Social Question

Brian1946's avatar

What is the hydrogen consumption rate of Betelgeuse?

Asked by Brian1946 (32782points) August 5th, 2016

It’s my understanding that the Sun’s consumption rate is 600 million tons per second, and the Juice is way bigger than our star.

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5 Answers

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

If you ask this question out loud 3 times while looking in a mirror, will you spontaneously combust?

Should this be in the General Section?

Brian1946's avatar

I figure I’m going to get so few answers either way that I may as well leave it in social.
If I was asking about a certain unnamed gas giant that rotates on an approximately horizontal axis, then I might have considered putting it in general. ;-)

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

One celestial body’s horizontal is another’s vertical. It’s all relative. Pass the potatoes.

flutherother's avatar

It is bigger than the sun and so has burned up its hydrogen much more quickly. As I understand it there is none left

zenvelo's avatar

@flutherother thanks, that is a fascinating article!

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