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Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Where do you want to go?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37818points) August 5th, 2016

I really want to go to Greece and Turkey to see the sites related to my Classical education.


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23 Answers

Dutchess_III's avatar

Washington state. See my relatives. And so Rick can experience to that stunning country.

Mariah's avatar

I haven’t been outside the US yet, and there are entire chunks of the country that I’ve never stepped foot in either.

This does not mesh well with my obsession with birds, which requires me to go as many places as possible if I hope to see even a small percentage of the variety that is out there.

Costa Rica would be a really good start.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

The University of Alberta library.

SecondHandStoke's avatar

I’m looking forward to my trip Germany to drive the Nordschleife section of the Nürburgring in two years.

I’ll also be taking a cruise up the Rhine river.

If I’m really lucky I’ll get a chance to head east and pay a visit to Loli.

Seek's avatar

I want to go to Ireland. To Munster. I just want to put my toes in the dirt my ancestors walked on.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Me too! Me too!!

flutherother's avatar

I want to go back to China.

ucme's avatar

I want to go where the people are
I wanna see, wanna see them dancing
Up where they walk
Up where they run
Up where they stay all day in the sun…

jca's avatar

Have been to Ireland. Want to go to Scotland, Wales and England and Germany and Switzerland to name a few. Maybe Greece, the south of France, Holland to name a few others.

Have been to Hawaii and Mexico. Hawaii was incredible.

Want to go to Alaska one day, too.

Jeruba's avatar

Oh, the list is long. I would like to go back to England and Scotland and France, tour Germany and Austria and Switzerland, visit Egypt and Australia and Japan, see Tibet and India and Wales and Italy and Greece. I’d also like to travel to our own states of Alaska and Hawaii and get into Canada’s western provinces.

But right now I’d be happy just to go 35 miles to Felton.

cookieman's avatar

We’re going to Iceland this Fall.

Super excited first time out of the US in ten years. Woot!

Coloma's avatar

I want to go to Vietnam. I love Asia and I really, really, REALLY want to see Vietnam after traveling to Taiwan in 2010.

Kardamom's avatar

Back to England, for an extended stay. I was only there for 7 days the last time and saw 3 cities, but didn’t have hardly any time to spend in London. We didn’t get to go into any of the museums. I could easily spend 3 months in just London looking at the architecture, eating in restaurants, and visiting historic places and going to museums. Anything that has to do with The Beatles or Sherlock Holmes would keep me occupied for a very long time.

Of course I would also like to go to Cornwall and see where Doc Martin is filmed and possibly catch a glimpse of Mr. Clunes himself.

I would also like to go back to Yosemite to tent camp, and also to stay at the Awhanee Hotel. I was only there once, when I was 11, and even though I enjoyed it immensely, I think I would appreciate it much more as an adult. Also, I have a good camera now!

I think I would enjoy visiting Seattle too, for the rain, for the restaurants, for the coffee, and for the architecture. I love me some towers like the Space Needle and the Stratosphere Tower (Las Vegas).

syz's avatar

My lifetime trip would be to Africa to see charismatic megafauna before they no longer exist in the wild.

LornaLove's avatar

Oh, the world is such a big and interesting place.

It also seems to get more interesting the older I get, so odd.

I’d like to see Alaska, Italy, Greece, I want to swim in the Med’ again, USA, Hawaii (for the Lomi Lomi massage). There is not enough space to write it all down!

JLeslie's avatar

Places I have not been to, but want to see:

Holland, MI at tulip time

Places I’ve been, but would love to see again:

The Catskills
San Antonio

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Everywhere! I love travelling and meeting new people from different places. I was just in six different countries (more if you count the country’s where airports I landed in are). I think I must be easily pleased because there wasn’t a place I didn’t really like. I just love walking the streets, watching people, stopping for coffee or a beer and impromptu talks with people close by. We had long conversations with Mexican people who live in the US, Finnish people (while we were in Venice), Austrians in Rome, people from Texas in Rome, French/Italian people in Milan, Singaporean cab drivers…the list goes on. And we enjoyed long conversations with them about their lives and experiences. And then there are the people we actually intended to meet. So very interesting.

I would happily go back to each place I visited. I’d love to have more time to spend. That’s my only regret. I’d like to be able to take a month or two to travel around the Scandinavian countries, and Italy, and Germany and so on and on. There is never enough time.

Where do I want to go next? I don’t know. I’ll see what opportunities arise and make the most of them when they do.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I’m a kayak /canoe guy. I’d love to paddle the south Pacific. Figi, Hawaii, Tahiti and southeast Asia.

jca's avatar

Two places in the US I’ve never been to and want to add to my list: 1. Yosemite and 2. Oregon, Washington state and up to Canada including the Canadian Rockies.

SecondHandStoke's avatar

^ Yosemite is the shit.

It’s so beautiful it hurts.

Coloma's avatar

@jca @SecondHandStoke I’m about 3 hours away from Yosemite, come on out, we’re between forest fires in the moment. haha

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

The two locations at the top of my list are India and Austria; India to experience the culture and Austria for the music. Both will take planning, time, the I and money, so it may be years before both are visited.

Inspired_2write's avatar

I wish to be able to map out where my ancestors once carved out a living.
I wish to document the research on that journy to preserve our Family History as I know that in future the “me Generation” would not care a bit about what it took for there ancestors to enable the present generation to survive in comfort.

I am continuing the research and have one Family History book published and wish to add more info as I come ascross it to add to the library on Our Familys History.

I am obtaining aerial phtographs ( 1950’s+) to show what the actual homes looked like and then go to Land Titles Dept to obtain the spects on each home ( interior layouts) since all of our homes that we grew up in are now destroyed,and rebuilt on by present occupants.

Then I turn my research to the Grandparents generation for same as above statement to take as far as available.( 1910 – present available aerial photos).

I am constantly writing on the findings to one day publish.

I am hoping to take a screenwriting ( beginners) software of class program in Vancouver or Toronto University if possible ( finances).

From there too France Archives and to doucument places like , L’Dieu France where 1630 my Ancestor lived..and so on down the lineage.

I am not one for “Just” travelling, I intend to make something ( research) to leave a legacy of information relevant to our families.

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