Meta Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What do you do if you suspect that a bot made it into the Fluther mansion?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25193points) August 7th, 2016

I’m not going to name names. What are the odds? The person seems real on the surface? Humor welcome.

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29 Answers

Coloma's avatar

Well….just mess with them until it becomes crystal clear then notify the mods or flag them as “other” with an explanation. Bots can’t answer everything precisely, so it shouldn’t be too hard to sniff ‘em out.

zenvelo's avatar

Inform the mods of your suspicions, but don’t engage them yourself. That’s what the mods are here to handle.

I say that because your suspicions may or may not be correct.

YARNLADY's avatar

That’s what mods are for.

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stanleybmanly's avatar

It isn’t necessary. I’m busy teasing someone, and I shouldn’t be so evil on a Sunday.

ibstubro's avatar

Try to find the person that programmed the bot, and ask them if we can have 100 more, asap.

ibstubro's avatar

3 new ones a day for a month should do for a start.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Hasn’t it become a fact a long time ago?

Seek's avatar

Not it.

flutherother's avatar

I would inform the mansion police who will drag it down to the basement and beat the crap out of it.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Good afternoon Sir. I am not a bot. I am human. See me type.

ragingloli's avatar

That is racist.

Mariah's avatar

I can’t imagine it’d happen since lurve is given out by users, and humans are generally good at recognizing bots.

But if a bot is high enough quality to fool people into giving it 10K+ lurve, I wanna meet the person who programmed it because that would be literally groundbreaking. Ever heard of the Turing test? It’s only been passed once and they did it by claiming to be a 13 year old boy not speaking his native language, so people discounted anything that seemed like nonsense to age and/or language barrier. Not exactly a stunning victory.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

The bot must be made to clean the bidets and toilets.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I too believe the likliehood remote indeed. This is particularly true if the suspect has been in the clubhouse for several years. But the intriguing aspect of this is that such a possibility looms large on the horizon. If the site has the legs to last a few years, attempts should be anticipated. I mean think about Mariah’s description on how the program was disguised to elude detection. I DO understand the suspicion. If a participant here asks an enormous number of questions, we would be inclined to dismiss the nonsensical, banal, or even mysogynist entries as the expected flaws generated with overtime production.

ibstubro's avatar

If they can ask/answer good enough questions to make it to the Mansion, they have my lurve!

I can’t imagine what it would take to write a program that could provide factually correct, informally written answers to random questions.
And if you could do such a thing, why would you bother with Fluther?? Think of the billions you could make spamming for profit.

stanleybmanly's avatar

What about a bot that answers very few questions, yet spews out an enormous number of inane questions of its own? Then suppose that when the bot is challenged on the nature of its questions, the creature behind the machine steps in to field the challenges, then sets the infernal machine loose to grind out more swill?

Mariah's avatar

^ If the questions are as inane as you say the bot would have a hard time getting up to 10k lurve. I sincerely don’t think we need to worry about bots in the mansion!

ibstubro's avatar

Bots in the mansion are about as likely as…well…A Trump in the White House!
See you in December.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@Mariah I disagree. If one wishes to accumulate lurve, the handicap of inane answers is readily overcome with nonstop answers and the passage of time. In fact, it can be easily argued that a member’s lurve total reflects in order of significance: the length of time associated with the site, the level of participation and then the quality of answers as gauged by the membership.

Mariah's avatar

I don’t disagree with that, but we’ve already established that programming a bot to answer questions with relevant answers is difficult, so they’d mostly be relying on questions, and if they’re relying on volume, that’s going to be tough because of the 3 question per day limit.

flutherother's avatar

Maybe Mr Trump could build a wall to keep them out?

dappled_leaves's avatar

Throw it into the mansion’s indoor pool, of course. If it’s a bot, it will float. No, wait… that’s a witch. If it’s a bot, it will give off sparks and short-circuit. Problem solved.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

The Second Amendment people will take care or it.

ibstubro's avatar

I suggest we just go slack and take one for the team?

Pachy's avatar

I confess. I’m an elepha-bot.

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