another outreach of our nanny state government. (pun intended)
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26 Answers
Don’t you want to protect innocent, helpless animals from such men?
Irrational fear of hybrids?
I don’t think any of Muhammad Ali’s sexual partners were prosecuted (G.O.A.T)
I would say it is an issue of consent. The goat cannot consent to sex with a human.
Worry not. After exterminating all the Gülen followers, Erdogan’s first act will be legalising sex with goats, so that his own exploits will be legal.
On a more serious note:
If it is fine to murder goats and eat them, then fucking them should be fine, too. Moreso, even.
@ragingloli – good point, it’s not like we ask the goats permission to slaughter them.
It is about consent and age. The goat isn’t over 18 and a dinner and movie is out.
But seriously, folks. Sodomy is basically sticking your willie in a place where it doesn’t belong.
So sad that such a thing has to be addressed. Lost faith in humanity yet?...
@MrGrimm888 – rather than moralize, please supply an answer to my direct question.
Interesting question. Never having been romantically attracted to another species (unless you count my love for my 16-year old cat), I never thought about it, so I did a quick search and found this page.
I gave up on animal sex long ago as there’s never any eye contact.
I require a mind to mind emotional exchange.
Call me a romantic I guess.
Apologies @elbanditoroso. The laws were likely religious in origin. People of faith don’t seem to like coupling of anything other than a human man, and human woman. In fact, for whatever reason, it’s usually the first thing someone opposed to gay marriage brings up. They say ‘a man and man, what’s next a man and a horse?’
I would like to think that the people who drafted these laws were thinking about the animal and the cruelty of such acts. But I wager it was based on how a person who has sex with animals is/was viewed. They didn’t want the ‘town animal fucker ’ sitting next to them at a gathering. The conversation would be very awkward.
I suppose there was a guy screwing everyone’s animals, so they all got together and made it illegal….
Not all laws are sensible to me, but I agree that nobody should have sex with animals.
I believe it is religiously based.
Sex = procreation.
If sex is done for any reason other than procreation, it is a sin.
It’s not so long ago that gay sex was against the law for the exact same reason.
I’ve heard that in some cultures, a boy’s ‘first time ’ is with a sheep frequently. Something about sheep makes them close to human women. I really don’t like thinking about it though.
1. A goat cannot give consent. LOL
2. Great Ewww factor.
3. If you are too ugly for a real person, then you are too ugly for a goat. They have standards too.
4. The person should consider screwing a warm apple pie that they made or bought. Be sure to warm it for 4 minutes in the microwave first. All needs of bestiality will disappear.
5. There are also inflatable dolls as alternatives.
But seriously, I can’t but feel like a person who does that probably has the potential of being a rapist. The animal is considered an object. Not a flesh and blood creature. I mean, who looks at a goat and thinks, she looks so fine I want to do her and I know she’s into me?
Because cantaloupes are a more readily available substitute for goats, than goats are for other humans.
I agree with @Seek. It’s a consent issue.
I would disagree with the belief that Goat can’t give consent. I have seen videos where the animals themselves are the ones that initiate sexual activities to other species and object, including human.
If a big dog tries to penetrate you while you’re naked and you allow such things then the statement of “no consent from animals” will be null and void.
I believe the primary reason why it’s forbidden might come from statutory law of a country where they prohibit such act.
@Unofficial_Member Fair enough points, but some very small children can do the same thing. That doesn’t make it right. Animals, just like children, are not nearly as intelligent as adult humans. That in and of itself makes it wrong, in my opinion.
@DrasticDreamer But some very small children have not developed sexual desire yet so I don’t think it’s comparable. I don’t think sexual desire is tied with intelligence, or if less intelligent animals are deemed to commit wrongdoings if they decided to have sex with other species/object.
I don’t see anything wrong with it as long the goat is an adult animal of sound mind. A period of courtship should precede the encounter. I am thinking of visits to the cinema or a restaurant and perhaps a night of dancing. Attacking an animal in a field without any warning is simply crude and uncivilised.
Why do my goat kabobs taste of semen?
@Unofficial_Member If they’ve been abused before, that’s not usually the case. But just because the desire might exist in them, it doesn’t mean it should be taken advantage of by something far more intelligent – who naturally holds all the power. Child or animal, that doesn’t really change.
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